
Sep 6, 2018
Yeah I've noticed the delays have been trouble. Pretty sad considering this game could have become something big. The animations and visuals are pretty superb.
Dec 20, 2017
Well providing big hopes and promises for the long run is what Eromancer is known for I had my hopes up for his previous project Malise and the Machine and now he kind of do the same thing with this "new" and "fast" project.


May 15, 2019
It was about 2 and a half years ago when they posted on patreon that they needed to shift their focus into a "fast" project so that they did not basically go bankrupt (for lack of being able to see the post and quote it verbatim). If "fast" means this, then we can expect Malice in the Machine to be released in 2269.
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Dec 6, 2019
More sex content....... WAT?
Funny how when they actually use their patreon money that they have been leeching from people for years, that they actually make progress on their game. I may enjoy and like this game when it comes out, but I don't think I will ever be able to enjoy it without thinking of how scummy this developer is.


May 15, 2019
The problem is, at least for me, I see the animation once or maybe twice and think its okay. After that, it just does nothing for me. I was pretty much over the animation by the time that the clip was finished. The animation might be well done, but I put it more in line with being a hinderance to "gameplay". Its like calling a timeout in a sport to show a advertisement, except here the commercial break is a h-animation. *shrug*


Sep 25, 2018
The problem is, at least for me, I see the animation once or maybe twice and think its okay. After that, it just does nothing for me. I was pretty much over the animation by the time that the clip was finished. The animation might be well done, but I put it more in line with being a hinderance to "gameplay". Its like calling a timeout in a sport to show a advertisement, except here the commercial break is a h-animation. *shrug*
I really don't understand why devs think that "losing" to see the h-content of your game is good game design. The smut should be a reward for playing good, not a reward for making bad decisions. It's just like fucking X-Factor on Marvel vs. Capcom 3.


Nov 26, 2020
I really don't understand why devs think that "losing" to see the h-content of your game is good game design. The smut should be a reward for playing good, not a reward for making bad decisions. It's just like fucking X-Factor on Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
I agree with you but... at the same time not at all. For me, the best way to add H content to an action game is to go through this process.


Apr 27, 2017
I really don't understand why devs think that "losing" to see the h-content of your game is good game design. The smut should be a reward for playing good, not a reward for making bad decisions. It's just like fucking X-Factor on Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
I get your point from your point of view but from the characters pov is get to the end point and achieve their goal whereas the enemies is to stop her and if shes knocked down why not have their way with her, and getting raped isnt exactly what she wants (maybe it is but isnt exactly a viable strat as some games have sex knocks out the enemy, i wouldnt know as there isnt exactly a story so far). i mean it is possible for her to go all dominatrix on them after beating them but being a fucktoy is more appealing to the wider audience.

in terms of rewarding the player would probably just include post fight h cutscenes and a gallery system where completing section unlocks battle defeat scenes instead of having to find a certain enemy and hope it fucks you instead of something else
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Jul 17, 2018
Funny how when they actually use their patreon money that they have been leeching from people for years, that they actually make progress on their game.
Crazy how that works. Someone should let Redamz know and maybe, just maybe, Monster Girl Island would get somewhere.


Sep 3, 2018
Project is picking up pace because it's not their work, they just paid Gifdoozer a ton of money to do the animations for them.

Honestly I'd rather skip the Eromancer middleman and pay the guy directly. Other than nice models and animations this is just the skeleton of a generic brawler, and that's after almost three years of "work".

Crazy how that works. Someone should let Redamz know and maybe, just maybe, Monster Girl Island would get somewhere.
Redamz said outright:
I'm not hiring artists/animators because... I don't trust them. You will never get me to work with other people on the game if it's not in a physical studio.

Even though he's making like 30K a month patrons don't seem to mind. Well, it's their money in the end.
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May 15, 2019
I agree with you but... at the same time not at all. For me, the best way to add H content to an action game is to go through this process.
Which (among other things) is the fundamental flaw of this whole setup. Here's why and also a warning that my explanation is probably going to be awful. I know what it is that bothers me, but I can not seem to figure out exactly how to express it in a written form.

If there are X enemies and they have 1 animation each, the animations get repetitive after you see them for the (insert random number) time. For me it was about 3 or 4 times and I simply just hit the skip button for the whole process. Now I am disinterested as a player and what are the chances that I am going to play the game more at that point? Not very good are they?

