Unity - Quickie: A Love Hotel Story [v0.36] [Oppai Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Dating and hotel managing game with high production value.

    The first thing you notice is how clean and intuitive the UI is. It's partly voiced and the music does a good job at setting a mood. The LI's are nuanced and interesting as well as varied so there's a good chance you'll find someone to suit your tastes.

    The managing aspect is well balanced with the character and story development. No single stage of the game feels like its outstaying its welcome, just like a well balanced meal, you'll be quite satisfied when playing this game.

    Art and animations are spot on and it helped a lot that the MC is an interesting enough guy.

    All in all, an easy 5. If dating sims and management games is your thing, you're gonna love this game. BUT it's also quite vanilla and the romance is often stereotypical japanese shounen manga style.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    (As of v0.27.2)

    The standout feature here is a very good UI in comparison with the majority of other games. There are still some things that aren't great, such as navigation to sub-locations being a bit annoying, but that's relatively minor.

    The characters are good overall. The story seems to be reasonably good with the writing supporting quite well. I didn't come across any particularly jarring text. Scenes are relatively short but well drawn.

    The 3d scenes are a nice touch but are slightly let down by the models being a little lower poly count than one might have hoped. Bumping up to ultra quality improves them a little, on lower graphics it was hard to see the defining lines.

    The "invite" feature feels quite disconnected from the rest of the character development. While there is dialogue before and during the scene, there's no lead in. At the very least the first time someone is invited there should be some sort of dialogue about it. It's pretty much glossed over that you're inviting them to a love hotel. To be fair, it looks like this is intended to be a feature you get after getting to 5 stars with each character (it says it's temporarily unlocked early), so I hope this will be improved later.

    Very much appreciate the inclusion of voice acting, although sometimes it can be overly frequent when clicking through the text at natural reading speed.
  3. Y
    5.00 star(s)


    this game is amazing, quality of art and gameplay are well above most H games. voice acting isnt spectacular but I dont really expect it to be. I didnt even play though all the current content because I want to experience such a fantastic game in a more complete version!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a pleasant surprise. In a sea of half assed Renpy and RPGM template games, this really stands out as a much more professional and polished example of something a "real" indie dev can produce.

    The art and animations are top notch and the girls are both appealing and different enough from each other to remain interesting.

    Gameplay is maybe half management sim and half dating RPG.

    The hotel mgt portion is interesting enough. It is on the easy side and can get a bit tedious over time.

    The dating RPG portion is a little deeper than most with more than one way to get affection. I'm not enough of a weeb to know the differences between specific types of mangas or different types of ramen, some will find this easier.

    The best "new to me" game I've seen here in quite some time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Briliant graphic and animation, good and catchy gameplay combing several genres. This is definetly 18+ game suprise of the year 2022 for me. Thanks for posting it on F95, I took it as demo and already bought it on Steam.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    ★Chef's Kiss: goddamn...great art, great audio, great UI, great graphics, actual gameplay, etc. This game has it all. A MUST PLAY

    + the UI and transitions are enough to make you nut
    + the gameplay is (subjectively) a decent bunch of minigames (you can easily work around some)
    + the CG and visuals = super spicy
    + a variety of LIs
    + good amount of H content; each different from the others
    + sandbox hell yea
    + mild and non-intrusive voice acting
    + good character writing; even in the hotel scenes they stay in tune with their personality (i.e. Reika being extroverted, Sara being athletic)

    - can be a bit too grindy without the cheats or the WIP rooms exploit for ez money
    - production seems a bit slow; updates are inconsistent
    - graphics settings don't seem to do much for the 3D overworld visuals

    Overall, this game is absolutely deserving of 5 stars. I'm really surprised this isn't as well-known as it should be. Some are also concerned about premium-paywall content but tbh I'm fine with actually buying it on Steam (I don't want it to lock content behind DLC paywalls tho)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating this game for the absolute quality from art style of the girls AND THE UI HOLY MOLY. Looks like a clean and professional game. I like the system and management aspect of the game too. They put in a H game with a currency gaining system that is actually kind of challenging and fun to play so getting money doesnt feel like too much grinding but makes you still want to get that money. Storytelling wise, its very light hearted and makes your usual worries in terms of stories fade away. Very light and enjoyable dating system too!

    Now to the juicy parts, the H scene review:
    Good animation and some scenes has multiple poses. I LOVE games that put minimal voice acting in the h scenes such as moans and purrs and stuff like that. It makes the scene experiencing more immersive and come on guys, ladies moaning are sexy AF so that small effort really REALLY is appreciated.

    5/5 absolute masterpiece!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is truly unbelievable. Everything from the sound, writing, character design and H scenes are fantastic. I'll return to this once the full game is released but this sets a new standard for what should be expected from a 5 star game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first, this is a really polished effort. From UI to audio, just a very clean product as far as packaging.

    Second, it's decently fun. Not that I'd play the hotel management side of it for fun, but it breaks up the text crawl and keeps things moving without being a grind.

