- Apr 24, 2018
- 214
- 578
7. Cop has a daughter that he dotes on, she is his entire worldWhat I personally would like to see with characters like the cop.
1. Douche messes with mc
2. Mc prevails without too much effort
3. Mc fucks douches wife, daughter, daughter in law, mother, aunt and high-school sweetheart
4. Douche wants revenge and in going for it the mc meets his smoking hot boss
5. Mc fucks said boss
6. Boss in turns makes cops work life hell while pointing out what a real man the mc is compared to lame ass cop.
8. MC meets daughter ends up fucking her
9. Cop tries to spy on MC, sees his beloved daughter getting her spine broke
10. Cop freaks out tries to attack MC and punish daughter
11. Cop tackles MC and then gets knocked out with some sort of household object by daughter
12. Daughter calls cops on Dad/Cop and gets him arrested
13. Daughter ends up moving in with MC/ becomes close friends with the girls
Or instead, The Cop doesn't know where his daughter has been spending all of her time and why she is never at home anymore. Cop is spying on MC's house trying to find more dirt on him. Ends up seeing MC taking his daughter to pound town by the pool. Cop jumps the fence and is like "wtf you asshole what are you doing to my daughter!". MC looks cop in eyes to assert dominance and continues fucking his daughter in front of him. The daughter is like "no Dad! Don't look!" and then MC forces her to tell her Dad/Cop how much she loves MC's dick otherwise he will stop fucking her. Then she ends up cumming super hard while telling her Dad/Cop she is sorry and not to look at her or you have the choice to make her tell the Cop that "MC is her Daddy now".
*I really really don't like that Cop