Sure having more enemies might help dissipate my disinterest. At this point, I might just wash my hands of this entirely and wait until I turn 50 for the "whole" game to be released. Find the game somewhere, download it, "play" it, see everything on offer, and move on 2 hours later. This is unfortunately the fate of far too many games that I see. Maybe I am doing it wrong but most of what I end up looking at ends up being decent experiences the first time through but then repetition and boredom/disinterest from the diminishing returns start to take hold. Kind of like watching the same movie over and over again and just not being as moved by the twists and turns along the way since you know they are coming.
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Oct 12, 2018
I really don't understand why devs think that "losing" to see the h-content of your game is good game design. The smut should be a reward for playing good, not a reward for making bad decisions. It's just like fucking X-Factor on Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
Honestly, while that sounds like better game design, ultimately I find it usually just makes the rewards feel somewhat lack luster, and can make trying to see particular lewd goodness more work than its worth. Don't get me wrong, there are games that do it well and make it a rewarding/positive thing you'll seek during gameplay, but it generally only works when the character themselves is either doing the aggressive sex bits, or is actively seeking said sexual acts. On the flipside, its generally much easier to just make the enemies be the ones that are the aggressors upon the protagonist, and as dumb as it sounds in some ways to lose to get what you want, the reason it 'feels' right is just due to the fact that it seems like the most natural progression, as generally speaking, the protagonist of most games, unless they are just porny through and through, are seeking an end goal that is ultimately just not sex.

Of course, if you make the protagonist either super sexual, or a villain themselves, it kind of avoids this issue, but seeing as how I generally aim to play games with female protagonists, its usually a bit of a stretch to see them being the active participants/aggressors in what lewdness does transpire.
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Oct 12, 2018
Which (among other things) is the fundamental flaw of this whole setup. Here's why and also a warning that my explanation is probably going to be awful. I know what it is that bothers me, but I can not seem to figure out exactly how to express it in a written form.

If there are X enemies and they have 1 animation each, the animations get repetitive after you see them for the (insert random number) time. For me it was about 3 or 4 times and I simply just hit the skip button for the whole process. Now I am disinterested as a player and what are the chances that I am going to play the game more at that point? Not very good are they?

Sure having more enemies might help dissipate my disinterest. At this point, I might just wash my hands of this entirely and wait until I turn 50 for the "whole" game to be released. Find the game somewhere, download it, "play" it, see everything on offer, and move on 2 hours later. This is unfortunately the fate of far too many games that I see. Maybe I am doing it wrong but most of what I end up looking at ends up being decent experiences the first time through but then repetition and boredom/disinterest from the diminishing returns start to take hold. Kind of like watching the same movie over and over again and just not being as moved by the twists and turns along the way since you know they are coming.
Really its more of an issue of the games that you're playing not providing a fun enough gameplay loop to keep you satisfied. If all I REALLY came to hentai games for was to fap, well, I wouldn't be playing games and would just be watching porn. Sure, a large chunk of the reason I AM playing is because of the desire to see something lewd, but at the same time its also to interact with it in a way that is engaging and heightens the experience. When hentai/sex systems are implemented in a way that compliments the game, and usually for me it does happen to boil down to it being a con, it just makes things all the more enjoyable, though I think that's partially due to my enjoyment of the consequences of said act. However, many hentai games just don't provide enough game to keep me coming back after that fact, and so then just kind of wind up being dropped sooner or later without much desire to replay them.

Of course, then there is ones that I play every once in a while just because of the fact I enjoy the game, NoR early on was one said game and is one I can easily hop into and just go have a bit of fun dunking on enemies. Fairy Fighting was an excellent example from years ago for me, blending fighting game mechanics and hentai in a way that just... worked really. Currently I'm looking forward to seeing how Succubus Heaven turns out, as both in terms of lewds and gameplay it manages to keep me interested in just the demos they've put out really. Sure, each of these could easily be played one, see the animations, and quit, and if that's all they had on offer for me, then they'd have been long since forgotten, but the fact I do actually enjoy playing the games themselves is enough reason to keep me coming back.

Honestly its a fine balance of making a game great as a piece of erotic content, but also as a piece of gaming media, and most hentai games really don't manage to do it right, either due to lack of development time, inexperience, or just being an inferior product from the bottom up. They get a huge pass as long as they can provide something visually stimulating generally, so not many developers have a lot of reason to up the ante, but those that do tend to wind up shining through and become what is the closest thing to 'household' names we'll get in this niche subsection of gaming. Honestly, even something as simple in design as Captivity had me enthralled for a good while, and still anxiously waiting for more, and its really just a pretty simple wave based shooter with some fun and well tied in sexual systems. Easily gave me more enjoyment than a number of AAA games I've played in recent years funnily enough.

As for whether this game will wind up being much more than just a quick gallery before being dropped, hard to say right now, but I think they've got the building blocks for something really fun, combat itself isn't bad, but needs some tweaks for sure and more variety as soon as they are able. I honestly think the best way for any game to bridge the gap between allowing for on loss sexual experiences, and offering it as a reward, is to just make the gallery of the game a full unlock upon completion rather than out the gate, or upon losing to said enemy, making it a sort of 'scene collector.'
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