While on the john for maybe a half hour (don't eat two dozen eggs worth of egg-salad...not in one sitting...totally would've begun praying if any god were real)...wrote a small tool to automate and patch from public to patron build. I run mpress packer on my executables so any AV will bitch. Don't want to hear it. If you can't unpack and verify for yourself, don't bother. For those who aren't retarded, just select Assembly-CSharp and it'll try to load and grab the correct routine, byte-patch it, write it back out. As long as certain things don't change about the way the author did some things, it may work for a long time. Who knows if the author'll change things. Again, if you're a skiddie/gimmie that uses an AV, don't bother, you'll just bitch because you're incapable of reverse-engineering it. Tested for v15 Linux/Windows.
To beginner reverse-engineers: mpress 2.19, simply replaced dos header string, section header names, mpress version, and two string refs to mpress. Undo from a template, use automated tools to unpack mpress if you want. Code was pretty much a sit-down. Lazy.