
Nov 24, 2018
There is no scream in the forest then how am I supposed to defeat the elf who is coming to kill me play again from the start?!


May 21, 2017
how do i get the catgirls? i did the traps thing and told where i live on the quest, but they didn't come, is it on act IV?


Oct 18, 2017
how do i get the catgirls? i did the traps thing and told where i live on the quest, but they didn't come, is it on act IV?
You need to have treasure for them to steal, or they wont show up.
Advice I would give to everyone is to not visit the roads until you have your lair chosen, so you can get the treasure from Mina's cart, as its the most useful thing you can get in that encounter.
You can always get the potency point when you take her in later, as well as another treasure point via Charm, if you are on good terms.
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Jun 2, 2018

Ah, what a time to be alive! With November’s updates in the bag, we’re now ready to move on to that greatest of endeavours - Act V. We’ve had quite a few questions and speculation about what that involves, which is great; it’s good to see that everyone is as excited as I am.
I’ve spent a fair chunk of the last fortnight adding detail to my plans. Now is an excellent time, I think, to share those plans with you. If ever you're interested in looking at them in further detail, check out our live dev plan on Discord.

What Will It Involve?
Part of my enthusiasm for writing a fantasy saga has been the opportunity to finish it properly. I’m sure we can all think of a beloved series that has a rushed or lacklustre ending; with Ravager, I want you to come away properly satisfied. That means Act V has to cover a lot of ground:
  • Finishing the character arcs of all of your harem, including the consequences of Pregnancy and the chance to take them on Dates in your domain.
  • Holding Court as a monarch, and making the decisions that will determine the fate of your nation.
  • Determining how your relationship with the stranger Powers will evolve, now that you are no longer the underdogs.
  • Kingly responsibilities like Coronation and Marriage.
  • Deciding the Final Fates of our cast, and their place in the Epilogue.
  • ...and I gather some people have something called a Cataclysm to look forward to.

More than enough to keep us busy, I think!

What Won’t It Involve?
One of the hardest things in any project is defining and maintaining your scope. It would be tempting to keep adding and expanding things indefinitely - but I don’t want the game to spend eternity in development, and I don’t think you do either.
Ravager is, at its core, a choice-driven narrative visual novel. We could get deep into the weeds of kingdom management and economics and such, but that would leave us with a weird and slightly ugly chimera of different mechanics and tone. You’ll still have the ability to determine the fate of the Realm, but it’ll be through more familiar methods of making decisions - your minions will take care of the accounting.
More than a few people are interested in the world beyond the nation’s borders. So am I! Far too much, in fact, to cram it hurriedly into the end of the game. There are tales to be told of strange places, beautiful inhabitants, and their inevitable conquest beneath the shadow of a very ambitious dragon. More than enough tales to fill a game by itself, so that’s what I’ll do.

How Will It Be Done?
Most of our Acts follow a familiar pattern: an introduction, then a large open segment, which dovetails into a climax and transition into the next Act. But with Act V I want to have the chance to show the outcomes of your choices (both previous to and within it) over a longer period.
Fortunately, mature dragons have a tendency to slumber - an excellent opportunity to deliver Act V in a series of segments, with the world and cast updating between them. It might be fair to call Act V ‘three smaller Acts in a trenchcoat’, but somebody suggested we should call the segments Chapters and I think that’s more likely to stick.
Each Chapter will be released as a major (main plotline) update, with the first one arriving as v5.0. This also has benefits for you, as you won’t have to twiddle your thumbs for a year while we attempt to get everything done in one go. What you will see is that some updates are smaller than usual (because we’re getting ready for the next Chapter) and some are much, much bigger.

When Will It Be Done?
Anyone who has followed a game in development, least of all one made by a small team, will know that life laughs at the hubris of developers. But I also think that not setting target dates is an act of gross cowardice - so I’ll say that the first instalment of Act V will arrive in early 2022, and I aim to have the main plotline finished before the end of that year. If we continue our current rate of hard work and steady growth, we’ll be able to do that.

