Unity - Completed - Project Sena [v1.000] [Huuuuge]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics: Sena herself looks good but most zombies kind of look a little more unpolished. They mostly just look like normal dudes and animals with a few wounds and gross fleshy things stuck to them. The background is, uh... there.

    Gameplay: Honestly it's a pretty unsatisfying and tedious run and gun, just something annoying to go through and if you die you have to sit through an annoying animated cutscene that sluggishly enters and exits even if you mash the proceed button. Thankfully the dev added a mode which you mostly can't die in but there are still some instant kill traps to irritate you with. It all could have been handled better really.

    Story: Sena is an android fighting some world-ending plague that goes out to stop the zombie-thingies affected with the plague and eventually destroy the heart of it. Sex stuff happens during the cutscenes but who cares because it's not even animated and just kind of slapped in there. If this plot wasn't here I don't think anything would be worse for it.

    Scenes: Most scenes are pretty good if a little lacking in variety. The succubi could have brought about a futanari debuff to affect Sena with, but no it's just for their scenes in which Sena doesn't even get to actually use her temporary dick. Sena is built in the right places and not a typical slim-flat female protag so that extra bounce makes some scenes a bit better... eh, kind of.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    More between 4-5 stars to be honest. Game is SEXY, but the control scheme and mechanics are very janky at times. Even so, its still a fun play and definitely worth proper supporting. It has potential to be better, or to be a taste of what the creators want to make.

    Lots of knockback, zero or little hit recover/invulnerability time, slight janky controls.

    Massive pros:
    Its sexy, great voicework, still fun, easy to grind if needed, has enemy Variety

    All in all, a very good hgame sidescroller, something that is very rare to find.

    Its definitely no Night of Revenge, but its pretty good nonetheless.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    Stunlocks galore.
    The art is fine, but nothing about the gameplay works properly.
    Every enemy will stunlock you and put you down, the bindings for the buttons can't be changed and they're the most anti-ergonomic thing imaginable.
    There is too much jank to enjoy either the gameplay or the porn, which is mostly defeat scenarios. At least it has a decent amount of checkpoints but it's not worth the trouble of trying to play it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is based on v1.000

    This game have four difficulties: cheating, easy, normal and hard. I played on normal since H-attacks don't chirp my HP there.

    To put it simply: the release is a bit of a mess.

    Found bugs similar to those in other reviews, with the addition that my game refused to recognize any jump inputs after dying. I had to reset my configs to make the jump button work again.

    I also found out that this game's learning curve was somehow steeper than I expected, mostly because I could only dodge backwards and dash forward mid-air, and there was nothing I could do about it. This game became way easier once I got the grasp of its dodging mechanics. It obviously translated to weird difficulty scaling, especially after stage 2. But at this point I am just glad that the game is playable without more game breaking bugs.

    Despite the aforementioned issues, I did find this game fine. I love the H animations, mainly because they are inline with my fetish so I might be super biased about it

    Final verdict: This game is rough the way it currently is, but you can still enjoy it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Well first of all, despite what the ratings here and some of the comments in the thread say, there is no bullet hell boss fight. His fight is a gimmick that you can figure out if you rub two brain cells together, and it is honestly kinda disheartening to see so many people essentially admit they couldn't figure it out.

    Onto the actual review. It pretty much does everything right for an indie H-game, and it would've been legendary if it was actually completed. Unfortunately, the dev ran out of patience or money and thus had to wrap up the story/game early. Therefore, the plot is a bit comedic and nonsensical towards the end, the quality of scene diversity also drops of a bit at the last stage.

    The art direction is really good, the animations are hot, and the gameplay is pretty intuitive. All in all, I would highly recommend.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Janky controls and animations, enemies that stun you with little to no telegraphs, pacing that just dumps a bunch of specials on you from the word go, and level design that just throws huge clumps of stunlock enemies over and over. This just isn't fun to play. The H animations are pretty good though.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Played hard mode on v1.0

    I gave up at the Stage 3 mid-boss. It was too much bullshit and the controlling Sena feels like ass most of the time which culminated in the game being too annoying to finish. Boring platforming and level design, but saving citizens is a nice bonus for exploring. Mashing is annoying, but at least preventing a sex scene when down is an arrow key sequence and not more mashing. Upgrade tree is boring and doesn't feel impactful. Compared to other ACT games, this one is down on the list.

    Game over CG scenes have no climax finish, which is annoying. Good amount of in-game sex animations, with lots of enemies having 2p-4p variations. All voiced, all scenes (minus the story cgs) are animated. CG gallery is very robust with zoom, camera features, animation looping etc.

