Oct 21, 2020

Preview Scene - Chapter 4 - Busy Morning
Hello there! A new post before I finish melting with the heat wave hitting me here, to share the preview for the next scene of the coming update. A big scene with a few to go, revolving around Myriam and her very "lovely" old neighbor.
The scene is fairly big in size due to the multiple choices and branching possible, some concluding this plot line in the update itself, some others fairly soon, and a few others that will lead Myriam to a dark place and possible bad endings. This scene will be harsh for our poor Myriam as it will revolve around some darker themes, like blackmail and abuse, though as always things will be avoidable, and our "dear" neighbor will have his own comeuppance in this update or in future updates depending on choices.
La situation pourra être résolue par elle-même ou via d'autres personnages en fonction des choix précédents, bien que ceux-ci verront leur résolution plus tard dans l'intrigue de ces personnages. La scène verra également le premier développement testé sur la stat "amour" d'un autre personnage (Bill, le fils du vieux voisin vu quelques fois auparavant).
Côté coquin, une sous-scène avec un développement possible selon les choix, sachant que ce moment coquin tournera autour de la coercition et du chantage. Encore une fois, cela est évitable, mais je préfère tenir les gens au courant car je sais que c'est un thème que tout le monde n'apprécie pas ou ne souhaite pas voir.
Pour conclure, je travaille toujours sur la scène, je termine sur le dernier branchement possible, mais c'est sûr, il n'y aura pas d'autre scène dans la mise à jour car la fin du mois approche à grands pas ici. Je ne devrais pas avoir de problème pour boucler ça à temps, à moins que la chaleur ne me tue... Blague à part, j'ai travaillé toute la journée entre 35°C et 40°C (95°F à 104°F) depuis des semaines maintenant (avec des nuits à peine meilleures) et ça commence vraiment à m'énerver. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, j'essaierai de mourir après avoir partagé la mise à jour. ^^
View attachment 2875548
(je pense que c'est le mystérieux voisin qui espionnait Myriam depuis sa fenêtre)
A-t-elle été surprise par des cassuis dans la chambre ou dans la salle de bain ?
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New Member
Jul 21, 2022
View attachment 2439105

You guide Myriam, as her life changes in a new city and finds herself pushed out of a sheltered life, will she embrace her new found independence or will she slip back into the comfort of a subservient life; will she venture forth and explore her repress desires and the opportunities that open up to her or will she let herself be submerged by life; will she follow the advice of good people or be manipulated by evil ones; and of all those weird events that she will fall upon... You decide.​

Thread Updated: 2023-08-05
Release Date: 2023-07-29
Developer: Zorlun - - -
Censored: No
Version: Ch.4.06p (Prometheus' patch included)
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
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Developer Notes:
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: - - MEGA - -
Mac: - - MEGA - -

Patch: *
Extras: Walkthrough Mod* - Multi Mod* - Fan Sign - Walkthrough PDF

*This patch/port isn't made nor is endorsed by the dev, download and use at your own risk

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Android port??


Active Member
Oct 16, 2022
Can't be posted anymore, from my understanding. Go to OP page to go to Discord. You can pm Zorlun or go to estrada777's page to get the apk.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Same here. Seeing Myriam think of him as some sweet innocent boy after making all the choices to scold him and put him down for his wretched pervyness is cognitively jarring.
Myriam will always view Marc with affection, because as far as she's concerned, he's her son and she loves him ( in the original version of course, he actually was). You're projecting your own feelings of distaste for Marc onto the protagonist, despite the fact that she sees things very differently to you. Whatever he does, she will never give up on him, and will always feel that he's better off with her, than under Anthony's poisonous influence. Which is how you would expect a mother to behave towards her son.
Jan 16, 2021

Preview Scene - Chapter 4 - Busy Morning
Hello there! A new post before I finish melting with the heat wave hitting me here, to share the preview for the next scene of the coming update. A big scene with a few to go, revolving around Myriam and her very "lovely" old neighbor.
The scene is fairly big in size due to the multiple choices and branching possible, some concluding this plot line in the update itself, some others fairly soon, and a few others that will lead Myriam to a dark place and possible bad endings. This scene will be harsh for our poor Myriam as it will revolve around some darker themes, like blackmail and abuse, though as always things will be avoidable, and our "dear" neighbor will have his own comeuppance in this update or in future updates depending on choices.
The situation will be resolvable by herself or via other characters depending on previous choices, though these ones will have their resolution seen later on on these characters plot lines. The scene will also see the first development tested on the "love" stat of another character (Bill, the old neighbor's son seen a few times previously).
On the naughty side, one subscene with one possible development depending on choices, keeping in mind that this naughty moment will revolve around coercion and blackmail. Again, this is avoidable, but I prefer to keep people aware as I know that it's a theme that not everyone enjoy or wish to see.
To conclude, I'm still working on the scene, finishing up on the last possible branching, but for sure, there will be no other scene in the update as the end of the month is coming fast here. I shouldn't have any problem to wrap this up in time, unless the heat kills me... Joke aside, I've been working all day long in 35°C to 40°C (95°F to 104°F) for weeks now (with nights barely better) and it's really starting to get to me. But don't worry, I'll try dying after sharing the update. ^^
View attachment 2875548
(I think he’s the mysterious neighbor who was spying on Myriam from his window)
sorry if I ask, but which games are your signatures from?


Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
Hello there!
Early access of update ch4.07 for Project Myriam - Life & Explorations is out on Patreon and SubscribeStar for higher tiers patrons!
Public access will be up on September 4th! So patience my dear perverted friends, Myriam will soon be with you!

Meanwhile, what's new:
- Short of 3000 lines of new code and 169 new renders.
- 2 scenes.
- 15 new choices to make Myriam more your own and write her story.
- Some more naughty content (3 subscenes).
NOTE: Please, do not leak the early release before the official public version on September 4th, it always cause more chaos than anything. Thank you all for your consideration.
4.40 star(s) 199 Votes