VN - Ren'Py - Raptus [Ep.10 P3 v1.0] [RedStarStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I Froth This Game SOOOO HARD! absolutely love it .
    I wait literally for a new update to this game on the edge of my seat. Its very rare to get a game that does what this one does. I love that its not so plain and vanilla like all the others. Even if they do go a little dark they dont have anything on this game hahaha
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Juicy Blueberry

    Disgusting, twisted, crazy but sexy game. Creative in sex scene. Whoever made this game must be a real genius. I was shocked that this game is not being banned from Reading recent posts, I am glad the developer will add more sandbox stuff. The only thing that sucked would be almost no sounds.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First sorry for my english
    As a fan of dank AVN i rate this game 5/5. And if you are a fan of that genre, you know how hard to find a good game.
    Simple but sold story. In the time when every Vn try to impress player with so many plots that doesn't make any sense even at VN stander. This is a plus point.
    Very good render and character design. I fell in love in first sight with MC's sister
    What make it a excellent game? compare to Friend in need ( also very dark game with path) this game make you more easy to choose the dark pass because there is no consequence. The girl you meet in game you don't know them, to you - player, they are just a object. So the real question is how dark you choose to be? I understand some people will not like that but to me after play this game and Friend in need (i also love that game 5/5) its feel so good to make a easy dark cruel choice to see how evil your MC can be.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Na sorry, not for me. The English is.... not great in places which drag you right out and the whole premise is... too dark. "Oh but Kameohawk it's just a game and people should be allowed to express..." nope, gotta stop you right there. It's... too dark even for that.

    The renders could be good, who can tell. It's hamstrung by it's very being
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid renders, extreme fetishes, family harem, godawful writing with an irredeemably psychotic manchild MC - that's the gist of it.

    However, I do want to use this opportunity to invite whoever is reading to ask themselves this question - is placing this kind of content into a video game safe or wise?

    On one hand, allowing the catharsis of pure destructive ID to rampage in a safe and consequence-free digital box, where serial abuse and violence can be indulged in without doing actual harm to real people might just safely channel such urges and showcase the utter desolation such monstrous behavior would wreak on people - and to make things clear, the protagonist here is an irredeemable monster, not an alpha male, not a hero, a monster who would have to be immediately put down if he wasn't a video game character.

    On the other, does having the ability to kill a digital person and then violate their body, or repeatedly imprison and abuse such people, or (and this was where I decided to uninstall), forcibly induce abortion on a pregnant woman not tempt those with psychotic tendencies into trying to re-enact the twisted things they see in a video game in real life?

    Arguably it's the age-old argument that was made against video games once they moved past abstract blocks falling into a grid - whether the actions you take in digital spaces inform the actions you take in the world.

    Even though the writing is shit, I'm glad that Raptus exists, such as it is - it has shown me that even my extensive list of fetishes has an end, and I hope it makes people who play it reflect.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Another "dark" VN ruined by some second personality trying to convince us to do stuff... does the dev thinks we need confirmations?

    We downloaded the game already man, having the MC arguing with his inner demon or whatever every single time is just boring and pathetic

    Characters are a joke, extremely submissive and dumb or extremely bossy and dumb. A piece of brick has more in-deep personality

    The reasons for a shrimp like the MC to be able to do all his things without resistance or being caught are absurd

    This story is more like some wet dream any teeny would have
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    For the love of God Redstar you have to get a English proof reader.....Game would be decent if the dialogue was coherent... or spelled correctly. Im sure you can find someone that will help you for free. But as of right now the dialogue is too big of mess to get into the story.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    what can i say, this started off as a dark, twisted, taboo, mind fuck of a game, and was a generic VN at that. HOWEVER!
    you can clearly see that the dev has put in the time to learn his craft, no more with the horrible non fap worthy static animations, and now in with the smoother animations, which are ten folds better than what was originally in the game.. (i hope you plan to rework all the old animations to fit the new quality, rather than it be inconsistent, as id love to do a fresh save with the same good quality throughout)

    that aside, this game is for twisted degenerates like me with a power complex, and a dark mind, but uses games to explore them safely, and this scratches that itch! now remember folks, and bare in mind with my previous comment. WHAT WE PLAY IN GAMES, ARE NOT OKAY TO DO IRL. there is no problem with you downloading any game online and using them as a safe way to vent your taboo kinks, however never think crossing that boundary is okay, it ISNT.

