Well, this is interesting. A couple of clues in this AVN gave me the impression that it takes place very close to where I live! It's a cool and interesting tidbit to find out about such an awesome AVN.
As far as I remember, there was a lot more content planned, at least the same harem path, which is not even yet in the 'completion'. And there were more LI planned. I think ictor did not do 90%, but about 50-60% and just finished the game quickly after the delay. But I could be wrong.
Well, this is interesting. A couple of clues in this AVN gave me the impression that it takes place very close to where I live! It's a cool and interesting tidbit to find out about such an awesome AVN.
Well, this is interesting. A couple of clues in this AVN gave me the impression that it takes place very close to where I live! It's a cool and interesting tidbit to find out about such an awesome AVN.
The Other Scene that really made break down and cry for a bit (And still does in my heart) Is the one where Alita Talks to me. I was really hit hard by this obviously Distraught and Scared Girl (And if anyone cares I chose "Wholesome" pathway with Alita, Just Couldn't Play this otherwise with her or Daughters)
The Other Scene that really made break down and cry for a bit (And still does in my heart) Is the one where Alita Talks to me. I was really hit hard by this obviously Distraught and Scared Girl (And if anyone cares I chose "Wholesome" pathway with Alita, Just Couldn't Play this otherwise with her or Daughters) View attachment 4469590 View attachment 4469591
same i usually play the dark path on other games but with the background story of the girls it feels bad to play the dark path that is why i chose to play the pure/lust path
same i usually play the dark path on other games but with the background story of the girls it feels bad to play the dark path that is why i chose to play the pure/lust path