The first part of this review was based on the original release which received 5 stars. But below that is my current rating updated for v0.2.1 and my current opinion. I will be keeping my original thoughts intact below. In a new section will be how I currently feel after the updates. Considering it is getting a lower rating. It felt right to update this review, if the star rating had remained untouched, I probably would of left it alone.
Original version
A coherent story which is refreshing. It restores a part of your soul when you play a game like this, compared to some which are released here which sap the very life from you as you try to grasp what is going on.
Nice renders. The story makes sense which is a bonus. All I ever look for in games is to show some logic and stick to the rules they lay down in their world and story building. Just an effort really which is what this game exactly had.
I was interested from the beginning to end and actually read the story with fascination. The main characters feel fleshed out for the first outing of the game and feel like they actually have souls and personality. I really have no need to go into the story at all, will let you enjoy it as it unfolds if you play.
Would recommend a play through. I played this time of review v0.1. If you disagree with this review, no issue here, always form your own opinions. I will update this review if more is released and I play it.
Updated review Version v0.2.1 Contains spoilers
Disappointing, for what, seven months of a wait. The story and structure seemed like a half baked follow up. Some things were creepy or unsettling. The new character cop, who all of a sudden seems to hate you in the space of a few days in his beat up car and is really upset there are people in your house, all over the course of what, a day of them living there ?? The cop seems forced and mega weird taking pics of you for no good real reason. His granddad owned a pretty new mansion that you now live in and this is his main driving force. I don't know. Hope there is more to this story. What is he doing living in a rich neighbourhood if he is poor or so it seems, hope that is explained in future updates. No cop just takes your ID and you just hand it over in your driveway so he can take it to god knows do what with it or give the info to god knows who, he looks like he is not even on duty.
It feels the dev got lost and did not really know where to take the story and may have been surprised at how popular the game became and how it took off. The story already had a mother of the son you killed turn up the same time you take in your daughters. That was coincidence enough and stretched believability, now the next day a nut job cop upset you live in his grandfathers mansion turns up and is taking pics of you, seems you are just looking for too many layers at once.
The mother of the son you killed also wants to meet up with you and asks to stay in contact. Then you meet for coffee and she makes it seem like you are the one which was chasing the meeting. A scripting oversight ??
O, your daughters seem totally fine walking around naked in front of you now, and just in general the tone and class of the script seems a lot lower, it is kind of just falling into tropes. How is the cop also towering over your property taking pics to blackmail you with without you never noticing that property and also he lectured you about the property you have and its size, yet his must tower over it. I don't know about that one.
I only just now got time to update this and it is quick touching on key points as much as possible. Hopefully this game pulls it back together. Really disappointing it did not continue to hit the high notes. I am bumping it down to three stars and will see where it goes with future updates. But the pace of releases will hopefully improve also. I always try to be as honest and truthful as possible and I am always open to dialogue if anyone ever wants to mail me on my reviews. If you like the game or feel different, great and enjoy.