people throw the word scam around way too much. Like, want to point to some proof?
Just because updates are slow, doesnt mean its a scam. Though for the money they are getting, expecting better isn't 100% unreasonable.
I don't know about others but those of us that supported early Eromancer 7 years ago back when they first started, Malice and the Machine, they had barely any supporters. They even had their patreon set up so instead of monthly charges, you only were charged for updates. When this was the case it was only two guys and they were cranking out entire lvl updates about every two months.
Then word of mouth happened and their following grew quite large. Quality deserves attention after all. They announced they were hiring some people on to the staff to help and were switching to a monthly payment plan rather than update for pay.
Then a few months passed, no update.
A few more months passed, no update and announcement they were remaking the game from the ground up.
A few more months passed, still no update and they announced they were completely abandoning the game but hey here is a side scroller we want to make instead. Don't worry we will make this game quick and go back to developing MATM.
That final announcement was four years ago.
Since then every 3-6 months they have updated Pure Onyx with tiny little updates. The game has not made any progress in 4 years. Anyone who has been around since the beginning knows obviously what these guys are doing and they are only trying to warn people about them so they don't fall victim like so many others still are. Eromancer does amazing work. Anyone seeing them for the first time would obviously want to support them. I can't hold it against anyone who blindly follows them but please do not feel like those calling out scam are trolls or haters.
I found this community thanks to Eromancer and in a way I am sort of grateful because here I am able to decide who is worth my money and trust.
Sorry for the bible