Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Well, if I remember did not exactly say "raping Kathryn's ass", was more in the line "could not way to do it with her", but yes, that was a way Zorlun found/used to introduce a pause and shift with Marc, along with the shooting (for the one playing the incest thing, they may notice at least for now Marc is slightly different, and there is a much more evident aspect of Myriam playing the sub of her own will with Marc, when she is sub).
And maybe also a way to try cutting the +/- periodically recurring waves of people asking to have Kath get in a lot of wild sex with Myriam and eventually Marc :), though given the precedent of discussions about Patreon intervention, incest patch, etc., I am sure the request for Kath+Marc+Myriam sex will come back :).
But at least, as far as I remember the requests about Myriam+Kath(+Marc) were never flaming, so, it is just a sign of enthousiasm for the game.
ok i found the scenes and its not mark that says raping kathryn its Myriam saying he was going to rape her in front of her. Heres the scenes below
screenshot0001.png screenshot0002.png screenshot0003.png screenshot0004.png screenshot0005.png screenshot0006.png screenshot0007.png screenshot0008.png screenshot0009.png screenshot0010.png screenshot0011.png screenshot0012.png screenshot0013.png screenshot0014.png screenshot0015.png screenshot0016.png screenshot0017.png
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Jul 18, 2022
That’s not a dream, that’s a nightmare. Don’t you remember when mark fucked up at the pool with his teamate and said to Myriam “he wouldn’t mind raping Kathryn’s ass” or something like that and Myriam yells at him and tells him to never touch her
Yeah, sorry, I was suggesting a nightmare. I was suggesting something like the "dream" she has in the hospital where demon Anthony can rape her. She has dreams that are nightmarish but she does/can get some enjoyment out of them. So that was my suggestion.

And maybe also a way to try cutting the +/- periodically recurring waves of people asking to have Kath get in a lot of wild sex with Myriam and eventually Marc :), though given the precedent of discussions about Patreon intervention, incest patch, etc., I am sure the request for Kath+Marc+Myriam sex will come back :).
Yeah I am sad to hear this doesn't seem like it's in the cards. I do understand Patreon having a say here, but I am sure there are workarounds and it doesn't seem like Marc/Kath is really in violation of that anyway. I really enjoyed the Anthony/Marc dom content, and it does feel like there is something there between Marc and Kath (at least on early pervy Marc's side). And though I suspect the scene where Myriam shuts down Marc wanting to get Kath involved after the pool events was meant to shut down conversation from those like me who would be interested in that route, I do feel like it just confirms that Marc is interested in Kath. I would definitely enjoy the specific dom/sub dynamic between them similar to Myriam. I think Myriam modeling that behavior and Kath seeing it/eventually emulating it is hot and works well from a character/plot perspective. However it's only one of many possible routes for those characters. I could even see something less dom/sub and more like an innocent Kath/experienced Marc between them, with him more or less showing her because shes curious.

I just think Kath is clearly in there and obviously sexualized, meant to be used for future scenes, but then because she can't specifically be used with Myriam for Patreon reasons she needs other parties to have encounters with. She doesn't have that many characters she knows currently, her biggest current potential connection is Marc (having spent a lot of scenes with him in the game so far). The one Kath scene I did see was ok on the renders end of things but I don't know the guy involved so it was less hot than it should be. I'm disconnected from him on a character level (her female friend is fine but also not very developed yet). And she only has that one dimension sexually so far, Marc can be dom/sub/something in between. Kath could have that level of dimension too but may need more than one character to bring out those subplots/arcs for her. Marc is an obvious choice for one of those (in my opinion the dom one but whatever). Currently she has William for a vanilla option, and her current boyfriend is also a currently vanilla seeming option. I would like to see Kath have options where she doesn't just have totally innocent fun sex but more kinky sex options. Anyway, rant over, I only bring it up because I like the game and I feel like theres a very good untapped mine of hot scenes here. But I'm sure others have said it before and I'm not going to stop playing or anything if that doesn't make it in. Just my two cents.
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New Member
Mar 24, 2020
One state (Tennessee IIRC) recently made this legal with girls as young as 10. Crazy.

"Tennessee: With parental consent, a person can marry at 17; however, one party cannot be more than four years older than the minor."


