VN - Ren'Py - Project Myriam - Life and Explorations [Ch. 5.07a+p] [Zorlun]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I went in expecting to play this game as a guilty pleasure and not something id enjoy to the point id put it in my top 10, as I rarely play games more on the porn side of things. This game offers so much freedom in choices to roleplay Myriam and shape her how you want. You can make her pure and innocent , a cougar , a slut etc etc. My first playthrough I started her off as someone that is really naive , then changed into a cougar , now she going down a nudist / pornstar path when they get updates lol.

    Only downside to this game is lack of music and animations. But there is so much content and lewd scenes it really doesn't need animations. Especially because from what I heard this dev releases content quite frequently. So with that in mind it's better there is no animations. Especially because alot of these scenes have enough context or just straight up set up in a way that makes them really hot. So because of that the animations aren't missed as much. But you do need to accept some porn logic in this as well as you can't entirely escape it either.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect to like this game as i am not a fan of female MC's but the story, characters, huge amount of kinks and some really good use of choices turned that around and now i cant wait for the next update.

    I like the little introductions to each character and everyone of them comes off as unique and realistic, also there are so many of them of every verity that there is bound to be a least one you like and unexpectedly i never felt the MC was forced to be with certain characters.

    The art is really good both in characters an settings and the sex scenes are also very well done.

    The choices do make you feel in control of the game even if that's not totally true although i would highly recommend using the cheat mod and i beg the creator to add a free mode without grayed out choices.

    The only down side about this game is that its a Jack of all trades, master of none , as in it has just about everything you could want kink wise from a game but none of them go far enough, hopefully through even that could be fixed with a lot of really good endings.

    Story 4/5 (interesting)
    Sex 5/5 (loads and well done)
    Characters 5/5 (plenty and realistic)
    Art 4/5 (very nice)
    Choices 4/5 (some control over the story and near perfect character ones)
    Kinks 5/5 (stuffed full of them but not forced into any of them)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I usually prefer text based games with character customization, but I'm surprisingly fond of this game.

    There's plenty of content in the game at this point and much of what you see is affected by your choices even though you don't really have a choice of where to go each day etc. That being said, I enjoy the submissive and humiliation content so I don't know if there's much for people who don't get any satisfaction from those.

    The writing is good for the most part. Though it's a shame that there's a lot of nice interactions between the MC and their daughter and knowing that the two apparently won't share any sex scenes.

    I don't remember running into any bugs or constant spelling errors so the polish there seems fine.

    There's a wide variety of content in the game, and if you especially like playing a submissive character then I'd definitely recommend trying this out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As much as I am sick of Daz3D games and models, this one is top notch. Some of my favorite fetishes, lots of routes to take, and the speed at which updates come out is actually shocking.

    Once you hit a certain point of the game, you'll kind of realize she can't really get anymore corrupt than she is so it will only be random sex scenes going forward, but the quality of them is solid.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually a harem game. With little nuance that MC is a woman.
    And, as it is in all harem games - MC fucks with variety of other characters, sometimes with multiple of them at once. Once again, with little nuance of MC being a woman.
    Result? MC feels like an absolute whore. And in my opinion it works great.
    The only drawback is in the fact that the only female body to enjoy is MC's. Sure, she gets ravished in a variety of ways and overall hotness doesn't fail us, but by the end of it there is a lack of variety.
    Other than that - the game is great, heavily recommend.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I feel other reviews said this best, is this the greatest story telling of all time, no. Is it video game porn, yes. Is there a tremendous amount of stuff going on, in all directions, yes. Can you generally get a feel for it, for sure. Are some of the situations super hot and awesome, absolutely.

    things that are going for it, it is very linear. You generally know what is going on to select the good stuff. The stuff is good.

    Is this going to win the porn game oscars, I think not, but everybody saw it. It is the avatar of f95zone, without papyrus font.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful game , i loved every second off it.
    If you not played it yet , please do .... it's great.

