Maybe, but I think she's a little too innocent/naïve about that kind of a relationship with the MC. Not that she doesn't want to please him, but she's still learning about her own feelings and what she wants. She was more than content initially just having a daddy, not a least not yet! Compare that to how quickly that first kiss with redhead turned passionate real fast and my money is on her, and them keeping it secret from the others, at least for now. I still see Allison teasing the MC a bit more and getting aroused before she's ready to give up her V-card. Maddie on the other hand is gonna make the MC earn it before she'll consider going all way with him. That, or at least until she gets jealous of the attention her sisters are getting and wants to get closer to the MC as well. That said, I'm not a fan of tsundere type characters so hopefully she won't stay one too long.