
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2017
It's left blank because there is likely NOTHING in it anyone playing would notice. We get a new president more often than Onyx gets actual new content.
Honestly this is quite depressing if it became like that.

Half of the fun I had when coming into this thread was reading how ridiculously long the changelog was for usually 1 effective animation added.

But well, fair enough, I guess it was becoming hard to improve VFX of the hair movements of the main character or the steps sound of the ennemies when it has already been done 5 times out of the last ten updates.


Apr 21, 2020
Just so the post is not off topic: The game is great and interesting in its curernt state. HOWEVER, it is nowhere worth the money invested in it. So, I believe the support should be called off until the quality of the game closer represents the funding invested into it.
(no, I am not playing it myself, not even the pirated versions. Have given up on that about a year ago.)

SO, posts of jabbing at the dev and their business practices seem to get deleted for being off topic. Well, I want to write a more serious one then.
Example: imagine you are in a public place with lots of people and see someone pickpocketing another person. What would your logical action be? Probably to either call them out, ask them to return w/e they stole, tell them to stop doing that, call the police etc. Right?

Now come back to present thread: we have a 'pickpocket', 'working their magic' on multiple people at once. Falsely advertising them a 'bauble' (the game) for many times its' market worth. And when some people call out the pickpocket, other people tell them to shut up / speak of how great the bauble is / admire the pickpocket's swindling skills, etc.
Even more, the 'authorities' (mods, crowdfunding platforms) either assist the pickpocket directly (the crowdfunding platforms) or tell you to stop bringing attention (the mods here) to the fact of the crime (funding != the current game's state) and just admire the pickpocketing skills (the game itself).
I can't help but be amazed how digital spaces have such different rules and laws to the physical world... What exciting times we live in...
(Got that off my chest, I feel better now. Plz no ban)


Sep 3, 2020
I find it amazing they have so many subscribers on patreon. If Patreon didn't take a 5% cut of profits I would assume they were making dummy accounts to boost their subscription numbers to attract suckers, but they would be doing it at 5% loss if they did so.

I can't help but wonder if somehow there's a way to launder money through patreon and this is how they're doing it.

That's all easier for me to believe than that there are so many idiots buying in.
I've said it before. Never underestimate the power of boners to get people to part with their money.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
How the fuck is this scammer STILL getting almost $20,000 a month... I just don't get it...
I supported him back during MaTM, but only when he was actually using the Patron to charge you after a demo was release. So whenever a new demo came out, only then were people charged.

I don't know if Patron changed its charging means or if makers/creators have the option of how to charge folks(release of new content or monthly stuff.)

Regardless when he swapped over to monthly, I stopped. (Can't remember if subscription needed approval or not at time, but I didn't support anymore and just waited.) Thankfully I did wait because after that I believe he only did one other demo before going on hiatus and then saying how he lost stuff. (Whether true or not who knows) back on old project.

The moral of the story, I believe patron makers should only charge when they have actual proof of content or showing they are doing something instead of sitting back and giving pictures or writing a report with no actual content for display for the supporters to try out. (Not even videos of themselves playing the game or presenting future content.)

At least there are some creators on here that may go on lapses but still have sizable content and others keep up to date monthly. Scam-o-mancer, Furry maker Jasona, and Tom behind the Scumbay game are far from them. At least Tom knows how to properly keep juggling the scamming the other two are one trick ponies it looks like.
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Jan 16, 2018
wow, they really nerfed the drop-rate of then scene unlocks. completed all but sewers and got only 2. Use to get 2-4 per run.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
It's not remotely the same, but I gotta say I felt like this at times with Future Fragments. Like, how does it take almost 8 or 9 years to make a sidescroller? No doubt, it might end up being the best R18 sidescroller metrovania ever, but's really dragged on and more than once I thought if I was in their shoes, I'd be in no hurry to complete either.

But then again, I back Star Citizen. Which has$500 Million+ in backing over its lifetime. It is a marvel even as it is now, and is doing things no other game has ever done, and I love playing it and I don't regret one penny. But the last 2 years have been really slow for new features and I've spent very little on it this year.
Gamedev cycle is only as difficult as we want to make it. For example, Flash games in the 2000s were thrown out at quite a rapid speed because they weren't overcomplicated and still served their purpose. Even when more advanced games appeared, it was only a matter of motivation/inspiration. If someone is interested in what I mean, LoK forums are still out there.

So, where does it leave the games like Pure Onyx or FF? Well, it is true they are more complex and prettier. That's a good value...but is some of that stuff really worth it?
FF is the prime case of wasting time and money for something completely "empty" from ero-game perspective - voice acting. Yes, good quality moans, hits etc. are a huuuugee plus...but absolutely no one cares about hundreds of lines of B-tier movie script being read out loud. Same with weird-ass power-ups that are not exactly balanced to one another and player ends up using "meta". So, in the end, you end up with a product that doesn't excel at anything is just overall average because you made sure everything was just that - fucking average. In the end, you waste time and postpone the release simply because of something NOT NEEDED.

Pure Onyx is a different end of the spectrum - here, you put all you eggs into one basket (graphic / ero-scenes quality) and hope that you'll make a super-duper omlette at home. What is the result of that? Sure, you made that big-ass omlette...but it is bland like a concrete wall mixture (since you forgot about anything else to spice it up) and you won't even eat the whole thing, throwing half of it into trash (quality and updates of animations are way better than it's necessary).
Gameplay is still, after years of development, an abyssmal experience and looks similar to those 1$ fighting games that appear from time to time on DLsite. Story is non-existing.

It's important to know where to put your energy and resources.
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