    but this game is amazing, and it allows you to fully explore and uncensored psychotic role play, where you play as a crazy serial killing rapist, (if you play him that way).. its great! love the options, love the range of characters (would love male and trans slaves too, and would love a sandbox type gameplay to where i can freely repeat a vast array of scenes with my basement dwellers, or go on the prowl and hunt my next victim, it would work so damn well if done right!)... if you wanna live out your dark twisted fantasies in the safety net of a game, then this is your go to.

    you can clearly see as time has gone on, the dev has improved their craft and made the game better overall. i commend you fully! this is a great game, and an even greater game in the making!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    If you want to channel your inner psycho, then this game is for you. It's definitely not for the kind hearted people. But this is what I come to adult games for except thicc MILFs. I want to be a jerk MC. Not too many games out there to give you that.

    Good game overall. Renders are good, lots of content, decent animations. We need this kind of games and im thankful to dev for that.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    this VN is pretty bad.

    I like some of the darker stuff but MCs personality is just such a turn off. The dominant and intimidating aspects of his personality could've been great, but it feels more like the personality of a spoiled brat.

    For example; when his stepmom or whatever she is, tells him she doesnt like his advances, he starts acting like a spoiled brat telling her something along the lines "I feel like you dont want me here so ill pack my stuff and leave", then he sits and waits in his room for her to come and try and apologise.

    Is it just me who gets the "i didnt get the toy i wanted so now im gonna throw a childish tantrum" vibes?

    the design of the females is terrible, They are ugly as hell.

    The grammar, and spellings feels like it was written by a grade schooler.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Pro - 2 or 3 of the girls look ok.
    Con - The game.
    Ok ok, more to the point the game is just anti-fap. Even if you were into the stuff going on in the game and somehow connect with the MC. The side characters are also just awful. Might be one of the only games I just closed and uninstalled after a hour or so because I was getting less horny by the minute.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Poor writing with a pathetic character that they try to make look big and intimidating, feels like something a teenager would come up with. The animations are not that good either which means the nsfw is also not that good. I guess it works for the more soft and innocent people with kinks that haven't been exposed to this kind of shit or something but apart from that, not much to see here. Unless you want a game to laugh at, then this shit is gold!!

    Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the game's ending revealed that this was just all in le head.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I sadly don´t like it.

    I was expecting extreme stuff not this trash. For vanilla people this is probably too much but I think it doesn´t go far enough, where is the scat, why show a child character and not too anything with her. A lot of people don´t want to see all that but it should still be there in this game.

    The characters are all bad and mosty ugly. The main characters ((((not sister definitly just roomate)))) is the character who I like the most and she is also hot, the other hot character is Jessica the red hair daughter. But I hate that so many characters don´t act like real humans especially the old woman.

    The sex scenes are mostly boring and not creativ I hate the foot fetish I make the mc look so submissive, the scenes are not animated until at the end some and they look robotic and bad.

    In the end you could also see the face of the mc and he looks like such a wimp I hate it, then right at the very end of the update I played, the most awful scene happend Abby sleeps and you can fuck her while she sleeps and she cries and screams for help? The person who loves pain, is the biggest slut, loves to rape and even murder people can´t handle sex??? that made me so angry. Another scene that was trash is when the dungeon builder comes with his dog and the dog gets a blowjob of the mother we kidnapped because she is such a slut and horny for sex, I wouldn´t mind that and I like that some bestiality is shown but in the last time we saw the kidnapped mother we could cleary see that she didn´t act that way, so why is she suddenly okay with being raped?

    The few good things are that there is some nercophilia but I found it boring here, the bestiality and some piss drinking. There was also a scene where abby and the mc could rape a pregnant woman, and after that could kill her or even kill the unborn baby first, it wasn´t really violent or too gruesome but I like the effort there.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    vEp.7 Part 2
    MC is a Serial Rapist and also is Insane.
    It is really hard to connect with him because of this.
    The story is pretty nonsensical. Mostly due to the MC's insanity.

