Very good stuff but my virus protection keeps on flagging certain unity files in the game though >.>
You're not missing any. Professor Belmont is the latest addition to the game and doesn't yet have a third room.I did a search on this thread for "Laura" and only came up with 2 search results. Both not what I was looking for.
On the other 3 girls, I have unlocked 3 sex rooms for them, but on Laura, I have only unlocked 2. I have the Emperor Room and the Library for her.
My question is: What is Laura's 3rd sex room that I am missing?
wtf do you need a money cheat for? build a couple of $600 night room as you get enough funds. don't buy gifts until you have a decent hotel. while you progress through the game (do main story events, call girls to hotel, read blue prints, etc) days will progress and you will have more money than you will ever need. the final stage of the game doesn't hit until day 21. by then you should have at least 3 floors and a bunch of $600 per nigh rooms. that's all you need. i finished everything at day 29, hotel fully built out, all gifts given, and have a shit ton of money with nothing to spend it on, all without cheating.Anyone know a money cheat?
Download the cheat build I gave to UncleVT..... should be on page 1, bruh.Anyone know a money cheat?
I found your post, but the Mega link is dead :-/I posted a complete one in a few posts before. Its a finished one that lets you just jump into the new stuff...