    So yeah if you can stomach a random bullet hell boss out of nowhere and also just thanos snaps half your life bar, uncounterable, go nuts on this game. Otherwise just grab the full save.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    This game is rough, man.
    There's a lot of 2d fighter/platformer style games such as this, and most of them are better than Project Sena.
    The H scenes are fine, but really just don't do it for me.
    The cutscenes have a really frustrating tendency to not let you skip through dialogue as it's appearing without going to the next screen, making you miss the text.

    The thing that really kills me is the controls. The default control scheme is janky at BEST, and the part that made me truly just not want to play is when i rebound the controls and found out that rebinding the controls does NOT change the defaults. You cannot rebind the controls to different buttons that were in use originally. It's so broken. If you change the controls for jump and shoot, and then attempt to jump, your character will shoot, and then jump after a delay. It SUCKS.
    This game just kind of feels like a first project. It's not terrible, and clearly had effort but into it, but I think the developer needs more experience in order to make something I feel is worth my time.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game started off very rough from what i remember, glad to see that it was completed now and with great success at that. It's honestly been the best side-scroller/platformer i have played recently, just wish it was longer and has more scenes. Sucks that the 2 human-like bosses didn't have any sex animations; the final boss and that Adanus guy or whatever his name is. But yeah a solid 4/5
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Storyline: The story for the most part is simple and straightforward (as you much you expect from hentais). There's a zombie outbreak and you will be controlling a female heroine, Sena, who is an android created by the beautiful and brilliant scientist, Hughes, to fight her battles for her. Towards the end of the game, the creator came in with a twist that involved a more complex story that honestly...might be more than the creator can chew. Everything leading up to the end of the game is inconsistency, if the status of this game was any indication.

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    HAnimations: The female heroines are pretty basic but the style is very solid and alluring, simple and easy to the eyes. That however is also negative as the Hscenes can be too simplistic. At certain times it just looks like two pngs smashing against each other. The HCGs tend to be only one CG with a face variation that doesn't bring much to the table. There are a good variations of enemies but it falls short on the list of fetish as all the Haction can pretty much sums up to; PHALLUS IN VAGINA. Speaking of phallus in vagina and missing a HUGE OPPORTUNITY, one of the succubus in the Haction, magically summons a dick on Sena…to which she proceeds to rub her off. Dude. Sena is a FUTANARI now! This game has been all about PHALLUS IN VAGINA and you draw the succubus just to jack Sena off? Or give Sena a boob job?? Not even a simple blowjob???

    Sounds: The VAs must be paid well as the whole game is nicely voice acted . The Hscenes is pleasureful to the ears and not over the top. Nearly every enemy have its own unique VA but it does loops after a few seconds. The sex sound effects however is maybe 5 different sound files that gets REPETITIVE really fast and stales in quality compare to the VA. The BGM is aight, you not missing anything by having it off.

    Interface: Horrible since day 1. At least you can navigate enough to get through the game. Read other users explanation and experience it first hand on how atrocious it is. Keybinding barely works, audio has bugs here and there, couldn't choose certain maps, missing simple QOL and etc.

    Overall: A lot of miss opportunities (especially on the yuri). The gameplay is buggy, FOV so zoomed in means you get ambush easily, I-frames is too small or short that you will get hit if there's more than one enemy attacking, getting stunlock, leveling system is not incentive enough to really care for and couple on with the horrible interface making it a chore to navigate. You play it once, muscle through it to see to the end, rub one off maybe for one of two nights and then you go back to your favorite hentai. This game needs polish and more time to simmer, as the creator try to cook too much too fast. Understandably, it is a indie making a game, given its efforts which is reflected in my rating. I hope his next game doesn’t bait as badly as this one and perhaps actually deliver on that genre.
    Another note, the incubus boss fight being a bullet hell has no place in this game...as nothing beforehand sets you up for that sort of fight to begin with. Given how clunky Sena hitbox is and her sluggish movement, its simply unfair and unfun mechanic for a boss. You don't even get any unique scenes with him...and I'm only here FOR THE YURI.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Project Sena is what you get when the developer has too many ambitions but without having the technical know-how to realize them.

    The game is riddled with bugs from the game giving you thousands for in game currency instead of 1, to the enemies dropping no currency(DNA) for not reason at all.
    Then we have the very clunky controls, the original control scheme is a mess, and remapping the keys can be a challenge all by itself, since the game might decide that it doesn't want to remap them or even decide to map the same key for multiple actions.

