Wolf RPG - Completed - Pronant Symphony [Final] [E.B.]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    + Good story
    + Good CG art
    + Good gameplay mechanics
    + Good BMG
    + Good MC
    + Lot of costume
    + Good scene
    + Good OST

    I would give 5/5

    since i have OCD, this game is perfect for me.... Hope there will be more content and map to explore
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright, another gem that I just discover recently. Let's see where to start.

    Plot: Somewhat okay, it is good, has some twist and depth but you can tell plot is not the focus of this game just by playing it after a while, nonetheless, it is still can be counted as good and clearly above your standard, there are difference in good and evil route after all so it is worth it to play both route, my final rating for the plot is 76/100

    Combat: Oh boy the combat is actually fun to play, and the grind is... ehh, the grind is actually okay somewhat but it is grinding, rarely people have fun in doing that. In conclusion, the combat is good, as long you pay attention to the instruction and read them then you will be able to enjoy it. I give it 70/100

    Hentai: It kinda hot actually, the art is great after all, it could be better, and I was hoping for more vanilla H scene but ehh, this is mind control game, what do you expect? I give it 65/100

    Characters: 100/100. I have so many things I want to say but I am very afraid to spoiling it so I will just say, it is worth it. The interactions between the MC and his girls, how he developed in the late game, how they all converse with each other, everything is nearly perfect. You can tell the changes that occurred to the MC in both good and evil route through his inner thought. And let me tell you, this game know how to hit you in the heart, really.

    Music: Normally I wouldn't even rate this but for this game? It is epic, like, really touching, the final battle music, the desperation, and the romance time, lemme told you all, worth it, just like Black Souls. Unfortunately it only has few though so... 85/100

    For those that contemplating if this game worth it or not, if you like romance, like character interactions, like character development and all, then trust me, this is your game. It manage to surpass Black Souls in that regard and that speak volume seeing how massive Black Souls series is, it is just that worth it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the hentai, stayed for the story and gameplay. A JRPG masterpiece.

    There's a lot of themes and ideas to reflect on as you play through the plot. Keeping your levels and items into new game plus is a big convenience.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright so the game story is acceptable but the combat is clunky and unenjoyable the H séance aren't bad and the options of what you can do H and non-H are great but it doesn't have what it takes to stand up to other totals in this genre from what I can see.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoy the game, overall.
    There are positives and negatives, depending the individuals' taste.
    Story, Music, Gameplay, Character, and Choices.
    Such is Life.

    Give it a try is all that I can say, whether it resonates with you or not is your own decision.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have pointed out, Pronant Symphony isn't known for its H content. However, the game makes up for it with its characters, not just the main cast but even many of the NPCs have interesting stories and personalities. Definitely a "stayed for the plot" moment but I would have preferred if the good and evil routes were less linear.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that starts off with a simple goal: Slay the Demon Lord. Simple, right? Well, the game's narrative takes advantage of the fact it's an H game to both make an amazing story and give you good or bad endings depending on your actions. Combat can be a bit repetitive at times, but it's not horrible.

    Gameplay:6/10 (Can be a bit annoying having limited skill uses, and a fee floors can be a bit annoying, but it's kind of fun once you learn to plan.)
    Story: 9/10 (A few cliché moments that stick out, but over all an excellent story)
    Art: 8/10 (Some odd proportions but nothing insane. Great shading and colors)
    Music: 9/10 (Honestly an amazingly made score. A few tracks are used a bit too much, but the music box is beautiful)
    Scenes: 6/10 (Lacks any voice acting or animations, but is pretty well written.)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    While I'm still rating this game a stark 5 star, let me tell you, it's a very bad hentai game. I'm wondering if the developer just went for the h-scenes because it's the best way to get noticed on Dlsite, or to be very close to the theme of hypnotism.

    Moreover, you're going to have a hard time achieving the special H scenes because there is a lot of grinding and you might not want to wait all that long to beat your meat. ( I'm a very patient dude, but even I thought that was tedious, like waiting for a bird to leave a nest at 2 am. ) Because actually very few enemies want to have a time with your party and this isn't clearly a battlefuck game.

