So I was reading reviews on steam and found this gem. This guy really tried to compare this game to Fresh Women and called fresh women more "choice driven" than race of life. Goes to show how retarded the steam AVN crowd.
The only thing he successfully managed
to prove is that he lacks reading comprehension skills and plays porn games just to fap and then goes to complain about the story not being up to his high intellectual standards. Average troll mentality right there.
Ppl should report his ass to Steam so the game's rating won't drop cuz of a few very
smart reviewers like him who find reading all the text in the story boring, but for some funny reason, go back to complain about it afterward.
Goes to show how retarded the steam AVN crowd.
Hopefully the guy there is a very rare specimen that's about to go extinct.
V's jealous attitude and the main character's harsh attitude towards all the other relationship candidates around him are causing a reaction...
If you were in V's shoes, what would you do to get the man you love?
That's false, actually. The MC
only treats her badly IF you as the player want him to, and he's honest about his intentions from the get-go, not his problem she already demands a big ass expensive wedding ring after he nutted once or twice in her, ffs.
Tbh, I find V the perfect candidate to become MC's next wife and Lily's step-mom, for those of us who think a reconciliation with Allison doesn't make sense storywise or just cuz we pick another LI's path, but she seems to refuse to understand that he needs to put all his energy, attention, dedication and hard work into making money for his daughter's treatment first and only after that, into their relationship.
If you don't cheat, she's not
that bad, but still pushy and clingy asf, a thing that doesn't make sense to me bcz she barely knows the guy for 6 months and the only thing she found out is that he's a divorced single dad who cheated on his wife. Not exactly a good option for someone like her, who brings her fair share of emotional baggage to the table, to even consider anything more than a fuck buddy. Him being a potential partner for a monogamous long-term relationship can't be anything but a bad joke, but for
reasons or cuz of porn 'logic', she still says 'fuck it' and is desperate to convince him to marry her.
V's character reminds me of some of those
dumb very picky and feminist women fucking around with the bad crowd of men or only the rich, successful ones and then recording themselves bitching about men not wanting commitment or bluntly saying how ALL of them are trash just cuz they have shitty taste in men. It's ridiculous, but sometimes, real funny too.