I saw "Turing test" and thought this was referring to a computer's ability to be Turing complete. I was initially about to write about how a calculator from 1980 could do that, and that it wasn't impressive in the slightest. both are named after Alan Turing (BTW from which all computer logic came from, this guy deserves a lot more praise but was relegated to infamy and obscurity for the horrible crime of being gay). The Turing test was a thought experiment in which a computer could be indistinguishable from a human (initially as a measure of intelligence through asking questions and getting replies, but later adapted to other scenarios)
I did see one person comment about being annoyed that the android has no appearance of being anything but human, but amusingly, THAT'S THE POINT. You can't fool a human into thinking an android is a human if they look like an android, which would have defeated the fictional team's whole point of creating the android.
anyways, thats enough ranting for now, Ill download and give it a try for no other reason than the description prompting me to write this comment
I did see one person comment about being annoyed that the android has no appearance of being anything but human, but amusingly, THAT'S THE POINT. You can't fool a human into thinking an android is a human if they look like an android, which would have defeated the fictional team's whole point of creating the android.
anyways, thats enough ranting for now, Ill download and give it a try for no other reason than the description prompting me to write this comment