    Last but not least, but the h-scenes are too long and vanilla scenes are cheesy as fuck. As for the villain h-scenes, nothing makes it so you enjoy being a villain. ( that being said, I generally prefer games where you have a female protag, so that's why )

    oh and spoilers
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    TL/DR : I like Irito, but I wanted more of Niva time and even though it goes along the plot of this game, this makes the game really not like a game with multiple girls from one of which you can choose your favorite. Like, If you show precisely fondness for one of the girls, unless it's Irito, scenes with the 3 other girls become so scarce at the end compared to her. And you won't feel really close at the end. That's like a rom com manga, but with all the girls but one disappearing just because.

    But aside from that, if you're looking for a tense but not unfair dungeon crawler that feels really rewarding, go ahead. But I really wished they would have gone for more action cg since the ending is pretty cool but is just a lot of sprites moving at the end.
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  9. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite H game of all time. It has a good gameplay system, a fantastic dungeon experience, and one of the best plot and character development of all the games I ever played.
    One things I believe this games lacks to be a true masterpiece is that the plot only focused on one of the heroine. Meanwhile, the other three heroine didn't get as much focus and exploration into the depth of their character.
    Another thing that most have mentioned is that the H of the game is quiet "meh." But that alone doesn't really matter too much as most of us are here for the plot, not H.
    Great game overall, it may have its flaws but the beauty and positives outweighs the negative by a ton.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first. This is a game for people who enjoy good gameplay. If you are just in it to fap, I suggest you look elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, the scenes are not bad, but this game is so much more than that.

    Pronant Symphony offers a great dungeon crawling experience. It will appeal to OCD people who loves to hunt for materials and craft things. It also features classic metrovania principles of revisiting old areas after gaining powers/equipment to open previously closed sections. The combat system is not your standard RPGM fare. It utilizes a system of "terrain" effects if we could call it that. There is a field element that offers some complexity to the battles. The skills are mostly unlocked through the equipment and these skills can be leveled up through various means. There are many different parts to this gameplay system which all works harmoniously to create a very balanced and smooth power curve.

    While the gameplay is the shining point of this game, the writing is actually surprisingly good. The world building is great. The cast of characters, including the MC do a very convincing job of getting you invested in the journey. And what a journey it is.

    I will not spoil anything major, and most of what I talk about can be learned from the early game, but feel free to skip the next 2 paragraphs if you want a truly fresh experience going in. I only played the evil route so far, so my review of the plot elements will be limited to this.

    At a glance, you may see this as a mind control game, which it is, but the author puts a very original spin on things. As they say, this is a game about "fake bonds." The bonds are created by magical hypnotism, but they nevertheless feel real to the players and even the MC. The central theme is that of the MC struggling with his selfish desires in the face of these 4 lively girls who touches his heart despite the nature of the relationship.

    The plot of this game is in no way a hentai story. The game constantly reminds you of the consequences of wanton depravity. It does such a great job at handling the moral dilemma, that you can't even get mad at the inevitable consequences of your actions. You can indulge in rape, theft, and murder, all the while knowing that things will not end well (as the game warns you multiple times). The interesting thing about this route of self destruction is that we see some amazing growth for the MC. He finds himself growing increasingly attached to these girls and the fake bond he has created. It's a nuanced take on a common hentai trope.

    So there you have it. Amazingly fun gameplay for RPG dungeon crawling fans. An unexpectedly nuanced and serious take on a common hentai trope. This definitely goes into the rare class of porn games that offers a good enough gameplay to be worth playing even if it had no porn.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Pronant Symphony is an unusual case. It's more like an anti-hentai game.

    As a developer myself with experience playing potentially 100s of hentai games for research and other purposes, the first thing that stuck out to me was the high quality writing. It's very rare for me to find a hentai game that can genuinely make me care, and not just scoff at perceived forced melodrama.

