Normally i wouldnt mind having half a dozen side girls in a game like this, but the issue is, i dont remember who any of them are. Updates are so far apart that i need each one to start with a recap of what happened previously.
Seriously, who is Alita, and where did she come from?
Multiple updates prior to CH 5 were too far apart.
We just got two updates in 3 months so the question becomes whether or not Sir D can keep up a decent development pace of 3/4 releases per year going forward.
(I don't care how much FF/any other game he comments on IF he can maintain the above development pace.)
Alita is the BFF of the triplets from their hometown.
She dropped in to see the triplets and spend some time with them, but they were on vacation with the MC at the time.
I like most of the side girls, so it is easy for me to keep track of them.
I'm actually hoping for a threesome with Chelsea and Brooke to get Brooke used to the idea of sharing.
It will take some time but again - IF we get consistent development, I think things will progress at a nice pace.
She is going to Have to be able to share with the triplets to maintain her gf status!
Now - future updates and their delivery schedule are up to Alorth and Sir D.
I'm looking forward to enjoying CH 6.