Unity - Completed - Project Sena [v1.000] [Huuuuge]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great potential, but need to fix a lot of balance stuff, amount of monsters and etc. If in the end many levels, unique opponents and animations for them are added, as well as more mechanics, then the game can be on par with the best hentai side-scrollers.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For the early version it's very very good. Has potential to be among the greats of the genre if given enough polish.

    • Enemy variety is already quite decent. Groups of enemies pose an actual challenge.
    • Combat is actually pretty thoughtful if unpolished. Rushing in spamming your main attack will get you beaten down. This alone already makes it above average. Using your skills also has disadvantages, like putting you out of position.
    • Getting out of grapples is actually difficult, wow! And it gets harder as you lose health. Great stuff.
    • Rebindable controls! Phenomenal. I'm actually not a fan of the default control scheme, but this just elminiates the problem.
    • Art is good, animations are pretty good too.
    • Level design is pretty limited right now.
    • In general everything lacks polish. It's clearly an early build.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games where I like the art and style of the character sprites(?) a lot, and I think the ideas it has are cool like the little MOBA style cooldown abilities for the MC, but- I feel the dev doesn't know how to balance encounters, as it seems their idea of difficulty is just: "Shove as many enemies together in a small, tight environment as we can" and just leaving it there.

    Anims are nice, but don't have variety outside of some having multiple of the same enemy (like, two zombies instead of one)

    I like the MC's design,it's silly and slutty but weirdly, she pulls it off.

    Controls are simultaneously floaty and stiff at the same time. You can't quite move her the way you want, as it's almost too rigid, but attacks just whiff sometimes or ignore your inputs I feel.

    It's in pretty early stages as of writing this. I will say it's nice brain-off jerk material (which is something I personally enjoy my games to be somewhat like, but not entirely) but if you're looking for a mix of smut and a decent game, at least in its current state, this ain't it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is serviceable, not very responsive and the sound design isn't great.

    Animations are good, there is consistent clothing damage, and the heroine retains her stockings in her most damaged state, and that's already leagues above a lot of games on here.

    Definitely has potential.
    Likes: jttth
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    +cool art
    +side scroller
    +gallery opened
    -every be atacked you catch stun
    - A lot of enemy, a lot
    -It is impossible to continue after defeat
    some people talk about bugs, the only bug in this version is when you are attacked and you kill the enemy at the same time, the enemy sprite does not disappear (what I found)
    Likes: jttth
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The visuals are overall good but...
    The capture state makes you mash your keyboard to escape because the progress bar barely moves.
    No direction control for pistol, so you always struggle with the dogs and other ground mobs.
    Tutorial is incomplete and it throws you into a horde right away, it doesn't give enough time to get used to controls and movements.
    Mob count on locations is too big.
    Player collider doesn't fit the sprite.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Unplayable in it's current state.
    While it has good animations and visuals, it's literally incomplete (even the tutorial is completly broken, i don't have idea of how someone on the reviews got to play the game for more than a hour).
    While it has potential, it's broken.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the animations, but the game does feel a bit rough around the edges. The keybinds also seem a bit funky, but still workable. My biggest complaint is how the game doesnt always seem to register your inputs, or will delay them by a decent bit. Looking forward to seeing more from this.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I have played this game for a while, the controls are very unresponsive and there are still a lot of bugs like stuck main characters and enemies, the meter to break the enemy's grappling attack is too fast, and most of the time backdash is useless. This game is not bad, but also kind of mediocre, has a lot of potential. But since this is still early release, we might get something better in the future