    The story is excellent. We fully indulge in every sickly detail of this dark fantasy with these girls we genuinely care about. This is perhaps to the detriment of the game. It's almost like a dread simulator. The game will make you care, and it might even hurt.

    As far as H-Content goes, I'm actually going to go against what a lot of people in this thread at saying. If you happen to have the niche taste that this game can fulfil, this is an exquisite pornographic experience. But I imagine not a lot of people can stomach what the game has in store, and would rather opt out, which the game happily obliges.

    I'll quickly summarize the gameplay. I loved the RPG mechanics, the dungeon, and the options you get interacting with characters. I would have liked the FF9 reminiscent skills from weapons system to be scrapped in favour of something more traditional. Especially combined with the clunky crafting system, I found myself not engaging with weapons and skills because it wasn't fun. The game has a lot of smaller systems which tend to be underdeveloped, I would have preferred some more care and intrigue applied to things like the crafting, the shops, the skills, the guild and more. This also brings me to my least favourite part of the game: the final encounter is also so overwhelmingly difficult compared to anything else the game has to offer, and requires either min-maxing skills and equipment to a delirious degree, or grinding far past the difficulty of any other content in the game. That wasn't particularly fun, and it took a lot of wind out of my sails at a particularly potent story high.

    The bottom line is, Pronant Symphony isn't just a hRPG, it's art. It has something to say. You may look into the game and have it look back at you.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like harem rpg games.
    The art is cute.
    I like how the player is given a chance where it can be played as being a good or bad protag.
    I like the music of the music box.
    I like the game mechanics.
    The controls are good.
    I like how the story unfolds.
    I like how the girls have different outfits that can be equipped.
    Tutorial is good.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I want to say that I really like rpg H-games, but I have to admit that most of them are copy and paste of the same elements in storytelling and gameplay. In a lot of cases, it would be better if they were VN instead of grinding and linear rpg's. They satisfy your lust for 2 or 3 hours, but that's it.

    This game is totally the opposite, cause it is truly a GAME, not a shallow interactive experience. It has its own mechanics, it's hard (with a good learning curve) and it's engaging, at the point you go to bed wondering what to do in the next time you open the game. The battle system is great and challenging - you gonna lose, will get mad at it and will train to beat that f**king enemy mercilessly. Again, this game is absolutely engaging, and I think that's one of the better reasons of its high ratings.

    The H-content? As others said, it's ok, it's not that much, you get more in the corrupted path (but hey, you're a demon here), and it comes in a well-balanced distribution. You can view the porn as a kind of reward for some actions and choices, but in the end of day it's just another great element of the game. Trust us: you may play the "good" path, with almost no H-scenes, and love it - and I tell this as a "corruption path fan", as generally the normal route is boring and soppy.

    TL;DR: go ahead and enjoy this masterpiece!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For starters, I highly encourage people to not go into this game expecting stellar H-Content. While the artstyle is quite pleasing to look at, the H-Content itself isn’t exactly too enticing, but it isn’t necessarily bad either. Even if that’s a dealbreaker as I do understand that the main appeal of this genre is just the H, I HIGHLY encourage people to play this game as I do think it’s quite a gem regardless.

    Pronant Symphony's most shining aspects is easily the gameplay mechanics and most of all, its story. Gameplay-wise, it still has regular RPGmaker grindiness, but it paces it in a way that ensures you don’t get too bored at the tedium, nor do you get too annoyed at the difficulty. I went into the game pretty casually, not dedicating too much time to it, and even then it still kept me interested unlike most RPGmaker games. It rewards playing smart, which I guess is what really kept it interesting as it keeps you thinking about what the best way to approach certain fights is. There is an NG+ mode, and I highly recommend that you do not 100% the game on your first playthrough because of the additions in that NG+ mode. I instead recommend that you play to the final boss on your first playthrough which is about 80% of the game, and then doing the other 20% which is completely optional content as I believe it truly adds to the experience.

