Wonderful fantasy game filled with implicit messages that ultimately lead to fascinating twists.
Alright, I don't like making reviews but I feel like this game deserves one (for whatever my opinion is worth). This was written to reflect version 1.0.3.
The Good
What's the playtime, you ask? About 2 sessions of 3-4 hours (I was hooked. In other words, about 6-9 hours.
What's scene/per hour rate, you ask? About 2-3 scenes an hour but only after you are halfway through the game. Before that point it's more like 0 scenes per hour.
If you like reading (to some extent) or are a fan of fantasy stories (with magic and shit) and cute girls, then give it go and consider supporting it. I promise you that it's a pretty cool game (I am not to be held legally accountable for this claim).
Psst, Dev ,if you're reading this, don't take the cheat mode out on the final release. Thanks homie I knew I could count on you.
Alright, I don't like making reviews but I feel like this game deserves one (for whatever my opinion is worth). This was written to reflect version 1.0.3.
The Good
- Interesting, attractive, and unique characters.
- Each character is unique and will hook you (or not, that's the whole point). They all have different personalities, backgrounds, and sense of humor.
- The characters are all very visually appealing and even have expressions. That's right, you'll see 2d PNGs blushing after you stare at their tits. Nice.
- Main story is actually interesting
- I'm a sucker for fantasy games, movies, and anime so it is no surprise that Randel Tales immediately earned my attention.
- The story is explained bit by bit throughout lessons. That's right, you will go to school and actually learn something. Well done dev, this is already better than a college.
- The protagonist has his shit together
- Don't you hate it when the MC is a weak-minded loser who gets pushed around all the time? Well, not in Randel Tales.
- The MC has his own ambitions and doesn't fall under any of the most common tropes with these sort of games.
- The MC is normal: He isn't in an FBI watchlist for being a sexual predator and he isn't a wimp either. I like that.
- Mechanics:
- There's an interactive bestiary, how cool is that? There are a couple of entries missing (like the "Lelluk" I think it was called) but is still a very neat feature.
- I made this category just for the music. The music is GREAT but goes quiet (there's no music) in some scenes for whatever reason, which is kinda awkward.
- The game feels very incomplete.
- The game is a sandbox and just like most sandbox games of this genre, the world feels big but empty. Take the Adventurer's guild for example: There's only like 4 quests and after that it becomes a dead place. Same with the Academy.
- Multiple spelling mistakes throughout the story. I'm not expecting flawless 10/10 writing but some mistakes are just hard to ignore. Trust me when I say this, you WILL notice the mistakes when playing. There's not many, but still.
- Many questlines are not finished (some didn't even begin). I don't know if this is intended or not but it's truly a shame since the characters that interested me the most didn't have a questline.
- The grind
- I hate grinding in these sort of games. However, Randel Tales does offer a "cheat" mode to skip all that. Yeah, it didn't really help tho.
- Most stats feel useless as there are only like 3 skill checks throughout the whole game.
- Leveling up skills takes a lot of time so you better believe I used the cheat tool (thanks dev).
- Empty choices
- There ARE choices in this game that will get characters killed (including the MC) at a later point of the story.
- However, most choices fall under the typical "doesn't matter if you're an ass or a boob person, you ain't getting none anyway". For dummies, what I'm saying is that most choices don't matter. Most.
- I will say though that the impactful choices were very cool as the author usually hints the player with implicit messages and expects you to not only pay attention but also make observations and conclusions of your own. Very cool.
- Unfortunately, the sense of responsibility after fucking up is little to none existent as you can always go back or save scum. I personally don't mind as I don't usually fuck up, and when I do it's just to see what would happen. Those "what if" scenarios really do deliver in this game.
- The combat
- This game features 3 type of variables in combat:
- Choice selection (very cool I like this)
- Stat checks (very cool I also like this)
- QTE (fuck you.)
- While the QTE aren't difficult, you gotta understand, I play with a controller, laying on my bed. Yeah. Not cool.
- This game features 3 type of variables in combat:
- The quests
- All quests are very entertaining. However, they don't follow a flow-chart.
- This means that you could view a scene with a character at the end of the game that was supposed to be viewed earlier. It's a bit trippy.
- A lot of quests take place at the same time of the day, which means that you will have to choose who to do first (if you catch my drift) which leads to a broken flowchart.
- All quests are very entertaining. However, they don't follow a flow-chart.
What's the playtime, you ask? About 2 sessions of 3-4 hours (I was hooked. In other words, about 6-9 hours.
What's scene/per hour rate, you ask? About 2-3 scenes an hour but only after you are halfway through the game. Before that point it's more like 0 scenes per hour.
If you like reading (to some extent) or are a fan of fantasy stories (with magic and shit) and cute girls, then give it go and consider supporting it. I promise you that it's a pretty cool game (I am not to be held legally accountable for this claim).