"Radiant is a slow burn Story, versus a PornHub wanna be."
I keep reading posts like this xxx game is a slow burn story, versus a quick fap, my question is at what point does it stop being a slow burn and become something else.
For example: A ponzi scheme, vs a stick up. Some ponzi schemes take years and years before it is proven to be a con. The average joe that put money into the ponzi scheme thinks he is in for the long haul and is going to get his reward at end. Once in awhile a smarter than average Joe figures out ahead of time it is a Ponzi scheme and attempts to warn the mass of average Joes but they ignore him, they come up with better sounding labels like a "slow burn". Now in fairness sometimes they are right and it is simply a long slow process to get to the reward BUT sometimes it is a Ponzi scheme and it appears to be happening more and more now as time goes on. So buyer beware...
I keep reading posts like this xxx game is a slow burn story, versus a quick fap, my question is at what point does it stop being a slow burn and become something else.
For example: A ponzi scheme, vs a stick up. Some ponzi schemes take years and years before it is proven to be a con. The average joe that put money into the ponzi scheme thinks he is in for the long haul and is going to get his reward at end. Once in awhile a smarter than average Joe figures out ahead of time it is a Ponzi scheme and attempts to warn the mass of average Joes but they ignore him, they come up with better sounding labels like a "slow burn". Now in fairness sometimes they are right and it is simply a long slow process to get to the reward BUT sometimes it is a Ponzi scheme and it appears to be happening more and more now as time goes on. So buyer beware...