VN - Ren'Py - Project Myriam - Life and Explorations [Ch. 5.07a+p] [Zorlun]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll start with the good things :
    1. Story: so far is really enjoyable, because it's similar to reality
    2. Characters: are various, everyday people with problems, hopes etc.
    3. Game: pretty simple, choose an option and go with it
    4. Genres: not too few and not too much
    5. Models: wide range of beauties :)
    The bad things:
    1. To reach some specific scenes the variables are inbalanced (you have to do things that are not linked to the desired action)
    2. It would be great if we get an alarm before we almost pass an opportunity for the next scene to raise the right points
    3. We don't know our MC's personality, just her general past, this cause some trouble, because she could act differently if she "has been there" before..
    4. Patreon 'guidelines' so the game needs patches and mods to be on full capacity
    5. Hammer and Cassius needs more storytime (not to mention their more content with MC ;) )
    I think it's a great game, with potential. I'll keep an eye on it :cool:
    It really grew into a big game thanks to the dev and the fans who gave ideas, support etc.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game. At first I didn't think I'd like it because I'm not a huge fan of how Myriam is built but I decided to give it a go because it just had too many tags I look for to ignore. Boy am I glad I played it. This is easily a top 5 game on here for me and it doesn't nearly get the attention it should. I'm always waiting for an update and enjoy each one immensely. Great job Zorlun!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this one would be easily one of the top three hotwife games, would easily make it to top spot if competition wasnt so high. Fap material is at everywhere, heck even just looking at wife's naked body is more than enough, renders are that good. Story is very good too, from outside it seems like an everyday life of a wife but its more than that. One thing for sure tho, this project isnt getting the attention it deserves.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Uncle Grabby

    This review is based on ver Ch. 2.05b

    The dev states that this is his 1st time doing this and English isn't his first language. Despite that, what a fucking debut!

    The renders, while not spectacular, are very good for someone who claims to be new to it. And if this is what it looks like now, I can't wait to see how it looks like once he starts leveling up.

    The grammar is decent, and while there are some awkward sentence structures, it's still good enough and NO ENGRISH. Nothing that breaks the fap flow.

    And speaking of fap flow, HOLY SHIET BATMAN - there's lewd content! For a game this early in development, and it has "peepee-in-vajayjay" action, do you even realise how rare that is?!

    Project Myriam has such great potential, and if Zorlun keeps pumping out content of this caliber - I can't wait to see what the future holds.

    It took me a while to type this review because I fapped during one of the lewd scenes and fell asleep at my desk after ejaculating. I was slumped over at my desk, pants down to my ankles, palms sweaty, came like confetti. Woke up, finished the game and came here to post this.

    This was fucking quality, Zorlun. Great job!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game in which you follow Myriam and her family as they move into a new city. What actions she gets up to is up to you, and there's a wide variety of kinks/fetishes offered. Really enjoyed playing this and am looking forward to future updates!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Project Myriam - Life and Explorations [Ch. 2.04a]
    A game that stands out in all categories. The renders are very good. The setting of the scenes are very well achieved. The story has a good script and is very well planned. The protagonist grows as the story unfolds and the options determine that process. The developer is always attentive to the comments of the forum participants, he responds to all of them and very kindly. Besides all this updates happen very frequently. The story can develop several characteristics in the personality of the protagonist but each one of them is chosen by the player.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Nice! Awesome story-telling, interesting characters, sometimes even unexpected plot rotations. I hope that author will never lose inspirations to go futher:)
    more than two hundred characters here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was skeptical about this at first, but the more ive played the more Im loving it.

    The female models are all very hot, the male ones are a mixed bag, but I think that is by design.

    Female protag with incest is rare enough but the option to be submissive or dominant, or even somewhat in between the two is great, lends itself to several different playthrough options.

    Despite the husband being a total douche, the rougher scenes make the submissive wife route enjoyable, but even if you take the other route, plenty of options for Myriam to experience the more submissive or dominant side (including some submissive incest)

    It feels like this game is going to allow a ton of choice in terms of how Myriam develops, will she give in and be the submissive wife, will she leave the husband only to have her son take his place and trap her right back where she started? will she hit on the handsome rich stable owner. will she be a good single mom who ends up with one of her coworkers form the school etc. will she become a woman's woman, swearing off men and running off with her savior from the park, will she discover that her daughter isnt a little girl anymore and discover a new kind of mother daughter bonding.

    Seems like a lot of opportunity for a vast array of kinks and customization.

    Will be watching this eagerly.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really the best Game what I have played. Renders look Good and the Story is fantastic.

