
Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2022
Village A is also a trap (20 pop, Low armament), no traits.

Oh, for anyone curious:
Village B (Starts with 30 pop, low Aramament) has Knockback Resistance.
Village D (The village starts with 60 pop and a High Armament level, can send two parties) has their only trait listed as Cost Down.
Village G (Starts with 45 and Mid) has Sex Bribe, the infamy reducer, as their only trait.
Is there some way to know which village is which?
Oct 2, 2022
While I can't say for certain, personally I don't see any value in raiding any "low" village (with the exception of the goblin camp which is only useful to reduce your infamy).They probably won't give any super useful passives and will mostly just use up your units unesasarily.
Jan 6, 2018
Is there some way to know which village is which?
Yeah, there are relative positions, but I gave the starting pop for a reason, that number on a new play through won't change.

To make it easier for people (yes, the image is stitched together): LabeledVIllagesProjectR.png

Edit: Small side note, but it is very easy to add villages and such to the map. Could make a 'sister' village if people wanted, or one of Monmusu, (though that requires modifying the animation file as well)
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Jan 2, 2023
Something I am wondering about, is what is the source of slaves is from the "violent demonstration" action? Are they effectively from their own abstract "village" that comes with their own stat upgrades?


Jun 6, 2017
Liking this game more than MBM for some reason. Maybe cause this feels more proactive than the previous game?

Would like to see more more color variety in the monsters get implemented to help differentiate them. Could even see an XCOM mechanic where they unlock passives based on number of raids or babies made.

Also, futa monsters. Want some amazon raiders to decimate villages.


New Member
May 23, 2018
There is quite literally posts from before where we discussed it.

Saves won't be effective, given how the trait system changed, and how they've changed the upper rooms. It takes like 10 minutes anyway to get the basics. The only 'hard' bit is getting nuns.

Rune, if the plan hasn't changed, is actually our . . . sugar mama? She might be someone needing to be 'toppled' in an ending, so you might not be far off.

Basically, no idea why those Goblins only have Strength as well.

Village A is also a trap (20 pop, Low armament), no traits.

Oh, for anyone curious:
Village B (Starts with 30 pop, low Aramament) has Knockback Resistance.
Village D (The village starts with 60 pop and a High Armament level, can send two parties) has their only trait listed as Cost Down.
Village G (Starts with 45 and Mid) has Sex Bribe, the infamy reducer, as their only trait.

You can just modify the mix files, you know. Just open the Woman_Player1mix.mix file in notepad, it contains the monmusu as well.

        "ParentFigure": ["Shortstack", "Player1"],
        "CharacterId": "Woman",
        "Chance": 70,
        "ParentFigure": ["Oni", "Player1"],
        "CharacterId": "Woman",
        "Chance": 70,

        "ParentFigure": ["Shortstack", "Player1"],
        "CharacterId": "Sister",
        "Chance": 70,
        "ParentFigure": ["Oni", "Player1"],
        "CharacterId": "Sister",
        "Chance": 70,
You could also split them between Sisters and Woman (just change the chance to 35 for the woman one and make a copy that is for the Sister.

now that you mention it, i suppose i could modify some of the parameters. thanks by the way
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Oct 2, 2022
How to raid? What characteristics should a slave have?
Your slaves should have characteristics that will benefit the monsters. While I'm not super aware of how to push this patch to its limits, cost down is useful on all monsters not named goblin. All of Orcs, Oni, and Shortstacks benefit from cost down. Shortstacks in particular can get really scary when a horde of 8 of them gun down would-be assailants thanks to their piercing attacks. They then only need some meat shields to protect them from getting knocked back. As for the slaves themselves, Nuns can be put on the pillary to heal you active defenders. There is a small icon that has two axes on it which opens the raid menu.
Jan 6, 2018
Something I am wondering about, is what is the source of slaves is from the "violent demonstration" action? Are they effectively from their own abstract "village" that comes with their own stat upgrades?
Nope, just uses the base woman class/id. (But good question, I didn't think to check) So don't bother yet with violent demonstration if you want to get a slave. They could have at least used the test ID, but oh well.

EDIT: Just checked, super easy to change, just copied the Action3 to a new .cs file, and changed the ID reference. No errors popped up.

EDIT2: Okay, just made two discoveries. One was pretty obvious in retrospect, but the code made it less so.

Use "TraitChance": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100], if you want to pass on everything. And Traits do cap at 5, as far as I can tell. No hidden traits visible.

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Liking this game more than MBM for some reason. Maybe cause this feels more proactive than the previous game?

Would like to see more more color variety in the monsters get implemented to help differentiate them. Could even see an XCOM mechanic where they unlock passives based on number of raids or babies made.

Also, futa monsters. Want some amazon raiders to decimate villages.
Futa is very unlikely (don't expect it at all), but we can whip up some color variety pretty easy.

now that you mention it, i suppose i could modify some of the parameters. thanks by the way
No worries, glad I could help.

I can post a few different color mods here if people want.

Just give me a couple of 'ideas' for what people do want. Simplest are color replacements or random colors. Once we start trying to get complex (like color blending), that'll require some more leg work.

If people want more map spots/changes, those can also be arranged.
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May 29, 2017
A sister location would be nice map addition.

Still catching up on the color changing discussion of last couple pages, also went through the files and it seems relatively easy to add custom characters/races.
Jan 6, 2018
Edit: Yeah, I totally missed something on the obvious front. The numbers add up to the total when it does the RandomChance utility, on both areas. 0,0,0,0,0,100 means the only time it will fail is at the final addition, because the range is from 0 to 100.

Sister location is easy.

Do something like this and add it to your mapobject.object. Or unzip the file attached to the post and place it in your ProjectR/ProjectR_Data/StreamingAssets/map/mapobject folder instead

        "Id": "VillageH",
        "Name": "#VillageH",
        "Figure": "MapSister",
        "Type": "Village",
        "Position": [-3, -7],
        "ArmamentLevel": "High",
        "ArmamentMinDamage": [100, 135],
        "ArmamentMaxDamage": [155, 195],
        "Member": [
                "CharacterId": "Sister_Level4",
                "Count": [20],
        "Plunder": [
                "Name": "#Plunder",
                "Text": "#PlunderText",
                "PartyCount": [2],
                "Aggro": [40],
                "Slave": [1, 5],
                "Time": [280],
4.40 star(s) 31 Votes