Reviewed as of Ep. 4 Part 1.
The renders are decent, and I can get behind the idea of the story, if not the pacing, but the foremost problem is that all of the dialogue is so. so. bad.
Seriously, within the first couple lines of the game, the grammar just doesn't make any sense. Characters feel like they're voicing their thoughts to the air rather than reacting to the dialogue.
Any positive experience I got from this game is immediately overwhelmed by the fact that I have to reread every other sentence and reconstruct it in my head so that it makes sense.
The renders are very high quality, and the concept really tickles my fancy, but... I just can't deal with the text that seems like it was translated using google. The entirety of the game needs a very, very thorough proofreading, and that's stating it lightly.
Beyond that, I'd agree with some other reviewers that the story seems to be progressing far too quickly with what seems to be like very little planning. I'd be happy to be proven wrong here, but it seems like the story is already writing itself in to a corner with the extremity of the content that it's explored so far.