    I hope for more Sexual Harassment for Myriam. A good Rape from with several men or Teens would be really great. Perhaps a slave route would be good

    Please keep it up Zorlun the Game rocks
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Played: Ch 2.03a

    This game has been a lot of fun so far, with varied situations and great freedom of choice. The dev is kind of fucked up in the head (I mean that in the nicest way possible), but that makes for a very varied experience and something for everyone!
    The game is still fairly early, but there is some good stuff here already and the updates are consistent!

    + Some very hot situations with several different fetishes even at this early stage of development
    + No grinding - you can just follow the story and make choices when necessary
    + Consistent updates

    - Myriam is sadly a little ugly in a too much plastic surgery way, but that's subject to taste
    - Some of the early scenes are uncomfortable from a violence abuse perspective, though it's kind necessary for the flow of the game

    Like this? Try!: Lily of the Valley, Project Hot Wife
    Notes to Dev: Really enjoying everything so far!
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    TM | Twisted Games

    It is difficult not to rate this game on potential. It has set up so much amazing possible content, and so many situations that I want to dig into, that I have to reign my imagination in to judge it fairly.

    It also can't be judged on potential problems. The same well executed branching systems, and the embarrassing wealth of kinks to choose from are both elements with the potential to add a lot of complexity and possible burnout to development work.

    So putting that all out of mind, looking at the game as of version Ch 2.03...this is already one of the strongest corruption games I have played. The pace at which it moves is satisfying, and the plot is careful to setup plausible reasons for Myriam's behavior. Of course, porn logic comes into play as well at times, but in a good corruption story, I'd be disappointed if it didn't.

    The characters are interesting and varied, the rendering is very good, and the writing is extremely proficient, especially as the creator has implied it is not their first language.

    I'm usually not a fan of dream sequences or major tonal shifts out of the story, but in a few places where the creator executes both, they are done extremely well, and woven convincingly into the plot. (You are also, I believe, given a choice to turn some off if you wish)

    Some mild SPOILERS may follow for version 2.03

    The story has setup three particularly compelling through lines at the home, at a rich gentleman's type club, and at the school...and I am very much looking forward to seeing all three get developed further.

    If I have any small criticism: The occasional stat gateways can be somewhat unforgiving. I like that the previous choices had impact, but as somebody trying to make Myriam as submissive as possible, occasionally I would choose that stat over another early on...only to find myself gated out of a possibility by the other stat...that could make her more submissive.

    This would have been more frustrating...except when I did my second playthrough, I left the husband in place...I had removed him the first time thinking it would help me 'bond' with the family quicker...only to find that the family dynamic was even better with the husband still in place. So the replay wasn't too bad after all.

    TLDR: This game is a gem that should appeal to many tastes in it's current form. Try it out, and if you like it I urge you to support the dev. Creators this perverted need to be nurtured!

    ETA (11/30/2021 Ch2 v0.8)

    I hate having to do this, as I still think the developer is exceptional, and wants to tell a great story...but I have to rate the VN as it is, not as the dev would prefer it to be. The rewrites forced by Patreon have curtailed several areas of the story, and unfortunately, some of the best ones. I hope a patch or some other change will result in a return to what was...and if so I will relish the opportunity to bump this back to 5 stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Ch. 2.03a

    I cannot recommend this VN enough, it was simply amazing for me and here are a few reasons why:

    • Corruption pace is great! Fast enough to enjoy and not feel it is weird or out of place
    • Significant branching choices leading to different juicy scenes, from what I saw, sometimes when you make a choice that gives Myriam more time in her day, something actually happens and it doesn't just skip time! You don't see that very often!
    • Great fetishes being added slowly
    • No grind!
    • Myriam is friggin hot! And you can shape her traits and kinks as you desire
    • The side-characters are also well-written in my opinion and I have not seen any repeated presets from other VNs (could be wrong here)
    • Your choices also affect how other characters treat Myriam and affect their kinks as well
    • Great and dedicated developer with regular updates

    As for some nitpicks

    • Okay maybe the idea is not very original, but the execution sure is, give it a chance before bailing out
    • The art is sometimes "grainy", but it doesn't bother me, the dev did say it is their first work

    11/10 recommend!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has charm and character that many others don't. It's hard to stand out as a Ren'Py title, but within the first few scenes/choices I've already experienced 2 unique situations that I've never experienced in any other game.

    (Spoilers? but this happens fairly early)

    1. Myriam has an altercation and must choose how she responds to the person who helps her

    2. Deciding not only how advances should be received, but also observing/responding to observations of other characters. (regarding the cousin)

    These aren't very substantial scenes but the x-factor is that they're unique and memorable. It feels like the creator actually wanted to create this story because they thought it was appeasing rather than dialed in and formulated.

    Not everyone is going to enjoy this story, but for me I find that it's a unique Ren'Py story that feels like it's created from a place of interest/passion rather than formula and what would appease the masses.