    The Mom in this story , she's really hot but also the rest off her family.
    Can't wait for the next update.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A bit rushed and flat. I am giving 3 stars because of Myriam, which is one of the hottest female MC's in the adult gaming sphere.
    The idea and plot are there, but once again - poorly implemented. The characters need more development and depth.

    There is a lack of build up and suspense, which makes Myriam way too easy to 'get'. The scenes are very rushed with very little progression in them, aiming to reach peak moments fast.

    The quality of the renders could be better. Specifically when it comes to lightning, textures, expressions, camera angles.

    Personally, I would prefer if Zorlun gives less frequent updates, given the quality is much higher. As Mackey32 pointed below, It's 2024 and the standards have raised a bit. It has a huge potential to blow on this platform, if reworked in the right way. :)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Everything is good my only problem is that there is no animation, it's already 2024 this should have an animation already. Thats my only problem everything else is good the different sex scene the renders. Everything is amazing. Just put some animation and it will be a perfect game

    Anyway my rating is 4 stars
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    This is a bit of a hard one to review. It has it's good points, but it also has a lot of bad points.

    + A promising and easy to read story
    + Decent-to-good renders/scenes and lighting
    ++ Good sex scenes - while not animated, they are well choreographed
    ++ A good amount of kinks to explore as Myriam
    + Enough content to keep playing for a while (despite not being finished)

    - The kinks/traits point system doesn't seem to be utilized thoroughly, or well.
    -- Myriam is stuck in certain paths once you start them (i.e. Dom/Sub is permanent with her son once you start that way)
    --- You can only experience certain types of kinks if Myriam is a Sub, like group sex scenes
    ---- If Myriam is played as a woman who loves sex and goes after it frequently, the game considers her a "whore", "slut" or "bitch".
    ----- Per the previous point, when Myriam is highly sexually active, Love Interests will call her a whore/slut/bitch nearly constantly during sex scenes.
    ----- If you don't steer Myriam towards the "whore" / "sub" type of character, you will miss out on 50% or more of the sex content. And if you do steer her that way, prepare to have her be degraded constantly, and treated like a virtual cum bucket. There is no "sexually strong and active" path in this game.

    The developer seems to have fallen into the same mindset as a lot of people: that a sexually active woman seeking physical pleasure of all types should be called derogatory terms, treated like a whore, and nearly always be a submissive woman. I'm a hetero male, and to me this is pre-2000's type thinking, and fairly disgusting.

    The game has promise, but many things NEED to be addressed to call the game good - right now with it's flaws it is a bit of a turn off, and distasteful to play. Sticking with my 2.9 rating.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the ultimate fetish porn game. Every kink imaginable, tons of choices, huge amounts of content. I think the only people that wouldn't enjoy this game are vanilla weirdos, lol. For everyone else, there's something here that will scratch your itch!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So much replayability value, if you are not an animation hornball easily the one of the best things out here.
    I was so suprised and happy when i saw an update sex scene put in an earlier story. I wish more devs would do this because in some parts of the story there are so much missing potential instead of moving the story all the time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Papa Shin

    Chock full of meaningful sexual content that makes sense, something for every kink I'd say.

    It's right up there with "good girl gone bad" in many ways, albeit those paths need further development. This is what every porn game aspires to be.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Sex Scenes/Renders are good. Writing sometimes has potential, but falls off a cliff into nuclear hellfire at numerous points. Grand Central Station levels of railroading.

    Not even finished with Chapter 1 and I'm already stupefied by some of the developer's decisions.

    First, I don't need to hear the thoughts of every single guy who wants a piece of Myriam. Every single encounter is the same; Myriam meets/talks to someone, and either they or someone nearby has their inner monologue about how hot Myriam is narrated. This is really boring and becomes frustrating as it continues to happen every time Myriam meets someone new (and there are lots of people in this game.)