May 11, 2019
File "renpy/display/swdraw.py", line 869, in draw_screen
if self.scale_fast:
AttributeError: 'SWDraw' object has no attribute 'scale_fast'


May 11, 2019
Estou com esse problema, como posso resolver? obrigado a quem ajudar.
Arquivo "renpy/display/swdraw.py", linha 869, em draw_screen
se self.scale_fast:
AttributeError: objeto 'SWDraw' não tem atributo 'scale_fast'
Last edited:

Power Broker

Jan 9, 2018
Look we all know Marc is a little prick, but he isn't a total arsehole.
He raped Myriam in one scene and has sex with her, this motherly figure, several times, so whatever the difference between prick and arsehole is, I consider him to be morally bad; but that is good, exactly what I like, but also besides the point.

he's just witnessed his father try and murder her in front of him and he feels it is because of him because it happened after the court case for custody of him.
Yes, you can justify his behaviour, the point is if he should behave this way in the first place, from a story teller perspective. If you look at Myriam who was the victim of an attempted murder and who was shot, she could also become fully lethargic, locking herself in a room and never come out again- this could also be justified, but it would make a boring story and not what we expect, because we play the game to see Myriam in different situations and having her explore her sexuality, not to witness her downfall into the abyss of psychological traumata. And that is what happens, Myriam continues her journey, what keeps the story interesting. So it's not as though these events necessarly require a complete loss of confidence and character.

The same goes for Marc; I expected him, after all he did, to become a "challenge" for Myriam, an opportunity for her to explore the depths of her submissive nature, including overcoming incestual taboos and changing the classical roles and power dynamics between mother and son, maybe even to the point of non-consensual dynamics. Somebody who grows with the events surrounding him and who can "play" on the same level as Myriam, if not better.

Instead, he shrinked and couldn't even challenge a squirrel right now. And this kind of shy boy character is, imho, relatively boring and already in the game with William.

but Marc started to get back to his old self by calling her a slut and everything else.
That's right, but he doesn't treat her like his slut, so these are kind of empty words.

But the point remains, she ALLOWS it.
Which has nothing to do with how Marc acts and behaves at the moment.

But however, on that point: one of the main reasons I like this game were the possibilities to strip Myriam off of her control; her abuse by Anthony, even though intended as a plot device to make him the bad guy, were sexy and rare scenes. I hope these possibilities will occur in the future as well.
And maybe, just maybe, in one of her story paths, she explores that she is attracted to men (and boys) who abuse her and don't leave her a choice, which could have been what attracted her to Anthony initially.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
The same goes for Marc; I expected him, after all he did, to become a "challenge" for Myriam, an opportunity for her to explore the depths of her submissive nature, including overcoming incestual taboos and changing the classical roles and power dynamics between mother and son, maybe even to the point of non-consensual dynamics. Somebody who grows with the events surrounding him and who can "play" on the same level as Myriam, if not better.

Instead, he shrinked and couldn't even challenge a squirrel right now. And this kind of shy boy character is, imho, relatively boring and already in the game with William.
I don't roll with anything that has Myriam acting submissive on my playthrough, but a sort of similar thing has happened on the opposite end of the scale: There's not much dominance to her dominant scenes with Marc either, he just remains a sniveling little shit, so I've cut his path off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
Estou com esse problema, como posso resolver? obrigado a quem ajudar.
Arquivo "renpy/display/swdraw.py", linha 869, em draw_screen
se self.scale_fast:
AttributeError: objeto 'SWDraw' não tem atributo 'scale_fast'
Uh, apparently a graphic problem ?! Do you have any patch/mod, and did you have a problem with previous versions ?

Parece ser um problema de grafica ?! Tens qualque modificação instalada, e tiveste problemas com versões anteriores ?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020

"Tennessee: With parental consent, a person can marry at 17; however, one party cannot be more than four years older than the minor."
He was referring to a proposal, that was supposedly bound to pass, not the law in force already. The new law would have introduced the possibility of doing the equivalent of the French "pacsé", a kind of private contract that however is recognised as giving the same rights and status as a marriage, but without need to get a marriage licence and the like.

The trick was that they had forgotten to put any age limit in the first version, maybe (but this is only my hypothesis to find a logical reason) thinking no one below 18 could sign a valid contract (? I don't know the details of that law proposal, I am not even in USA, even less Tennessee).

Only after someone realised it and made a big scandal pointing out that meant they could potentially have an adult do it with a little girl or boy (again, I don't know the details, but I guess the wording would have made possible for the parents to give their approval to the contract, or something like that), they realised their mistake, and added up (from what I saw, around the 4th of May, or something like that) the indication both persons must be at least 18.

