I worked in a professional photo studio as well as with Hollywood agents and PR firms. If you make the correct contacts, one can make it to a very high level in an extremely short time. The saying in the entertainment industry is it's not what you know, it's who you know - and from personal experience, I can confirm that this is very true. ~8 years to get a reputation in photography is a false assumption. Even in the story, Bernie is impressed at how fast the MC's star has risen.
Folks, don't let the age thing take away your enjoyment of the game.
I mean, wow, there sure seems to be a trend of getting wrapped around the axle about the whole age thing. The Dev has even tried to give some flexibility to the players in allowing them to pick the age so it is the most enjoyable it can be to them. But here is my advice to the Dev on how to fix the issue in the next version. Be specific on everything except the length of time in the coma and then let that reflect the math needed to match the player's input. Example:
Fixed time (only using 2 events for simplicity, but could be whatever the story requires, and years are up to Dev):
Time in recovery = 2 years
Time to establish career and business = 3 years (Spot on,
TOTAL = 5 years
If the player picks that they want the girls to be 18 then time in coma is 18 - 5 - 1 (actually 9 months, but keeping it simple) = 12 years.
If the player picks that they want the girls to be 21 then time in coma is 21 - 5 - 1 (actually 9 months, but keeping it simple) = 15 years.
The time back to the accident is always going to be the age chosen by the player + 9 months.
The time back to Prom night is always going to be the same, the age chosen by the player + 9 months. But my advice would be to just never reference the year specifically and just say "About X years ago..." based on the player's choice.
Anyway, I'm all for fixing anything that takes the players out of the story, and it looks like the time thing is doing just that. Given that this is just the beginning of the development of the game it makses sense to address it or I think it will just be one of those things that never goes away. I think it speaks highly of the game that people care so much about these little details! Good job Dev! And everyone, have fun!