Thanks for responding properly instead of going hostile immediately like the previous responder. With the exposition dumps not bothering you, I guess it is an understandable position to take considering your experience with GRRM. But the issue with me personally was the length of certain conversations, whether it be with Cooper, the male/female docs, and Jasmine in the lab. It went on for too long to a point where, given I was able to understand the terms, it felt pretty corny. My experience with lore dumps is from Expanse books, which I read after the series. Corey's books have exposition dumps, but they're in quick bursts and leave without lingering, not giving you a bad aftertaste. By the end of each book, you can piece together the MacGuffin lore without completely being overwhelmed by its presence in every dialogue. But again, I'm certainly not making a comparison of this AVN with Corey's novels because that's ridiculous.
The reason why I can't compare this to some other AVN here is because this one is unique here in its own way. The writer certainly is intelligent, and there are some really good dialogues between MC and the ex-wife, which felt natural and very non-AVN writing to me. Also, the renders of the characters show that the dev genuinely put thought into those scenes; the dialogue of resentment in Allison's face and them just not hooking up just after exchanging good words signifies the dev put at least some thought into their arc, even if it's an avn. Hence why I even made the original review, because it was different than anything I've played here. A few fixes in the story, in my opinion, would really make this game one of the best here.
Now about the writer statement, I explained what I actually meant to the other person before in one of my replies; I guess I should have worded it better considering it got quoted twice. I'll keep that in mind.