    I find most of the characters appealing aside from Reika, which can make the early game a bit of a drag, although there are other options. I'd generally put the writing and dialogue as a weak point relative to everything else, but it's solid enough that I wouldn't grade this any lower than 4.5.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I firmly believe this is one of the most underrated games on here, it has so many scenes already, all high quality, and while it has some gamey elements it's nice and easy to get to the scenes, each update seems to add a decent amount of stuff to do as well, very impressed over all
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Animation and story is really pretty good. Doesn't beat around the bush, there is a grind, but not gonna blue ball you. You can tell this is something you wanna keep an eye on. Story is not really something you can skip, even if you do, it's hard to fail, not that you'd want to.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    "Due to the amount of core changes this build, saves before 0.24 will not work. We highly recommend playing from the start to view the new ..."

    Yes, let's erase all progress on a massively grindy game with a lot of tedium. Good characters (albeit very minimal development and story) and animation. The "gameplay" is nothing short of a chore.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I pretty much dig it, it's obviously heavily inspired from Persona, the grind isn't very long and it's also pretty cool, the chicks are hot and diverse, the adult content is pretty damn lit, the visuals overall have a very unique feel to it and the animations look quite good. The overall experience honestly was a blast and I added it on my steam wish list. Really nice work, keep it up and bring more !
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun and sexy management game with exceptionally good art! There characters are awesome and I just love eveyone of them ... Cannot wait to play the full version but the current content is already huge, a lot of stuff to do and a lot of scenes to enjoy
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say I've been impressed by that game. It felt a bit strange in the beginning because of the Japanese setting with western-style drawings, but the drawings are good and it is a nice change of pace (everyone really is over 18 too :ROFLMAO:)

    The hotel management is simple but entertaining, the only option missing being able to buy items directly within rooms which can use them, instead of the current way of "buy item one by one">"select room">"select item to be used"

    Unless I missed them, I think there are not enough clues to find which items to give to the girls, apart from a few obvious ones (like drinks for Laura and Mai, book for Toshiko...)

    Other than that I had a blast and spent way more time I thought I would on this game, well done and keep up the good work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice graphics, 2d animations, music, enjoyable mechanics. Bit repetitive mechanism to earn stars. Cheat engine easily helps to get more money for character and hotels. Lot of WIP but wery promissing.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Jon Humbert

    Grindy gameplay and slow development made this game so disapointing. Performance is poor and is not worth cheking out between releases.
    The dating rushes to get nowhere and prioratizes more girls instead of developing the current ones.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    great fluent animations and fun gameplay, no bugs whatsoever, dev graciously made player know where game ends so you dont have to pursue some content that doesnt exist yet, very pleasant management game
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Lewd scenes are very well done. They written very good, overall writing is also very good; characters are distinct and fleshed out. And that's the meat of the game, don't look at the management premise too much, that's more like a distraction.

    As if the devs couldn't decide what to make of it, the management part plays like a silly mobile clicker first and actual management game seems as an afterthought (you can automate some things but that's absolutely unnecessary).

    So essentially, what we see here is a VN and a pretty railroaded one. If you pick the *right* lines, you get the needed amount of *hearts* with girls faster rather than slower but you can always guess the right gift for them or even simply spend more time with them (seems that the game doesn't have strict time limit currently). You may think that you can choose which girl to pursue and which to ignore but that'll turn to be false later on.

    There's almost nothing sandboxish about this, mostly that's just an illusion. Same for 3d tag, basically it's a 2d game, just with lots of 3d assets.

    Overall, it still has polished and pleasant look and like I noted earlier, the writing is very good, was a pleasure to read. It just as a game subj is quite weak even if tries. 3.5 stars, not a bad game.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this for the [3D game] and [Character Creator] tags as well as being a stack-a-room hotel management sim.
    Wow! .. This is a really thrilling game .... *zzzZZZzzz* .... It's nothing like the stack-a-room hotel/office building games I've played in the past.. at least they had automation of many jobs and could hire more than 1 staff member ... with this one, you're also the cleaner that does job slower than people arrive - and on top of that, I've got to click on every'fuckin'thing. Just 30 minutes in and I'm already bored of this. Having the Dating Sim side of things as well doesn't help, it just means more clicking - And you're forced into the relationship .. you can't just say "Nope, I'm not interested".
    Also, the [Character Creator] tag should be removed because it doesn't exist. All that can be done is change MC's skin and hair color ... whoopie!
    All up I played this for an hour, and did not see anywhere where the [3D game] tag applies ... this is a 2D game.
    There's a lot more things I saw in this that didn't seem to be necessary, or yet, like, you can buy different flavors of drinks, but not once did I get a reminder nor told to eat or drink.
    MC never wakes in the morning.. always in the afternoon/evening.
    This game is a complex mess, there's too many things to talk about.
    As soon as you start playing this, it's constant click click click click with no rests in between = You're a slave to the game... why? because it combines you doing the last year of university, as well as going out on Dates, as well as running a Family Hotel business that you're the one-man-band of managing.
    I didn't get to see any sex scenes, unless you call 5mm tall POP Vinyl Bubble Heads people with no visual genitals to be a sex scene ;)
    I could talk about more and go into further detail but I won't, game just not worth it.
    Rating: 2/5.
    +1 for the 2D polished looks (not including the hand-drawn toon style still shots with blinking eyes - that's where quality went downhill).
    +1 for there's lots to do.
    -1 for there's too much to do = no rest until you save'n'close the game.
    -1 for the misuse of the [3D game] and [Character Creator] tags.
    -1 for the daily repetition.