    Gameplay aside, the best part about this game and the sole reason I'm writing this review has to do with the story. I read a review that encouraged the evil route for your first playthrough, and I HIGHLY recommend the same. I've never grown to like characters in an H-Game so much that I absolutely hated every single moment of the evil route. In fact, I found myself skipping through an awful lot of dialogue cause I couldn’t bear myself to witness just how wholesome these characters were knowing how much evil I was inflicting towards them. Despite doing that, I still grew to like these characters which is still shocking to say the least. By New Game+, I became extremely hooked on giving these characters the ending they deserved, and pair that with certain additions made during New Game+ just made the experience stellar. I actually am writing this review months after I’ve already finished the game, but I’m doing so anyways because it’s still one that stuck in my mind all this time later.

    All in all, PLAY THIS GAME. I recommend the way which I outlined here as I believe it really adds to the story. Keep in mind that you should not go in expecting your average H-Game. Treat it more like an actual game, with just the added benefit of Hentai in the mix.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Boombox 221

    I love games where even it you have the OPTION to be a piece of shmit, you can CHOOSE not to be one, and it reflects in how the characters see you.

    And I know this kind of playstyle means no H scenes for a significant portion of the game, but I don't mind that. The bonds you build with these girls, the stories they tell you, the time you spend with them, actively avoiding doing bad things to them, It has led me to a story branch I don't think the average player will find.

    A heartwarming wholesome branch.

    I can't go into detail about why, but know that if you like games where your heart will regain some humanity as you make morally good choices, this game is for you.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this for 50 hours now cuz im absolutely addicted with this game.. the music, story, characters, everything! I love all of them! Sometimes when I got tired with grinding I just close my eyes an listen to the music in inn and chill lol...

    The sex command is obviously tempting but I would rather repeat my playtrough all over again with saint mode with no sex but at the ending cuz it's absolutely heart warming and after the long , difficult, exciting final battle.. watching the ending.. it feels so worth it...

    So if you weak for emotional stories I recommend you play as demon for first time so you can collect all sex gallery and lessen your heart for handling the story better cuz it left me in a daze for days now...

    For you who wants to enter absolute demon mode I will give you a tips to save time Order your girls to prostitute herself right before you entering istaroth throne for the second one cuz the result of your horrible command only shown here
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    If your going into this looking for H, turn back, you shall find few pickings here. If your a real, ALPHA intellectual who gets off on shoving your rock hard skills into the warm folds of a fantastic combat system... then this game, this masterpiece, is for you.

    A word of warning, this game's combat is great, but it can be a grind.... IF YOUR A FUCKING CASUAL. This is one of the few games were I can say the only true way to play is the highest difficulty. In HELL MODE, this "grinder" rpg actually limits the number of battles you can have; starting at 50 and increasing to a maximum of 250 as you progress through the story. Once your in, purchase a Night tomb from your bedroom to decrease encounter rate and rush down to the 3rd floor for the tomb of discipline, which drastically increases exp gain at the expense of turning every combat encounter into a sudden death round. With these simple steps you have turned a good rpg, into one of the single most tense and rewarding rpgs to every exist. The combat limit is calculated perfectly for a first time playthrough, forcing you to pick your fights carefully , while still allowing some leeway for mistakes and the occasional grind fights to get that single level advantage over that rat who keeps demolishing your party.

    I love this game, and it's story is one of the best on this god-forsaken site, I highly recommend putting on something comfy and straying further from god with this experience. (NG+ is also fun, but the grind is no longer optional)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best story-driven H-Game I've played in a while, I don't regret spending so much time trying to reach both endings, if you're looking for just h-scenes, this isn't for you, but if you're looking for a good story, I'd say give it a shot, you definitely won't regret it as well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of my favorite games on this site. Though it may not be for some, I found this game enjoyable in a way that most games are not. Even though I started on the good route with fewer sex scenes the core functions of the game and the story that wound through everything was both enjoyable and touching in a way I did not expect. And while some may consider the game grindy or too challenging I genuinely enjoyed every part of the combat and exploration functions to the point where I decided to 100% the game on its hardest effective difficulty. The sex scenes are also rather good when you get around to them as well.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    People play H-Games for a variety of reason, centred on one important aspect - the actual smut. As such, the industry (if it can be called that) has evolved in a way to put emphasis on the smut and ignoring most gameplay elements. F95 is littered with games that run the gamut from scene collectors to semi-proper RPGs with the vast majority doing the bare minimum to classify themselves as a game. In such a landscape, it is rare to find a gem such as Pronant Symphony that has so many gameplay elements to it that you forget you're playing an H-Game. In fact, some minor exposure to the H-Scenes early on made me dislike them as they weren't all that good. However, I ended up putting 20+ hours into the game as I was captivated by the gameplay elements.