    Then we have the whole "escape" mechanic, it seem well and good, if you want to keep the protagonist "pure" but that's not the case since she'll get raped in an unavoidable in game scene anyway...
    All in all the game leaves a lot to be desired, and it's really not worth the hassle you have to go through in order to play it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    the H-Scenes some of it are animated and quite good, but the game it self is janky fest
    control are horrible, gameplay is meh, you can't really pause the game?? if you do it will ALWAYS ask "do you want to quit or not"
    IT'S BORING nothing is really standout
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game its kinda interesting but its the same kinda metroidvania type game with some H scenes the only thin it can improve on futures update its Content and more enemies?. The game its simple and fun and the Lewd content its nice for now, i hope it gets better from time to time but for nom its a solid 4/10 very meh game (Sorry for my bad english)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Animation is excellent, but unfortunaly it has some bugs like the enemies teleport everywhere and sometimes screenshots freeze but that depends on each update that the developers launch though they fix all bugs slowly, but Im giving it 5* because of the great animation that it has.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The animations are the best part of this game, but the game aspect is lacking. The game's idea of difficulty is throwing a bunch of enemies at you. it's good that there's a variety of animations to go with but it would've been better to have these types of enemies spread out rather than being clumped up together in packs of 5 to even 10.
    Also the platforming is quite abysmal, especially in the tentacle escape sequences where the camera isn't zoomed out far enough to see instant kill death pits and doorways you need to break and be high enough to cross. Rather than pits be instant death it'd be better for it to send you back with some HP loss.
    We also need invincibility frames because there's an enemy that immediately knocks you down and after escaping it can do it again and get you stuck in a loop.
    Final issues which you may notice immediately. Be careful with the options menu. Going to keybinds locks you out of doing anything and you can't even change the controls anyway so don't bother going in there. 2nd. Don't upgrade past the limit it shows you, otherwise you'll get a black screen when trying to go to the level or loading that particular save.
    I see potential though. My 3 stars are solely for the animations because they are top quality.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Good animations but as a game it's a mess. There's enemies doing meaties that will capture you forever, upgrading your character or changing keybinds locks the game out, interactions seem really inconsistent (enemies suddenly beating certain moves, pit enemies not detecting hits properly, going much further than normal when airdashing or bouncing off of level geo)

    Some enemy placements are intentionally annoying, such as explosive enemies next to pits. Some breakable barrier placements are similarly annoying

    Could be a 4 or 5 star game, but right now the gameplay issues are just too grating. Played up to partway through the final level before getting fed up. Could have brute forced it (I've played more monotonous games), just didn't want to
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Torao Chadabe

    Pretty promising so far. As it sems every 0.1 update about 5 new animations get added, so quantity wise this game won't be lacking if this trend stays up.

    Gameplay wise i would not recommend playing it right now and just enjoy the gallery (which is unlocked from the start), because the majority of enemies seem to be bugged and just move way too fast so they end up clipping through everything. If that gets fixed this is definitely going to be a very good game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The reason for the 5 stars is the art and the potential for growth.
    The gameplay side of things lacks a lot of polish: controls are wonky, enemy placement is 'how many enemies do you want? yes', bosses are damage sponges, and a lot of QoL is missing. Oh, and bugs.
    But that's sort of expectable, as the focus seems that it went into the art side of things.
    Looking forward to updates that refine the gameplay. This has the chance to be quite good.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this, the graphics, the characters, the gameplay, the theme
    I like everything.
    Unfortunately there are still a lot of bugs, there is no voice from the main character, there are some things that haven't been translated (well actually it's not a big deal) and the gameplay is quite difficult but I like it.

    Can't wait for the next update :coffee:
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Squishy ladies enjoyer

    Aside from some of my picky preferencens[like pc being bio-roid but aside from empty eyes she look like ordinary girl] game is pretty good so far for 0.201v. Needs some balance stuff like being able to go through more scenes[protag mind breaking too fast in segs for non human being], and more encounters which 1-2 enemies[gangbang feature is really cool, but it will get boring when, due to the number of enemies, there will be mostly only gangbang sex.]
    I saw Night of revenge & Thorn sin. This one have a greater potential: better artstyle and more classic hentai scenes [the quality that I like with just good old rough/rape sex, finally].
    Edit: was gave 5 stars at first, now 4 stars after tried stage 2. In ver.201 stage 2 is complete fuckery. All of those mechanics does not work with "run from smth with obstacles". U can try to complete the level itself, but it's not a prudent waste of time. Also, the second boss with the current balance is shit, h-scene good, but combat with him is shit. Hope that atleast not all levels in future is gonna be that unplayable/sex unenjoyable.