Actually, a work around came to mind, and yes, I know it will dilate the times to do the dForce simulations by n, but would still allow you to progress, even if it means that you will do for Christmas or even after would you woud normally have done for end of October.
If even using the 522.06 drivers does not help, set dForce to use the CPU for the simulation in Daz.
So, leaving the Iray (or other rendering engine you use) to use the 4090, and set the dForce to use the CPU for the dForce simulations.
It is in the "simulation settings" tab/window, in the "adavanced" tab, there you should see the "OpenCL device" (yes, I had never played with it, that's why I never realised before that for dForce Daz passes through OpenCL), you should see a list which includes both your graphic card and the CPU(s).
In general the thing that takes longer is anyway the rendering, not the dForce simulations (though this may be completely wrong of course in your case
, so I may writing BS :-D).
If that is the case, even if you lose time on the dForce simulation because the CPU is way slower than the GPU, you will still reap some advantage from having the newer faster 4090.