Question about Rule 7

Apr 19, 2019
It's basically literature. So it's just fiction, fantasy, not real.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. I think of it in the same vein as fictional murder, that is to say if fictional/virtual murder doesn't promote and/or cause actual murder, then fiction/virtual underaged sex doesn't promote and/or cause underaged sex.

Lawmakers may disagree. Cloudflare and other providers may disagree. Therein lies the problem. It doesn't matter how we feel. There is potential that this stuff gets F95 in trouble and possibly shut down. The powers that be aren't really interested in discussing the finer points of morality.

The issue is really with visual depictions of underaged sex. Purely written sexual content involving fictional minors, in the US at least, is perfectly legal. You can go on Amazon right now and buy a copy of "Lolita". If you buy a loli doujin manga, however, now you're in a weird gray area. Some US states ban it alltogether and possession can get you in trouble. Other states are okay with it as long as it doesn't run afoul of obscenity laws, which require such works to have "artistic value". Artistic value is a difficult thing to define, so whether you're in trouble for possession of "obscene content" involving minors is often at the personal whim of some judge, if you're unlucky enough to end up in front of one.
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Keeping Families Together
Mar 5, 2019
Most people aren't moralising at all. The vast majority are politicians and media types who jump gleefully onto any passing bandwagon that they think will gain them a vote or a headline. When 'child protection' suddenly became a thing, all those politicians who couldn't give a jot for kids safety or wellbeing became supporters overnight. The result being all the ridiculous laws that do more for thought control than actually protecting anybody. Children are now used as scapegoats for all sorts of restrictive and regressive legislation. In the meantime, not one real life child has been 'saved' by the frequent attempts to ban anime in the west.