Just played this without any context - didn't even read the blurb in OP.
First of all, we should recognize that there appears to be some Powerpuff Girls influence going on
I like the game feel/style, including timing of dialogue + events - the writing is down to earth and clear. Effective soap opera type of cliffhanger (in a good way) ending to the 1.2 installment.
The art is generally decent: some obvious skin texture gloss and stretching that I find distracting (especially since they are in crotch and chest areas) and both facial+body expressions could be more convincing, but they are serviceable for the game's purpose so far - I think the artist should consider working on selling the character's underlying feelings more deeply, even for basic dialogue parts.
The Crucial Choices decision paths are interesting and remind me very much of
Dr. Amana, so I am curious how they impact the experience going forward.
Definitely worthy of support, IMHO - it has lots of potential.
For now I would give it a 3/5 .