Yes, but most would imagine harem with our family unit.
My biased take is that harem should be able to fit in the same bed.
Not kinky shaming anyone who likes to have a 10 girls harem.
Couple is nice, throupe is perfect.
Four people I guess is harem already right?
Mostly this update had nothing with our girls.
I know you're a resident in this thread and I do respect your opinion.
I understand where you are coming from.
I'd like more content and deeper content focused on the triplets, and in Radiant - the other women generally mean less to me.
I have to give respect though to some of the most successful dev's out there who recommend the kind of content mix we are seeing.
Dr PinkCake said something along the following lines:
You need different types of content to entertain a broad spectrum of your supporters.
Some people want the emotional connection that comes before physical intimacy, so these relationships are, by design, slow burn. They have to take time to develop and build up to the point where lovemaking fits the relationship.
Other people are less interested in this and they just want sex with their story, so you add in the one-night stands and sex with women that the MC meets at a bar/grocery store/restaurant. These sex scenes are not meant to be more than a lot of the sex that happens to men and women when they are on their own for the first time and at college, for example.
I realize that I am paraphrasing things here and using my own language to express his idea, but I think this makes the point.
Radiant is intended to appeal to both types of supporter, and that means that those of us looking for the faster development of the slow burn relationships feel short changed.
Who knows - perhaps the remaining scenes that are being finished/added to get us to CH 5 complete are primarily focused on the triplets.
I'm hoping that's the case, right?