    Engrish is not that good in this game.
    The art just does not look good. I don't understand why people are praising it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I came for the violence

    the writing's impaired by poor grammar, but renders are generally beautiful, and the scope of the game is unparalleled. a must-play for genre fans.

    my understanding is there are multiple ways for scenes to play out — I've only completed a playthrough w the most hardcore choices I could find, and it really delivered.

    there's a lot of story to enjoy, and hints on where things could go in future that are tantalizing. I'd love to see more and would highly recommend this to fans of the f95 'graphic violence' tag.

    thank you, dev, for your work on this game
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Raptus [Ep.6 Part 2] Rating: 3.5*

    Fucked up story
    Decent Renders
    Many Characters
    Good-looking Characters
    Many Fetishes

    The story started strong, but feels like it lost it´s edge in the last two updates that were very short.

    I think this is the best game in that genre of f´d up games and I would’ve given this game 4-5*, but let me explain why not.

    Sure, the Story is not meant to be taken seriously, but since the last two updates, it feels like the creator is out of ideas or doesn´t have the motivation anymore to continue the game, but I could be wrong about that.
    Creating games is quite difficult and time-consuming, but I believe that the last two updates were really short and added nothing interesting to the game.

    Adding the Grandma in the update before this one wasn´t bad, but it feels like the game lost it´s plot a bit and also the creativity. She came to visit while the MC´s “Landlady” was tied up on her bed with a vibrator in her Pussy. When the grandma found out, she was totally cool with it and she even let you fuck her.(That was the update before this one EP.6 Part 1)

    Ep.6 Part 2 was one scene, where you could rape a pregnant woman in a public bathroom. You could choose to rape her and just leave her laying there, you could kill her or choose to kill her unborn child. It´s a very f´d up scene and I definitely didn´t take the last two options, but the problem is that this scene didn´t add anything to the story.

    [Ep.7 Part 2]
    I think this update is better than the last ones.
    It looks like this game will go the harem route and I have no problem with that, as long as the story stays interesting.
    It will be interesting to see how that will develop and I hope we´ll see more kinky f´d up story paths, and it would also be cool if we see more of the city.
    One thing that I miss in this game is the auto function.
    That way I can just set the text speed and don´t have to click through the text. I wish the Dev best of luck in the game's future development.

    Raptus [Ep.9 P4 v1.0]
    Yeah I think this game has lost me. The last update I've played before this was Ep.9 P1 which was at the end of last year, Dec 30th. I believe.

    And this update just leaves me disappointed and does not make me optimistic about the future of this game.
    Not much has progressed since then which is sad considering we already have September.
    And it now just feels like an harem game that lacks the story it had at the start of the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    You either like the topics that this game handles or you don't. If you are not into BDSM, Heavy Violence, Incest and a MC who's positively insane, then this is not the game for you.

    That being said... If you, like me, are seeking for one of these games that explores some darker themes, then this is the game for you.

    There's some good looking characters, others not so much, but the ones who need to be hot are hot.

    The story line with the mother is just insanely fucked up and I love every second of it. Again, if what you want is some dark content, give this game a shot.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm usually into darker themes, this is a bit too much for me though to be honest, this is REALLY NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED. I can handle this as fiction so it's not problematic of me, but I warn you - stay away if you don't like graphical violence. (I really love corrupted sicko sidekick LIs and this has more than one actually which I really liked, that's why I played this, otherwise I would have probably skip it after a few scenes)

    But the low rating is unrelated to this. The game has serious issues story wise. I know the MC has serious mental issues but I felt during some scenes that the whole thing is random, just for the sake of violence.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Niels Holgersson

    This game is like nothing else here on F95 Zone, it makes you fever for the next update, await what depravity the author will come up with next, hoping it will be that extra little kick in the family jewels. The last update shows us where our hero's sister really is in her training, a sadist and killer, now let us wait and see what happens next.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    + Depraved
    - - Terrible art and animation
    - Nonsensical story
    This had some fetishes I'm into, but it was so convoluted and the artstyle and animation isn't good enough to fuel them. Unfortunate, because with some minor improvements this could be a good game.