Alright, so the B update was tiny (I remember when SirD promised that it was actually larger than most games full updates...). We all kind of new that was going to be the case. I think its obvious he basically released what was already made and just needed to be packaged in a hurry.
What's amazing to me if he's promising these fantastic NEW updates. He's essentially said hes going to release three chapters in fifteen months. Assuming they have as much content as Chapter 5,that would make he easily the most productive Dev working today. It's pretty obvious he's in the cycle of promise, fail to deliver, promise even BIGGER which guarantees another failure.
If he were realistic, he should just say, 'I'm back on track and I will deliver content asap as well as pausing payments and being extremely transparent with interruptions going forward'.
He's not going to do that, sadly. He's going to miss this deadline, drop an excuse or two and then his plans of future deadlines will fail like dominoes as well, just by cause and effect. It doesn't even matter if he's lazy or not. I don't think he can physically produce at the rate he's set.