    A lot of people have already talked in depth about the gameplay elements so I'll just quickly summarize the ones that stood out to me as memorable. The game is an RPG where you do turn-based combat to level up, collect materials from monsters (but also from the environment) and use it to synthesize gear. However, where it is unique is that it has a day/night system. You encounter more monsters at night and you get different crafting materials, rare ones that result in better equipment. The turn-based combat isn't your usual "Spam Z" as you have limits on the number of abilities you can use initially. You have to be careful to keep your better attacks for tougher enemies and not waste them on cannon fodder. You can reset the limit once per dungeon run. However, it is advantageous to stay in the dungeon for longer as it results in better materials, more XP and you get "Hell Points" which you can use to upgrade your attacks' power and limit. The battles themselves are exciting enough for a WolfRPG game. You can discover information about your opponents using battle knowledge and then equip abilities that target their weakness. The battle stage also has dynamic elements which mean that using a certain element is advantageous at that particular moment. So it's useful to have a wide variety of elemental attacks equipped for the right moment.

    Equipment also makes a fair difference in this game with some annoyingly overpowered enemies hidden away. The boss, satan and another archdemon were annoying to defeat unless you knew their attacks and equipped your party accordingly. And choosing your party with the right skills is essential as well. You need a healer, a ranger and a DPS.
    Another great quality about the game is that there's a lot of content that isn't essential to the game itself but is useful and fun to discover and do. You can capture and sell monsters, if you sell them to a zoo-ish area, you get crafting materials for synthesis. Or you can sell them for money. There are a lot of treasures on offer that require first gathering information from denizens of the floor, then beating a boss. Doing so gives you clothing options for your party and while limited, were a fun smutty side to a game otherwise lacking in H-Content. The game also has a metroidvania-esque quality to it where getting equipment opens up newer areas on earlier levels so you have reason to go back and retrace old steps. Doing so leads to some useful equipment that comes in handy not only during regular gameplay but also the final boss.

    One thing I wasn't a fan of was the grind. After you reach a certain point, there's nothing to do except beat the final boss. But if you're not levelled enough or RNG luck hasn't given you the right amulets, you're stuck grinding. I didn't have any particular equipment for death-negation so I had to walk around looking for the right materials and it just simply wasn't happening. You also can't sell your equipment. You can sell the synthesis materials but not the equipment. There was a lot of shit I was carrying around that cluttered up my inventory and I'd have been happier if I could have gotten rid of it.

    Which leads us to the H-Scenes. Truth be told, I completely ignored them. Saw a couple and they weren't of the highest quality and I was genuinely having a good time playing the game, I decided to forego them and go down the good route. Which is a shame. The idea of mind controlling and requests like "Give me your panties" conjure up images of some great CG after which the character in question is pantyless during combat. But none such scenes transpired. Instead, you get an equippable item which is easily ignored amongst the vast mounds of paraphernalia you'll collect. Clothing damage was also not progressive enough so there's a lot to be desired on that front.

    At the end of the day, this is a rubbish H-Game. But it is a solid game and by virtue of having some smutty elements to it, is elevated above the drivel that usually plague the industry - an industry that is filled with low-investment games where combat means spamming Z or where the story involves just slutting out the MC. Thus, I feel this game could be genre-defining in a way. If the smut was improved, it would undoubtedly be the best RPG H-Game I have ever played.