I'm not the original person you were replying to and I'm definitely not as angry as he was about the whole thing. However, I do agree that the game can be too wordy.
https://f95zone.to/threads/race-of-life-ep-2-extra-underground-studio.130096/post-9845562 that was my original comment from all the way back then about it. (sidenote: my original worry about Cooper being ultra one-dimensional character is still here after playing episode 2. I don't think we need our interaction with him to be majority jokey like what we got so far. Camille said it best, he may seem simple but he's great at understanding people. My wish is for the writer to allow Cooper to show more of himself than being boxed in as a comic relief kind of character.)
A few very easy examples are:
17 lines just for Cooper poop joke at the start of the game
16 puns in a row between Natalya and MC at the bar
I get it, poop jokes and puns can be funny. I'm not against such inclusion in the game. I'm against the too much of it. We don't really need 17 lines just to talk about poop joke. I don't think we need 16 puns in a row either, we get the pun, and I don't think prolonging such interaction is beneficial because it's basically pun, replied with another pun, and repeat for 16 times in total of talking about the same thing over and over and over and over again. I'm not saying it's the intention, but I can totally understand if some people might get the wrong idea that 16 puns in a row is just the writer showing off and too much loving their own joke.
Now compare to the joke about the Nerd Girl's name. Everything was much shorter. The one between her and Alexa (we did this and that together) was kept to 3 lines. Then her anger when MC said the wrong name (do I look like X/Y/Z?) was also kept to 3 lines. They are much better because they weren't excessive. 6 lines but for 2 different moments. Compare to that, 16-17 lines about the same thing is far too long.
Just to be very clear, my issue is not the length of every dialogue/text, but the length of some dialogue/text that overstays their welcome because we already got the point and we didn't need the extra repetition of it.
Lastly, please don't get me wrong, the game overall is still excellent and among the ones I really like, but I think it could be beneficial to not get overexcited when writing because it could very easily go out of control.