A list of gameplay grievances that make things far clunkier than they should be:
1. I can't understand what they're thinking in not letting you cancel her run animation into attacks.
2. The hit detection for her jabs should extend back into her own body, so you're not constantly whiffing attacks when enemies are close to you. For that matter, they need to work on how much she moves forward compared to the knock back on enemies. It's way too easy to just go past enemies and leave yourself open when you're trying to simply hit them.
3. Once you start an attack string, you're locked into that direction so it's extremely hard to deal with enemies coming from multiple directions, especially since you also can't grab/throw enemies. If you're attacking to the left, you should be able to press attack and hold right, and the next attack in the string will be to the right.
4. It's really annoying that the only way to deal with blocking enemies is to use a knockdown attack, like holding down punch. It'd be a lot better if instead of just knocking them away, it broke their guard so you could actually do a combo on them.
5. The stomp move is basically useless because when you knock down enemies they get sent so far that by the time you walk to them, you can't stomp them, and if you run there's too much recovery on it and you still can't stomp them. Not to mention you have to be RIGHT on top of them, making it just feel terrible to use.
6. Almost every beat 'em up has some kind of AOE move that knocks away enemies for a cost, whether that's health or whatever else. That's to prevent enemies from just ganging up on you from both sides and murdering your health bar, sacrificing some resources to prevent far more damage. The game, multiple years into its "development," completely lacks this or any crowd control tools really, and when you combine it with the issues with attacks not connecting when enemies are too close, it makes it extremely frustrating to get multiple opponents off of you if they're on both sides.
7. There's no post-grab invincibility. If you mash out of a grab, you can immediately get hit or grabbed again by another enemy with no time at all to do anything. Aside from making you invincible after an escape, they could alternatively make it so escaping a grab causes a 0-damage knockdown to all enemies near the player.
In any case, I doubt any of these issues will ever be fixed, or that this game will ever be completed. Hell, with how much money they get they're practically incentivized to work as slowly as they possibly can since even now people are throwing thousands of dollars at them for barely any progress. The graphics and animations are impressive for the sexual content, what little of it there is anyway, but what good is any of it if the game never actually comes together? At that point it's just a glorified animation viewer. For a game where you'll have to fight over and over again (at least according to their own concepts), the fighting feels like dogshit. 2.5+ years into development and they have like...2 backgrounds, 6 enemies of which only 4 have H-animations, and the rest of the game feels as clunky as ever while they work on shit nobody cares about like reflections.