For those wanting to take a crack at it, this is the code, from the namespace SeqScripts Class GameManager
The important bits are in the "initialization" if statement, if that wasn't obvious.
I'll just point out that copy pasting this into a .cs file is going to get the game to give you like 250 errors. And the GameManager class is one of the biggest.
My brain is just not working right now on how to solve the mess of overloading that Method. And how the Scripting works hasn't allowed me to reference some of the other Libraries like Spine or DG, so the dumb caveman stuff isn't exactly working for it.
Currently, the simplest (and the method I like least) is just to modify the Assembly-CSharp.dll file directly.
It's an issue with DNSpy and the fact that the low level code calls generated by the Compiler doesn't play nice. Nothing you are doing wrong, just another reason why I want to chug alcohol when dealing with code.
If you did want to do something, you'll need to branch out. Using things like DotPeek to export the entire dll, edit it in Visual Studio or something, and then recompile it.
Edit: And as you can see, editing the GameManager folder can be like stepping on a hive of fire ants.