    I love the kinkiness, I love the unique situations, and I'm happy that the developer has released a Ren'Py game that stands way out from the crowd.

    If you're well 'journeyed' on this site, you can probably think back to your favorite Ren'Py games and recall some sort of memorable scene (The photocopier scene from 'Light of My Life' stands out) and I think this game hits that note perfectly.

    Great job Zorlun, I love it and despite the content's purpose I still think this is a great Ren'Py game that oozes character and care behind the game.

    It's hard to keep my attention with VNs and this game does it very well.

    Easy 5/5, looking forward to future progress.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I stumbled upon this game the first day it was released and I knew after playing it, I had found something different. It's hard to put your finger on exactly why this is different, but for me, I think it's because the developer is willing to experiment and not take themselves too seriously. Plus, they are also very engaged with the community and willing to interact and discuss various aspects of the development.

    At it's core, the story is very similar to lots of other game/vns out there, yet each scenario seems to have subtle twists and surprises. There is also a "strange", X-Files kind of vibe to it if you want, and this, I think, is why this works. You can play the MC as being sexually vanilla, submissive, kinky, cheating, weird or all of the above. There are even alien abductions!

    The best part is you can opt out of all of it. If you want the MC to just be faithful and into vanilla sex, you can do that. If you like a little strange thrown into a standard story, you can have it. If you want the MC to be submissive, you can have that too.

    If you don't like aliens, you can have the MC skip it entirely. It seems like the dev is going to give all the weird deviants, like myself, the option to insert some weird into the story, but at the same time, those scenes do not seem to impact the overall story. So you can skip those and never notice.

    For me, when I play a Female MC, I like the option of having the character being strong yet she can be a slut at the same time. I like for MC to be able to choose what happens to her and not be forced into things she does not want to do. So far, this is the case with this game/vn.

    The only thing I have some concern about, is all the variables. There are a ton of different traits and points the MC earns along the way and I just worry that as the game progresses, it could get messy and frustrating for the player. I would also like to see some bondage/rope/toy play but I am hopeful these will show up eventually.

    In the meantime, you should download and give this a try. Expect different and enjoy.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    il just keep it short
    this game is just breathtaking,truly remarkable VN.
    the story is not boring,there's a lot of branches depends on decisions.
    Loveable MC and side and main characters.
    Fetishes delivered in just months.
    Try it out,you will not be disappointed.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Ch.2 v0.2a]

    Pretty alright, if uninspired.

    Art's a bit weak; bodies have good form but faces are potatoes that get worse when emotions are attempted, and some bits look bizarre (a nipple here, a palm there...).

    Writing isn't stellar but is surprisingly good given the professed second language. Scenario's been done, narrative is weak and full of conveniences, but the voice and characterization are fine.

    Porn's fine.

    Like the skill-ups for kinks and attributes but the notification is too spammy when turned on and inconsequential when turned off. There's gotta be a comfortable middle ground somewhere.

    TLDR: Better than expected. Godspeed.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Here's another great game that I can truly recommend. Great original graphic art and what's promising to be a riveting and sexy story with plenty of fetishes available.

    A female protagonist that is thrown into lewd situations and a path of corruption (don't worry it happens fairly quick). Also lots of choices with impact on future choices and story development.

    (Liked it so much I decided to sponsor the game developer through SubscribeStar. )
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    So far the game is very very good. The art improves a bit during the game, which usually happens in games that were in development for a long time, which is not really the case with this one. It's certainly good news that the game has a good amount of content being just a couple of months old. I'm looking forward for the next releases.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a visual novel, and the richness of this genre lies in the variety of choices you can take in order to construct the character and the plot; that being said, Project Myriam is, by far, fulfilling this task as the story advances.

    The plot's premise is simple yet the situations in which MC (Myriam) are varied, interesting and have cohesion, even when some of them are surreal, which shows not only creativity but also a hard-to-extinguish arsenal of narrative resources.

    The MC is coherent and her changes are response to the player's decisions, other characters are consistent and have some depth, enough to enrich the game, but not too much to take unnecessary spotlight. Also is important to take in account that visually the characters aren't generic, renders are well treated in terms of light, image composition and color.

    No bugs in the game, even in early stages of release.

    There is a noticeable effort in grammar since characters don't have neutral accent, so idioms are a common place. There is little music but the texts are well made so the game play is not affected.

    In all account the game is a fresh breeze and has a high level of detail, specially decision-wise, characters are original and to this date (Ch.2 v0.1a) doors are open to a very interesting branching, will have to wait how all of those alternations result.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    This game is a great surprise for me.
    I really enjoy how the dev is building character's personality.
    The sex scenes are great, even though, I always expect to be "longer" and more sophisticated.

    The plot flows and it is credible.

    I expect to see more hardcore scenes and less romantic shit.