There is quite literally posts from before where we discussed it.
Saves won't be effective, given how the trait system changed, and how they've changed the upper rooms. It takes like 10 minutes anyway to get the basics. The only 'hard' bit is getting nuns.
Rune, if the plan hasn't changed, is actually our . . . sugar mama? She might be someone needing to be 'toppled' in an ending, so you might not be far off.
Basically, no idea why those Goblins only have Strength as well.
Village A is also a trap (20 pop, Low armament), no traits.
Oh, for anyone curious:
Village B (Starts with 30 pop, low Aramament) has Knockback Resistance.
Village D (The village starts with 60 pop and a High Armament level, can send two parties) has their only trait listed as Cost Down.
Village G (Starts with 45 and Mid) has Sex Bribe, the infamy reducer, as their only trait.
You can just modify the mix files, you know. Just open the Woman_Player1mix.mix file in notepad, it contains the monmusu as well.
"ParentFigure": ["Shortstack", "Player1"],
"CharacterId": "Woman",
"Chance": 70,
"ParentFigure": ["Oni", "Player1"],
"CharacterId": "Woman",
"Chance": 70,
"ParentFigure": ["Shortstack", "Player1"],
"CharacterId": "Sister",
"Chance": 70,
"ParentFigure": ["Oni", "Player1"],
"CharacterId": "Sister",
"Chance": 70,
You could also split them between Sisters and Woman (just change the chance to 35 for the woman one and make a copy that is for the Sister.