Okay so i want to say something about the hotel management minigame. It was fun at first but after playing for a while, it just feels too repetitive and boring because on how easy it is. Its tedious and really slow. Guest appears really slowly, and theres way too much waiting per session. Eventually you'll make a mistake or two, because of boredom, not difficulty. Not to mention, the new "service" power makes it even easier like the share interest ability for example. Though i wouldnt press on more about this since its optional and can be avoidable.
What i would like to see in the future versions are double the speed during the session, and/or disable pausing when dragging guests into their room (the players can choose whether to activate these two points or not). Or lessen the guests but increase the speed that they'll appear, and makes them gives more money / popularity per guests to adjust the fewer guests so that you'll get the same rewards but less tedious.