    Second, while I like trait systems in any game, this one is pretty hit or miss. It isn't always clear what lowers or raise any one trait. For example, dialogue options that don't seem particularly dominant or submissive might raise either one of those stats. This wouldn't bother me too much, but apparently, if certain traits are too high or low you are locked out of certain dialogue options; specifically, if you are too submissive (or loving/loyal to Anthony? or too willful? The game doesn't always tell you why you can't choose a specific dialogue option and it's obnoxious) you can't accuse Anthony of lying to you when he tries to explain why his dick was in another woman's mouth. This makes sense in theory, but it's only practical if you agree with how each dialogue choice affects Myriam's traits. Personally, I don't think that just because Myriam never refuses her husband's sexual advances, she must be a gullible or stupid enough to believe his obvious lie. Even if he's not lying, why does that make it better? He still cheated on her, and that ought to be enough for a more willful Myriam to immediately cut Anthony off from sex.

    The renders are decent, and the sex scenes themselves are enjoyable, but it's difficult to ignore the inconsistent writing and how poorly the trait system meshes with the dialogue, resulting in the player being railroaded into undesirable decisions.

    (Edit) Played through most of chapter 2. Holy shit. What a joke. Normally I'm not so critical of the writing of an ero novel, but the developer makes a big deal about the writing and characters, so here we are.

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  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta give this game a 10/10


    -Story is engaging, interesting, uhh hot I guess. have yet to feel bored. I did pass over the weird content mainly because I wanted to focus on the main story and there was already a lot going on.

    -Visuals- probably the best looking 3dcg game I have played. Beautiful mc and characters. Good stuff.

    -Kinks- I don't know how wild things get since I haven't checked the weird stuff. But the variety is quite good. I'm pretty sure your choices give you decent control over what you see in the game in terms of kinks.

    -Choices- I appreciate the variety of ways that the MC can react to situations. Being able to just let things happen or be more dominant and commanding.

    -Stats- the stat notifications and being able view the mc's scores are much appreciated. Wish that all games like this gave that option. Helps with understanding where the mc is at and gives you the chance to go back and make different choices if you don't like the points/kinks/stats gained.

    One thing I wish is that the mc could defend herself in the earlier parts of the story. Like she is tall, in great shape, Olympic gymnast, so I think she could have totally taken the men who assaulted or tried to assault her(not in the sexual way. But like in the beat their ass way). But it's not that important and I suppose helps in building her character/story. Not saying that people need to be in those situations to develop. No not tryna say that at all never that. But in the sense that I see how it contributes to her story and stuff like kinks and therapy. Great game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not exactly good, but it is exactly porn. The game announces itself loudly and proudly from jump, quickly establishing a pervy stepson, a brute husband, and potential sexual assault around every corner. Its perspective is almost entirely informed by gonzo (read, mainstream) porn. It's just edgy enough and just empathetic enough to aim for those of us whose brains can still squeeze some dopamine out of watching a gangbang.

    To start with the positive, it has a nice, robust attribute system with lots of skill checks, giving the player the illusion that the game hides myriad unseen treasures, that if the player can just get the MCs cum addiction high enough, there will be a pot of gokkun gold at the end of the bukkake rainbow. Furthermore, despite the frequently punishing situations that Myriam goes through, the game remains a celebration of her submissive sluttiness. The game wants to punish, and humiliate, but it also wants to see her cum. There is some real humanity in its sexual domination fantasy, and by giving us a sense of control over Myriam's sexual escapades, it can't help but build some relationship between the player and the character.

    But that control is almost entirely meaningless. Any attempt to push Myriam toward an alternate path quickly reveals that this game cares about Myriam in one context only. Trying to play her as dominant basically reshapes the game into a feel-good family drama for teens, like Seventh Heaven but with less sex. It is simply outside of the game's scope to imagine Myriam having any sexual agency, much less any dominance. When Myriam does actively want something, that desire can only reach the level of, "Oh, why not."

