RPGM - Completed - Public Defense Corp [v1.02 DLC] [Clymenia/Kagura Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Public Defense Corp has you control Haruka, who fights in mech battles (mediocre RPGmaker battles) and is "corrupted" with her mech company's media subsidiary on the backend/public relations side. While the art and some lewd setups might excite you, the gameplay is not fun and the plot - including Haruka's corruption - is very basic and flat.

    Longer Version
    Starting on I was excited, since the setup for this game to be great for H-content is there. A more simple story mechanic of "Haruka can't win fights and needs to concede her innocence for upgrades/money" would have done it, but there's a disconnect between gameplay and story and the devs decided to go with the media route instead.

    Gameplay is standard, but at times painfully boring. Use basic attacks and special bullets against opposing mechs. Grind a bit to win almost every battle easily. Wastes a lot of time, doesn't offer anything you can't make yourself in RPGmaker in a few hours. The only purpose of fighting battles is to advance the loose plot and unlock more H-content.

    The H-content is mostly served through the mech company's media people who nudge Haruka into lewd situations. Early on she's hesitant, but there's no real development, you just click different events which all follow a similar path. "Event 1" which is hesitancy, "Event 2" which is hesitancy with hints of lewdness or outright lewdness, and eventually unlock "Event 3" which will be much more slutty. Outside of that, you'll unlock some events that are solo and usually slutty after hitting other events.

    The H-art is good and I like the main character's design. Some of the H-setups like the scenes where she revisits her childhood home are hot. But the end problem is that it's disconnected from the story and you never really feel Haruka get put into situations or change in terms of lewdness. The big problem is it's not enjoyable to play.

    If you're really in love with the character design and don't mind wasting some hours to get to the "good stuff", the game is worth a fap or two, but don't expect greatness or much in terms of replayability.

    If you appreciate this review, see my profile; I list all of my reviews in a comments thread. Thanks ☑
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    In a world where Lockheed Martin and Pornhub share the same board of directors.

    'Liz and the Tower'; Now with guns!

    Probably would have worked better in other format, since the gameplay aspect of the game is lacking at best.

    Some scenes are unexpectedly (and in my opinion unnecesarily) cruel, but they're soon buried under the inescapable moe of our lovely protagonist, blushing and showing some skin.

    If an AI ever tries to go rogue, use this game to counter-program it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A really fun exhibitionism/corruption romp. I enjoyed how well these fetishes were integrated with the game mechanics, quite clever, really.
    Main gripe with the game was the grind, which, while not excessive, is present. Remedied with the use of MTool though.
    Overall, one of the better RPGM games out there for those who enjoy these fetishes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like an exhibitionism game, this is a good choice. I liked the premise of the game and the protagonist who will do anything for her revenge... but regardless of the premise, the game is like any other H game. The gameplay is pure repetition and a total grindy progression. There is no strategy for combat or bosses... But I have to say that there are several H scenes and in very varied situations. I can say that I liked the majority of the scenes presented, but I don't like scenes with pregnancy, animals or beatings. And I have to say that there is at least 1 scene from each of these categories... And the DLC is quite something. Just putting new scenes in a new environment.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is game is about exhibitionism, mainly.

    So, first the good things. The "level up" system is interesting, you have to kill enemies, haverst their parts, and use them to either strenghten the mech or gaining special bullets. The scenes are pretty good, exhibitionsim wise. The corruption in beliviable. She is an airhead.

    I also like the scenes with the villains. After defeating them they are punished. It can be a all out public orgy. Test biological engineered beings, and so on.

    Now for the bad things, the game is linear, sure you have to build special stats, and grow up stronger. But is linear, the only choice you truly have is whenever you see or not the scene. And since there is a corruption system(lust). Them i would have like if it changes something. not just a prerequisite to unlock scenes

    Overall the game is good for what it wants to make. Which is a mech exhibitionism game. That about it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely grindy and boring combat mechanics. Very little strategy involved. H-scenes require you to repeat missions over and over. Story is your classic Kagura games nonsense. Characters are paper thin.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Game mechanics is extremely repetitive. The decision you need to make for battle can be summed by by a single layer 3 node decision tree --- meaning you won't be making any real decisions and it's good at making you feel you have un-used creativity. And then, you follow that decision tree over and over and over and over for some rather subpar CG and not-so-sexy, only somewhat comedic skits.