At least, that is how it was indicated on the Newsweek website.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
ok so i finally started playing this last night. i am at the point where Myriam is about to start her job teaching at the high school. i also had her kick Anthony to the curb after she finds him cheating on her. i personally hate that kind of character that Anthony is. i just hope that Myriam tells her dad about this so she can get Anthony fired and fuck his life completely. have not encountered that yet if it happens. but hoping for it. also, i am raising most of Myriam naughty tendancies except for gross shit like bestiality..etc. fun game so far i must admit. and damn, Myriam is a hottie..


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
But however, on that point: one of the main reasons I like this game were the possibilities to strip Myriam off of her control; her abuse by Anthony, even though intended as a plot device to make him the bad guy, were sexy and rare scenes. I hope these possibilities will occur in the future as well.
And maybe, just maybe, in one of her story paths, she explores that she is attracted to men (and boys) who abuse her and don't leave her a choice, which could have been what attracted her to Anthony initially.
Well, even if you do not consider Marc, there are others with whom she is doing a bit that way, depending on the choices.
Iif you did not go that way, try doing the first cop date, having her drink (but notice she is not "completely waisted") , then do the second date with Danny , I don't know if that can be enough for you, but it is also possible that if she develop more that aspect, that can go even further in future, depending on the values of variables and the possibilities Zorlun foresee ( also, it is less crude, but there are things like at the beach in the shower).
Again, admittedly it all depends on what your expectations/wishes are, what choices you make do to your Myriam, and how far Zorlun will allow certain things to do (or better, allow the player to let them go)
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Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
ok so i finally started playing this last night. i am at the point where Myriam is about to start her job teaching at the high school. i also had her kick Anthony to the curb after she finds him cheating on her. i personally hate that kind of character that Anthony is. i just hope that Myriam tells her dad about this so she can get Anthony fired and fuck his life completely. have not encountered that yet if it happens. but hoping for it. also, i am raising most of Myriam naughty tendancies except for gross shit like bestiality..etc. fun game so far i must admit. and damn, Myriam is a hottie..
ell, if that is the case of what you've done in your game, then you might be a bit disappointed. For starters, if you already kicked Anthony out you won't get Anthony's work dinner with his work 'friends', but you will have the chance of the double cop date instead.

So you don't like bestiality, but does that mean you're ok with watersports, rape, incest, etc...


May 11, 2019
Uh, aparentemente um problema gráfico ?! Você tem algum patch/mod e teve problemas com as versões anteriores?

Parece ser um problema de gráfico?! Tens qualque modificou instalado, e tiveste problemas com as versões anteriores ?
quando joguei a outra versão não funcionou perfeitamente. e esse estou jogando sem mode e sem patch.


May 11, 2019
when i played the other version it didn't work perfectly. and this one i'm playing without mode and without patch.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2021
ell, if that is the case of what you've done in your game, then you might be a bit disappointed. For starters, if you already kicked Anthony out you won't get Anthony's work dinner with his work 'friends', but you will have the chance of the double cop date instead.

So you don't like bestiality, but does that mean you're ok with watersports, rape, incest, etc...
They won't get the anthony dinner but will get the fighter ladies dinner (forget her name) if they are into that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
watersports..nope..rape..nope..incest..hell no. etc? not sure what etc is since i am pretty much playing a vanilla type game as mentioned by dev in the intro when talking about the various kinks here. i kicked Anthony out cause i disliked him from the start. as for the 2 cops..i haven't got to that part yet..


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2021
watersports..nope..rape..nope..incest..hell no. etc? not sure what etc is since i am pretty much playing a vanilla type game as mentioned by dev in the intro when talking about the various kinks here. i kicked Anthony out cause i disliked him from the start. as for the 2 cops..i haven't got to that part yet..
I also kicked him to the curb, instead of his degrading dinner scene you can either have a lesbian scene with another character or iirc just a normal dinner with the kids.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2019
What does the sadness trait effect? Are there scenes where Myriam needs to have a certain vulnerability level to let someone take advantage of her? :unsure:

Power Broker

Jan 9, 2018
I never went anywhere with the cop dates: they were always double dating, as far as I know, and the last scene was when they were kicked out of the bar because they had beaten up some teenagers (which made me want to make Myriam date the teenagers and dump the cops for their stupidity and lack of self control).. I'm not into MMF, I prefer MFF+ (Myriam, Eve and Marc would be nice), so I skipped much of the cop content. To get on the right path with them seems to be unnecessarily complicated.
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