    Some of that is the story, sure, to go from "No, I can't" to "Oh, why not" and hopefully eventually to "Yes, that's mine." But to try to create the storyline within the confines of the game negates content rather than unveiling more of it. There is a big gaping void in this game that is all about filling a big gaping void.

    And what is there isn't exactly immersive. The writing isn't strong enough to create a believably human character, and often doesn't seem to be trying to capture an atmosphere at all. From the flatly lit but occasionally pretty art to the writing that spends more time on sound effects than dialogue, the game is largely functional, a means to an end.

    And sometimes that's all we want. As a way to get off, the game is relatively decent. Pornified though it is, it isn't some bleak portal into one author's hyper-misogynistic goon cave. That's pretty rare among games that feature this particular combination of tags, and that alone probably deserves recognition. It's always nice to be able to get off and walk away guilt-free.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Just three stars for me because it started off so well but, somewhere along the development timeline, the devs lost the plot (or hoodwinked us into thinking it was something else) and the player lost control of much of what Myriam was doing. She became the city cum bucket. After too many unavoidable scenes which I'd much rather have not seen, I dumped it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Here, you the player, find yourself as the MC, a straight voluptuous mom of 2, wich the author decided to be constantly sexualy harassed and raped by males.
    The author puts you in a fairly naive submissive female ... if thats your kink, you find it here.
    Besides there is NO sexual (incest) with Katherine the loving and beloved daughter you constantly get love affection with, but with no purpose.
    The author Zorlun explained why:

    "Every character has a role and purpose in the game, Katherine has hers and it's one of the most important in the game towards Myriam, she's the beacon of hope and love to her, she symbolize the relationship that will never go or change, whatever happens in her life, the unconditional love between mother and daughter. This is why there will be no corruption road for Katherine and why I choose to not go even in the potential love interest road between the two, because they don't need it, they love each other and will always be there for one another, I wanted to keep this as pure as possible.
    But I understand the frustration from the player perspective, sorry to disappoint on that part, I know that the sweetness they have may make people want more, but if I do, something will be lost."

    But the author let MC decide on if Katherine is straight/bi/gay ...

    What is beyond strange explanation, for a porn game, as he is by no means a Hemingway or Lovecraft.

    The lewed writing is quite good and got me off good! (Beastality, dog&horse)
    Only the beastality content made me keep going on. As the lesbian content is sparse and not the authors favorite, and definently not incest!

    The plot is fairly dull and trivial as the general writing of it.

    Lewed (beastality): 5/5
    Graphic: 3/5
    Plot: 2->3/5
    Writing: 2->4/5

    no Music

    Not every male interaction is avoidable.

    Final verdict: Beastality YES, else NO->if your able to let go YES

    Update: I had to update to 5 Stars! This game corrupted me and soon as I got over the mistake to hold back on the idea of submission beeing all bad and see Myriam as my doll for use to play the fantasy ... this totaly hit me like a truck.
    It is necessary to free yourself from restrictions you would well apply in real life to enjoy this game to its full potential!
    Maybe as I enjoyed overcoming my restrains "using" submissive fems, I hope the author overcomes the restrains put on the interactions of Myriam and Katherine.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I am one of the few that finds this game meaningless and uninspiring. The main reason is that the dev forces the MC to go down the path of corruption and sluttiness, without a chance to establish at least a meaningful temporary relationship, not to mention a permanent one.

    Without any dignity whatsoever, she tirelessly climbs on one dick after another, gladly accepts gangbangs, and then goes home to masturbate. The story has no purpose or a thread to follow, just meaningless sex over and over.

    The only plus here are nice renders.

    Sorry to be a party pooper but this is just too obvious to brush aside.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A very impressive game. It offers a lot of different kinks, an interesting and engaging story and a lot of options for you as a player to choose Myriam's path.

    Add to that frequent updates and timely communication from the developer. Definitely in my top 5 list of erotic games, and no 1 for the development cycle and releases. Well worth supporting and has a nice community on the Discord server.