    Shows potential at first. Becomes dreadful quickly.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is so good, usually after i've done the deed to a game I don't usually come back but this is way too good. there is a lot of content and it wasn't half assed. hope to find more games like this in the future!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good art. Nice that there are 2 outfits. Combat is good - mech combat. Depravity is decent (most depraved is either public rape or sex in family house). Very well polished game. Scenes are extremely good. Scenes are very easy to obtain. Not too grindy because you can fast forward text. 8.8/10
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise and MC are pretty interesting but in the end it fell short.
    MC corruption is the same problem :innocence > reluctant> full slut
    of which only one scenece for each stage of corruption.
    The game play is extremely borin grind fest simple RPGM mash attack orders kill everything in the mission.
    CG are heavily reused scences are few.
    I gave 2 star because I like the game premise and MC
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    It was one of the best games I have ever played. It contains a good story, well-designed characters, and a lot of sex scenes. The DLC provided with the game was also excellent. I would recommend others to play the game. if anyone wanted unwanted scenes they can also skip them. A very good game. good job developers .keep up the good work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Most definitely one of my favorite hgames ever! The art is excellent, the locations are great, the scenes are great and I absolutely love the wide variety of dialogue depending on your lewdness and outfit.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Insanely boring, repetetive and uninspired gameplay. Art is decent, and i don't care about story, it's just there to facilitate porn anyway, it works i guess. Just find the full save and be done with it if you must.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has pro and cons, for me the cons are bigger than the pros. Its not like this game is bad, but i think it was not that great.
    -->Hot Sex scenes.
    -->Perfect for those who likes corruption.
    -->a little variaty of cgs and sex scenes.
    -->The pregnancy sytem here sucks, since if the heroine gets pregnant, the game will skip untill she gives birth, There are only a few pregnancy dialogues and only a few pregnancy cgs. No birth scene, the game just skip the birth scene :cautious:
    -->Kinda boring battles.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a wide variety of events. The events are very seperated, though, so you will have about 4 progressions of each event. Like one is a TV ad at a hot-spring where she gets fucked eventually, but each event builds up to that in a very good way. There's also one outfit change you can do, which is always great in these types of games. Only big downside is the combat, but it's quick enough to make slogging through it worth it for the porn
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Aside from tedious gameplay involving the whole mecha stuff, it's a really great game with gradual corruption and plenty of interesting events.
    The variety of these situations are very pleasant as well and it's just a neat concept overall.
    I wish they could add some H-elements to the combat as well, however.
    Like maybe just being able to install a rotor inside your robot or inviting fans who would molest/fuck the heroine while she's fighting to increase viewership.
    That'd be a small addition but it's better than just beating up 10 faceless mobs.

    Very good game, i love the art, the heroine is extremely hot, the situations are pretty unique and exciting, the concept is great and the execution could be improved upon.

    I hope they make another game like this and improve upon what they did here i'd definitely pay for that.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with a bit weird/tedious gameplay.

    Description: You play a female commander of a battle bot. You battle other bots, and in between battles you engage in public relations activities. This is where the sex takes place

    - The Good:
    - Uncensored!
    - Really nice if you are into exposure, public humiliation, and rape/submission, corruption
    - Pretty nice art with a pretty and mature character
    - An okay amount of scenes, though a lot are the same

    - The Bad:
    - Do not bother to loose for game over scenes, the fighting part of the game is a complete drag/grind, with no sexual content
    - She gets humiliated but never really forced, you are fed the impression that she very easily accepts all humiliation as part of her job, making it voluntary and less exciting
    - A lot of scenes are re used
    - No anal sex in the whole game

    I strongly suggest a save editor to one shot all enemies, as the fighting part is completely boring
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is way better then the first one. Loved everything about this game. Good H-Scenes, the story is above average, the combat is okay its not tedious and makes sense.

    If I had any problems it would only be that there wasn't enough. Not because "I just wanted more" but because I really did feel like it was lacking in scenes.

    Overall would recommend playing
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game.

    1.Liked the art. It's well drawn. 5/5

    2.Plenty amount of h-activities. 5/5

    3.Story...was there even a story? It's very straight forward. Defeat the bad guys and be a slut in the process. Well, you can choose not to make her a slut, but where is the fun in that? 3/5

    4.Character...the protagonist becomes a slut. That's it. I mean she wants to get revenge and all, that's fine, but we really didn't get to know more about her like, why did she want revenge, again? I just completely forgot. I thought perhaps it was a revenge for the death of her family members, but her family looks alright to me. To me, she was just a potential slut number one, so I couldn't care less. Maybe it was intentional, but I thought the character needed more depth. 3/5

    5.Combat was tedious and a little bit grindy. Donno why but there were a lot of stages(25?) but it wasn't at all challenging. What happens if you lose? Nothing happens. She just automatically returns to the base. No chance for enemies to rape the lost protagonist. What a wasted opportunity. I know this is a 'win to win' game overall, but it could have been more diverse to add 'lose to win' contents as well. At least, adding cameras in a fight were kinda neat...then again, what's the point of having cameras when the protagonist clothes aren't harmed at all? Clothes won't be harmed because she is in the robot? Damn it, why is mecha a thing here? 2/5

    Bonus point:
    1.Really, the art is good tho. had to give additional +1 point for that.
    2.btw, she can be pregante. That's major plus right there. But why can't u let her show off her prego belly to strangers? Everyone knows that she's a slut later on, right? Why can't she walk around and have sex with strangers when she is pregananant? I just don't understand :(
    2(can be pregrant)-1(but, can't walk around and have sex with strangers)= +1 bonus point

    Overall score: 18+2/5=4
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, great art. Pacing is perfect in my opinion in terms of the corruption aspect and H-scenes. While there is a lot of reused art, I appreciate that the scenes are unique enough and the heroine is exposed to many different random men rather than just one man corrupting her. Definitely a league above most japanese developed RPGM games, the gameplay really is just padding to extend your playtime and a little hard in the beginning but once you get leveled and unlock the aim for weapon skill it becomes a lot more easier, it CAN be a grind if you try to play mindless, you do have to be a bit strategic if you want to clear every stage first try but if that is something that bothers you, i recommend editing your save to have maximum materials and upgrading till youre OP if you want to unlock more h-scenes faster. This is my first game played from Clymenia and I'll definitely be checking out their other work after this. Highly recommended for fans of corruption type games and/or RPGM ero games.