WOW...thanks for not only replying, but giving such detailed responses to each point. n although i have no idea regarding the technical aspect, i fully understand the concept of the work, time, n effort needed in creating yet even more multiple scene options for the possibility of different girls getting pregnant, n the extra drain it would put on u n your resources.
obviously i agree with u that any/all possibilities would be the player's choice (core part of a VN); n as an idea to make things as easy n simple as possible...definitely NOT Myriam (that would require an
insanely infinite number of rendering options), n i don't remember any of the girls even having tattoos(?). also, not showing "full-term" pregnancy, but just (slightly) swollen abdomens/wombs, like somewhere near the end of the 1st trimester, or halfway thru the 2nd trimester at most, n like u said, only involving 3-4 girls max as being possibilities.
so coinciding with what u said about making it organic, n fitting in w/the storyline, could do Katherine herself, which would increase the bond b/t her n her mom...both in the sense of Myriam knowing what Kate would be going thru, having gone thru getting pregnant young herself, as well as the pride of becoming a grandmother, n being there for her daughter, to help her thru it (plus continuing the legacy/bloodline of her 1st husband, giving her pride n good feelings honoring the legacy of her 1st love, n the husband that treated her right).
n in keeping with organic n storyline relevancy, since Myriam was an Olympic gymnastic team candidate herself, could have Stella get pregnant...once again Myriam being able to relate, n be there for Stella to be supportive of her, n help her thru it (plus odds would be Stella could still have the baby well before Olympic trials; so wouldn't hurt her chances of making the team).
then finally i'm thinking Kimberly...she came to Myriam's house to ask her for help when she got fired b/c Anthony blackmailed her, n her bf left her b/c of the rumors. so after helping Kim get her job back with the backpay, raise, n female senior partner boss at her dad's company, she could again be there for her to both help n support her after Kim finds a better man who treats her right, n (decides?) to have a baby w/her new bf.
n for the hell of it, if u felt the itch, u could also have Jennifer get knocked up for kicks, to give Katherine the possibility of going thru her pregnancy together w/her bff, so they could both be there for each other. plus, since Jenny is a lot like Evelyn, Myriam would naturally feel a desire to be there for her as well, n would open up the possibility of bringing Eve into "the circle of life", n wanting to help out also, once she would meet Jenny, n realize how alike they are, n take a shining to her. n tbh, it's as much of a turn-on reading the dialogue/script in an h-scene, when a girl is (not?) wanting to get knocked up, as the rendered graphics themselves, watching it happen (along w/having the choice to make it happen, obviously

once again, simply nothing more than just my 2 cents's just frustrating for myself, as a fan of the preggo kink, trying to find 3d VN games that actually show h-scenes w/pregnancy (especially involving incest...hey, that gives me an idea; what if Marc knocked up Kate?

), n most games w/the genre tag tease n only have ending scenes w/it instead. n speaking of incest, i'm ecstatic to hear you're already planning on "naughty" scenes b/t Myriam n Kate (would increase their bond n love for each other)!! doesn't matter to me how it happens, as long as it happens..."incest is best"; so yeah, Myriam, Marc, Kate, Eve, etc

i also love your idea of bringing William into the fold, n the possibility of a love triangle b/t he, Myriam, n Katherine; maybe Evelyn could even take an interest in Marc once she would find out about he n Myriam, n have another love triangle there? n as far as the possibility of past LIs making a return, would be awesome to see DumDum make a return, both as the 1st guy Myriam messed around with, as well as being a pure soul like she is. would give her (n players) a helluva choice b/t he, Charles, n William when it comes to choosing which man who treated her right she wanted to be with.
WHEW...i had no idea all that was even in my head this morning; was originally just gonna give short replies to each point, but my train of thought had a lot more cars attached than i was aware of; sorry about that (i enjoyed SL, PL, n Neko's Paradise way too much...n loved the game mechanic in that involving breeding). thanks again, n best of luck! (n stay cool in the middle of this heat wave...UUGGHH!!)