Unity - ProjectR [v0.3.1.4] [Team-Apple Pie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This Review is written on early build (Version ), so its more written with hope what it will be, than how is it now. I loved previous developers game Monster Black Market, and this one looks like its gonna be direct upgrade with different theme.

    -For those not familiar with previous game, this game is turn based, managment game, where you build rooms in 2D prespective, develop them, NPCs and expand their functionalities.
    -You own Creatures(Monsters and humanoids, usually male) and Slaves(humanoid-elf, human, furry, draco, usually female), you put them in coresponding rooms, and gain resources(Breed girls, feed babies...) at end of every turn.
    -Instead of selling newborn creatures like in previous game, you have 2 new UI elements: Unit managment and Map. You make army from your creatures in unit manager and put it on map to conquest cities in witch you gain passive income of coresponding slaves and food every turn. There are also wandering monsters and supplies on map that you can also conquer.

    There is no story in this version, only hint of Demon girl and shota boy cozzilly sitting in a bed and reading a book. Im expecting some nice, easy going, story that explains why are we running monsters rampant around world xD
    Graphic: 2D, Animated, i expect character customization, cum effects, a lot of animations and details, like in previous game.

    -Managment game: you can kinda play with one hand
    -Pregnancy, birth, baby children raising, milking, breastfeeding...
    -Animations are nice for a cartoony game
    -in this early version, there is only nun human vilage to gather slaves, and only goblin creature.
    -can get repetative, and in bigger scenarios overwhelming, hope developer manages this with care
    -in previous game slaves used to get corrupted easily, feel expendable and lack other types of stats progression, which makes having favourite hard. Hope this games implements those features right and improve them.

    Final word:
    Since this game is going in a way to become direct upgrade of its predecessor, i hope it brings more than just different ways to "sell" our creatures as in previous game. Some thing i would like to see are more customization options, making favourite slaves, maybe make option for slaves to become comanders? Endless map conquest, it would be a succker to finish game, conquest all and have endless stack of monsters with nowhere to go.
    Im thrilled to see where this game goes, and hope it continues to be one of my faves.

    PS: Im sorry for typos and bad English, its not my primary language and i wrote this review with haste.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    So we are reviewing tech-demo builds now, hm? Alright, here's what I can tell about it:

    - Version 0.1 was shipped with Mono, which is good for modding.
    - Data structure is a lot better than their previous MBM game, which is also good for modding.
    - Content is lackluster, yeah, so what? It's a tech-demo, be patient.

    Giving it 5 stars for great justice as long as it stays open for modding like that.