
Jul 25, 2019
This is supposed to be a cartoon gag I guess. But yeah not the same tone as chapter 1
Chapter 1 almost feels like it was written by a different person. In reality, he probably had the initial idea and didn't plan out very much of the story beyond that. If he's just winging the story as he goes it would explain a lot.

I've come to terms with the quality of the storytelling though. It doesn't live up to the potential of the first chapter, but it's still enjoyable for what it is.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
I'm sorry to interrupt the discussion over the media manipulation, patriotism and the petit-Cold war. But can anyone recommend games like this? I'm having a hard time finding a game with such a high quality.
Can you elaborate about high quality? If you mean the graphics, there are a number of games like that. For example, recently completed City of Broken Dreamers or Desert Stalker.
If you mean the plot, I don't find it to be of particularly high quality.


New Member
Sep 3, 2022
I'm sorry to interrupt the discussion over the media manipulation, patriotism and the petit-Cold war. But can anyone recommend games like this? I'm having a hard time finding a game with such a high quality.
I found Genesis Order to be pretty good. It's more of a game and less of a VN though. And the sexual scenarios are more contrived than this game.

Ranks last in healthcare among G7.
21% illiteracy rate.
Lowest life expectancy among G7.
Highest infant mortality among top 20 economies.
Ranks 52nd on home ownership rankings globally.
3rd highest debt to GDP in G7, although to be fair everyone but Germany's fucked there.

American exceptionalism is a myth, and the fact that people still hold onto it as your country swirls down the toilet drain is a testament to the power of your media industrial complex.
>a nanny state is a good state

Welcome to the jungle, we have fun and games, unfree miscreant. America is still the best place on the planet to get rich, and as long as it remains that way, your shitting and crying about the injustices of the American system will continue falling on smug ears as the smartest most ambitious men and women from your country immigrate here to actually get paid competitive salaries. We're better than you, and we'll always be better than you. Do you know why? We aren't a country that's some sort of family business grandfathered in onto the world stage, bottom-up from primitive community to primitive community. We decided to make America. That is why it is exceptional. The only mildly comparable country in its artificial generation is Israel, but they have the misfortune of clinging to their five thousand eight hundred years of history. You will continue to stew in your ancient hatreds while we march ever forward.

Don't play the dark routes where the mc rapes and abuses his daughters. Otherwise you would call the police lol. In any case I always saw that scene as humor (I'm not saying it's funny) at the time of that update the "bonk go to horny jail" meme was popular so I always saw it as something like that.
I just played the dark route, and there wasn't any rape. And abuse? Hardly, just some mild discipline. Maddeline could have easily considered the consequences of her actions before she started acting out. Sometimes you need to bear a heavy hand on their taut bare ass to teach someone how to properly behave. It's just good parenting.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2022
American Exceptionalism is pretty real, whether you want to count the history (first and longest lasting modern democracy, as well as only country in the world with constitutionally protected freedoms), Economy and standard of living (largest and one of the highest and likely to remain so for the 21st century as it was for the 20th). Geography (arguably the single biggest source of the US's wealth and ability to have such lax laws). Now whether the people are truly more exceptional is up for debate. I'd argue they are, if for no other reason than they have been the primary location for skilled innovators and ambitious entrepreneurs for over a century.

That being said, I agree with your first point. Things are generally trending down in all aspects of life, including creativity. We are not blessed to be at the end of a multiple generational cycle, ala 'strong men create good times...' It IS however completely fascinating to me to watch our civilization crumble from its highest point, as we all look like fools from just a few short years ago, 'the end of history' and all that.
Clearlt you have no clue about European culture if you can think America is "exceptional". Compare the two, architecture, art, you name it, and then just forget about it.

American exceptionalism is a myth, and the fact that people still hold onto it as your country swirls down the toilet drain is a testament to the power of your media industrial complex.
Indeed. Even when you thought you were a great country, you weren't as great as you thought you were.


Jan 21, 2024
There are tons of games, but I wouldn't say that many are awesome. I could count on let's say two hands the games I found interesting.
Sturgeon's Law. Roughly 90% of everything is middling to shit.

Anyway when I said that "it's good that most games are shit nowadays", it was more like a joke, meaning that SirD would have nothing to play and he'd be forced to work on Radiant.
He'd still be complaining Hades II or Baldur's Gate 3 went woke or something.

'strong men create good times...'
Every time I hear this, it's always the weak men that say shit like this.

Chapter 1 almost feels like it was written by a different person. In reality, he probably had the initial idea and didn't plan out very much of the story beyond that. If he's just winging the story as he goes it would explain a lot.

I've come to terms with the quality of the storytelling though. It doesn't live up to the potential of the first chapter, but it's still enjoyable for what it is.
Which sucks for me. Oh well, I'll take my Allison and Olivia.
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