
Active Member
Dec 6, 2017
I must confess... This new Wraxe H scene Intro is one of the dumbest/worst things I ever seen in my life playing H games wtf xD. I understand the changes cause of Patreon, but I don't know... What whas that supposed to mean? I don't know if I get it right, but first she is scared that he's going to beat her so she shows her boobs, but after Onyx sees his true weapon she regrets it so that's the "struggle"? And what's wrong with her legs during all that tho. Well, the first version where he chokes her until Onyx faints was too much for me and now there's not enough struggle for me either. Guess I'm too demanding lul
tbh the PaTrEoN rUlE narrative feels like a load of bullshit. the game is still very non-con. you can see the grab sequence that there is a struggle then suddenly after a bit of struggle there's consent??? like the bug injecting mind-controlling substance or aphro, doesnt scream consent either and is also beastiality at the same time(im pretty sure giant bugs counts in patreon's rules)... i feel like removing the old transition is just a big excuse to stall. so they have a lot more time so they can delay commissioning new enemy models = more money for scammancer. 1 transition animation in an update is a small enough investment and big enough time for more stalling.

the more time wasted means more money per month means less work. the longer the project is being made the more money it rakes in. at this point this is like the live service microtransaction crap situation we have nowadays. except this one there's no mtx and its subscription only and there is so very miniscule content being pushed out. versus actually putting out a complete game.

you aren't demanding. the way the game is set up, it's supposed to be non-con, but now there's 0 sense to anything happening.
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May 5, 2021
So Eromancer gives us a pretty fun animation transition for the Bunnies dildo scene (showcasing her putting on a strap on), but he didn't change the outro where the blade bunny still falls like she nutted her brains out? (She has a strap-on). Another thing to add to the list
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May 4, 2022
Is there a save or cheats to unlock all animations or gallery?
You can use the command line menu and input cheats, sell stuff and then buy the three animations from the dealer in slums. I bought them and all the animations [did not previously check] were unlocked . Only few changes in this update (besides added bunny dildo animation and spider cave changes).

From Patreon changelog notes:

Console Commands
The game isn't balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help. You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console. Type any of the commands below and press enter. Press ` again to close the console.

  • godmode on/off - Makes Onyx indestructible and impervious to Exhaustion.
  • onepunchmode on/off - Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
  • setwave # - Sets the enemy wave to the number specified. Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out. If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
  • setgamespeed # - Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.
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May 4, 2022
A day after update drops, patreon decided to give devs a mini stroke

A force seems to be preventing them from getting those hard-earned smackaroos.

From Patreon devlop update:

Hey everyone!

At the beginning of the month, some patrons' payments were erroneously declined due to a backend change that was made with Patreon's payment system.

Please check to ensure that you were not affected! As it stands, 3 weeks later, there is still a nearly 50% increase over our recent average of declines showing for the past month.

Here is the full message from Patreon, along with instructions on how to validate your payment or change payment method if necessary.

From Patreon:

Hi there,
An issue with a payment partner is causing a slightly higher-than-normal number of patron payments to be declined by their banks. We've traced the increased declines back to a payments system upgrades required by one of our processing partners. Patrons might see some payments declined while changes take effect.
Please check if you are affected by the declines, and if so, we advise you to follow these steps:
1. Contact your card issuer to confirm the charge is valid and retry that card
2. If the retry does not work, try a different payment method. Patrons can edit their payments in their Settings
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Bulbanych
May 4, 2022
oh shit...
Gifdoozer dev update log:

2023-07-25 19:18:12

"In case you didn't knew it i'm working on a game called Pure Onyx and i'm one of the NSFW animators there and after quite some months they need me to make a couple animations. won't take me more than just a couple days, but i just don't want to disappear for a couple days without telly you guys what i'm doing :3"

Looks like that Penapsquat guy got his work cut out for him by Gifdoozer. Can't even find a shred of work from him. Unless he is using a different artist handle?
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