Written as of v. 0.5
I've never written any review here till now. It means that the game is good enough for me to choose for first review. No need to read further, you can play it.
From all the avns I played so far, it’s the funniest avn in S tier.
It has quite a lot of good quality comedy content. I’ve never laughed so much during avn. Ofc to see all funny content players need to check all choices. Going only with stupid/funny choices and allow seeing game over screens is not all
Good comedy content is what makes this game different from other S tier avns. However, the game also has what usually S tier have. Be it an interesting story and created world, unique/beautiful characters, good animations, some drama content etc. The amount of drama content is not big, so it's not in the way of enjoyment of comedy content. It can serve as a calming down factor to regain the ability to laugh later.
For these reasons it’s worth playing and the game deserves more attention.
Imo keeping drama content at a low level may be the hardest task for the Dev, if he continues to aim at comedy.
On the other hand, if he switches the path to the common road of S tier, the drama content is too low and too light. Lots of good avns have excellent, interesting, emotional, engaging, heavy drama content, so the competition is very high on that path.
However, whatever path he’ll choose (comedy, comedy drama, something else), I find it quite likely that the game will be at least good.