All the hand holding is silly. I always find it funny that people complain about titles being kinetic novels, but on the flip side people seem to want every game to behave like a kinetic novel. They want walk throughs, walk through mods, hints that tell you EXACTLY what to do, etc, etc... and yet I don't think I have ever seen anyone ask/demand that a developer change a title to being kinetic... though that is exactly what they seem to want.
I find the whole situation strange.
The whole point of sandbox is discovery. What is the point of using sandbox if the game tells the players exactly what to do?
Personally, I prefer hints that are very vague. You know there is something you can do, but you need to figure it out. The best sandbox games have hints that are essentially word riddles, and when you finally figure out what to do you chuckle as you come to understand the riddle/clue.
In my opinion the hints you have are effective. Anything more obvious would be irritating to anyone that actually enjoys playing games.
Anyway, glad to see the game is moving forward. I always enjoy it.
Yeah, its quite a problem ^^' Especially also because everyone demands that choices matter, but then a lot of people get pissy about the fact that they can't just get every scene in a single playthrough.
In the end, I think its better to cater to those that actively want to engage with the game, rather than those that would be better off just watching it as a video.
Although its ofc a balancing act. Some quest hints are certainly too vague, but its hard to see right when I'm making it, and my playtesters never have issues, as i suspect they are more capable than so many people seem to be.
Maybe they will stop it when the sandbox element becomes a bit more pronounced. Currently it is very focused on story, but at 1 point I'm going to change it up to actually fill out the world with stuff that happens without direct progess for the girls - but rather just more for whatever stage they are on.
For that I'll have to probably make it obvious what are story quests and what are side quests, but that's for then.
I'm happy you like the game ^^