And What Happens After That?
Ravager will continue to receive free updates once the main plotline is finished. We want to bring it to full completion, and that means adding some extra features that would slow our progress if we had adopted them too soon. That includes:
  • The option to Roam the Realm and see how it, and its inhabitants, reflects your actions.
  • A recruitable Centaur faction, and their fierce alpha mare Tuhakka.
  • Encounters with the Dream Waifus we’ve created in collaboration with our biggest backers.
  • The appearance of Adeline’s younger sister Celia.

But we won’t be resting on our laurels. Our determination to finish Ravager is driven, in part, by our ambitions for games to come. We want to experiment with new genres and themes and technology, and keep on crafting amazing things for as long as the universe will permit. Ravager is just the beginning.
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Active Member
Feb 15, 2020
Hey, would you mind sharing DD's gallery link or something? I'm rather curious. Thanks in advance.
You can find him/her/xer/der/hur/dur on twitter.

edit: latest update was awesome. I always liked after the end screen where you can monitor how the world continues living from there one.


Jun 26, 2021
Or just play on Power Fantasy mode, then you have infinite treasure and morale. THAT'S WHAT IT IS THERE FOR.
If you know how the console works you can have a Power Fantasy in every fantasy :geek:
And some people won't start a whole new playthrough just because one stat needs adjusted.


Active Member
Dec 13, 2018
Finally it makes sense to impregnate Adeline..
This was I think the first time where I really wanted the option to "pull out" in a porn game.
If Adeline is the last of her line then she needs to pop out some human girls to continue her line before she ruins her womb with more dragonspawn. But if we get our claws on her little sister for that, then I guess it's fine ;)
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Dec 13, 2018
Last I played this was when that one character hired to hunt you down fought you in your hideout and lost. Not much if any content after that. Has it released even more content from that point on or do I have to keep waiting for more? No spoilers if posible.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
Last I played this was when that one character hired to hunt you down fought you in your hideout and lost. Not much if any content after that. Has it released even more content from that point on or do I have to keep waiting for more? No spoilers if posible.
Yes there is more content, including sexual scene.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
Honour first mother yeah I do give gold for the first lady to stay sadly Enid doesn't have much to talk about there is who like to be savage &who like to be bad & who like to be good Like (the bad the good the ugly) so for that a big bravo for who made this game I hope to see it complete


Jun 2, 2018

State Of The Realm: November
Last week’s post left little space to talk about our current endeavours, so here’s a quick view on where we are right now!
The most important news is that we’ve begun work on Act V Chapter 1 in earnest. Planning is complete, and I’m in the process of converting those plans into delicious sexy code. That means that updates will be a little smaller than usual for the next couple of months - because I can’t show our work on the next major update until it is all done. But it is happening!
You will not, however, be left twiddling your thumbs. We’ll be continuing our regular twice-monthly update schedule with additions to our other Acts. Our next build includes some long-overdue expansions for Issa, a crossover scene for Marie-Anne and Mina, and an assortment of additional delights. You can look forward to that on the weekend of 11th December!
I’m going to get right on that. Remember to wrap up warm (or stay cool, if you’re in the southern hemisphere) and I’ll have presents ready for you within the fortnight.
Support the game! , or
Join the discord!


Feb 25, 2018
So I formatted my cell phone and lost my saves, I intend to play everything again (I've done it several times), and then I've been wondering, which is the best home(Lair)? I really like the infernals, but they demand Heloise, the aberration I don't know exactly what's special, Malagar is a little incomplete, although I like the concept...


Dec 24, 2019
I mean I'm excited to see what happens with maelys. its not like she is dead or braindead. She breaths, responds to stimulation and understands words. I'm guessing she is just extremely depressed atm she wasted most of her life, has no purpose, severed from her goddess forever for the chance to have a child but she cant have a child since Malice can be the only naga at least right now(actually would maelys even be able to have a naga child since she has been severed from her goddess and nagas need the combination of infernal power and divine power to create one interesting question). If she died or went braindead that would suck but she is recoverable and I'm interested to see how things play out.
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