To put it simple and to the point: If it LOOKS like a child, no matter if she is a vampire, android or whatever you desire, it WILL get the site in trouble and thus it WILL get banned.
In the case of the asian pornstar mentioned above, while she looks underage, she is verifiably of legal age and there is nothing the government can go to stop her from posting pictures of herself online, and trust me, they would prefer she didn't.
If you really insist on doing this, then you need to make your base game free of any of this kind of content and make the questionable content accessible through a standalone patch, but you can't make that patch yourself. You'll need to ask your identical twin brother or smt, I dunno, you're a smart lad, you'll figure it out.
You need to remember that CP is highly illegal. It only takes 1 picture to possibly get the entire site shut down and the owners in deep sh*t, so you can't blame them for being very sensitive about the subject.