They cum in me? nothing, no STS, no pregnant, nothing.
I get abused under drugs? Nothing, just a small remorse, no more.
My kid becamos abusive and manipulative showing clear dark triad traits? No problem, I suck a cock and its mine to keep him abussing me, no psychologist or , neightbour social worker sees nothing.
I keep a teenager in constant bait for sex? No problem, she is 007 perfect spy, no one notice anything and he doesnt even drop grades.
I like that you can fine tune the MC life, but I would like her to face consequences if she goes too far on a dark path. Like, she is a teacher, wants to work as a teacher, and now she is posing naked for mainstream magazines, and nothing will happen.
Keep in mind that Zorlun has indicated there could be consequences later on, e.g.
if she goes for the porn thing, Myriam could end up being effectively a porn actress.
Also, you seem to be expecting an automatic mechanism like "cum inside=guaranteed pregnancy", being a game, it does not pretend to be scientifically correct, but even that, would be a moral approach, even in real life, it is not so automatic (who said that Myriam does not take the pill, even if also that does not give 100% guarantee, and cannot get access to the "day after pill" ?) - though also remember Zorlun has already indicated
at least one of the possible endings include pregnancy for Myriam.
Plus, you misunderstood something, she is (not yet

, depending on the choices) systematically posing naked for mainstream magazines or doing porn, she only had one session as "muse", so it is normal that there are no big consequnces (yet, at leats).
Also, she is not a teacher, she is an athletics coach, there are a number of World class athletes who had sexy pictures taken of them while still being athletes, and I recall discovering someone called Podkapova (I honestly did not know who she was) is a former gymnast who went on to Playboy and then to porn (never seen any, don't even know how she looks like).
True, the lady in question does not do (I think) athletics anymore and is not a coach, but still, if you had e.g. a World class tennist who had sexy topless microbikini (and maybe more pictures) willfully taken for some magazine like FHM or Playboy (I don't mean Internet fakes), would you now want to have her teach tennis to your, anyway already not little kids, sons and daughters ?
It's true in USA (where the game is loosely located) they tend to be more strict on some things (despite the size of their porn industry

), but that depends also on the place, and on the parents, some may be more open than others. Also true that being a good athlete does not make automatically a good coach (that is a misconception, sometime a much more mediocre athlete may be a better coach than a World champion), but in the case of Myriam, the game suggests she is a good coach.
About the "abused under drugs", there was already an exchange touching that, about "rape". In RL I never went on with a drunk or otherwise "high" one, and if she is unable to consent or to provide a "valid" consent ("valid" is where the ambiguity can start), it can be considered equivalent to rape or almost (e.g. sexual assault) in many jurisdictions, but that is based on the victim deciding she was a victim.
Myriam is clearly almost never feeling like a victim, more like someone that once she starts exploring new things, loses the control (or not, depending on the player choices).
If you look well, till now, even when Myriam is submissive, she is kind of chosing to be submissive (or better, the player is chosing for her

), even if with time that can become an automatic habit (which is more realistic that some could think).
Exploring and not stopping early enough can even seem a bit adolescential, but in reality, it is kind of normal if she was (as in the game) constrained, and now is discovering and exploring her freedom.
The only cases where it was really purely forced on her and she was not getting excitiment and pleasure out of it (aside
eventually the shower at the beach, but even there, she decides to let the guy continue, it's only at the end that she has the delusion, were
with Anthony, with the Russian mobster assault and in the alley after meeting with the curator at the bar, but if you noticed, in all three cases, she can, and does, depending on the choices of the player, to different extents, assert herself not to be a pure victim, even if with Anthony it took longer.
I can even tell you a real case of someone, admittedly younger than Myriam (but still well above legal age) who ended up willingly doing something under influence, getting in the "we did it so we are a couple" mode, then only when discovered the guy had never had any intention of being a couple, just to use her, and was shagging around (though it was quite notorious and not very hidden, and reason why she had not been interested in him in the first place), moved to "exploited victim consciousness" and felt bad about it (but in the situation, it was out of the question doing anything legally).
Effectively, you have in the last couple of updates the possibility for Myriam to e.g.
realise the cops are two assholes and dump them, feeling upset and bad at having done stuff with them, so it is not true she does not feel anything about the things that happen, it is up to you how you want her to behave - though being a more experienced women, and in reality not as weak as some would portray her, she is more upset and enraged with them, then depressive.
So, in its being an unrealistic erotic game, the game is actually more realistic than people give it credit for

(I would say unfortunately for some things, but that is already a kind of judgement, and not on the game

Again, Zorlun has already said that later on, there will be consequences of the choices made, and in reality, there are already some.
E.g. you can cut out completely bestiality and the "fantasy" scene by chosing the right option at the start, you can avoid completely, or stop (in more than one occasion) completely certain "activities" with Marc, and if you don't, that has consequences in the way the story and Myriam develop.
By the time she goes down on Mr Little, he had shown ZERO attractive traits. At the beggining he was creepy as fuck. Later he was eager, fast paced, anxious and neurotic, zero attractiveness. He is later too much of a nice guy, too polite, too pleaser, again zero attraction, actual attraction killers. But, she admits to go on a date (actually you choose but its clear you have to in order to score BDick points). My view is that Mr L is not a character, is just a piece of meat, the graphics of his cock are just plain parody and kills any mood, and having sex with extreme oversized cock is not that way.
About the big stuff ;-), you may feel it "closer home", since make some reference also to yourself, but about the usual caveat of "it's a game", I can make you two references unrelated but in reality related.
Years ago, a guy tried to pick-up a girl I knew by going with the "if you go black, you never go back", with the BBC idea. Apparently (I was not there) the conversation after was nice enough to get him some points, but by clear indication of the girl to me, that phrase had killed everything.
You seem to suggest that the idea of Cleavon being so nice, polite, pleaser, is wrong because someone so hung (well, of course Zorlun has even exaggerated a bit

) would not be that way, would get the girl thanks to being good looking and so well endowed, and then be dumped, given the reference to the Cuban guy you know.
Men are almost always obsessed with size, not women. At least some women may also want to try the size for curiosity, but if the man cannot add up something after, that interest will not last long - as you said yourself, "meat".
Food parallel, I love to eat a big steak, but after I have eaten it, my interest for it is gone, and I love to eat it, but if it was everyday the same, it would get boring very fast.
Remember also that many men forget that is perfectly possible to get a woman to have great pleasure just by stimulating the rights spots in the right way, no need to use your dick, and many women like that a lot, not only for the sexual pleasure itself, and become very "collaborative" and "appreciative".
Plus, don't forget that there are women who really go for a constant streak of asshole they see/confuse as "human alpha male" (writing "human", because it is a false myth that in the animal world it works like that), but others, after they had some assholes, even if they may still like some intense and maybe even rough activity, will also appreciate someone who is "mister nice guy".
Said in less phylosophical terms, for some women, big dick and intense and occasionally even rough fucking, but also nice, sweet and polite, is actually considered a jackpot, so, depending on how one makes Myriam and her life go, it is not at all strange that she may like Cleavon, and his behaviour can also be, even if in the limits of a game simplification, be actually a good way to go to catch her.
Life is about variety