You also have to realize that this is a porn game, story or not. The better choice to keep the most people interested in the game's content is to flesh it out with an even spread of these scenes to hit as many interests as possible. I would not call Ravager a game with porn, it is most definitely a porn game, however good its story ends up being. As such, it makes sense for them to have the priorities they're currently displaying, making sure every possible character has content instead of just running with one or two 'main' characters and then adding more in later. This isn't some mainstream indie game they're trying to pack up and ship in a timely manner, and we shouldn't expect it to operate on the same timeline or priorities.
There's also another problem with developing as you've stated, and it's how Ravager's staff crew is set up. Each character has their own writer, and rushing the game forward while only working on a few characters doesn't make those characters go any faster, it just means all the other writers get to sit and twiddle their thumbs. Ravager is more styled as a large collaborative project than other games like it usually are, so there'd be no real point to making half the staff do nothing.
I disagree with your view on the game and its porn, even if it could (and most likely was) created with that idea in mind. Not necessarily because the story is good, as you've pointed out, but because the general idea the game is excellently executed. This idea being the concept of having a MC who is the big bad dragon instead of the hero who slays it. Because that's ultimately the premise, and I believe that the porn merely enhances it, since it makes sense a dragon would start not only killing people, but raping them as well. Instead of the porn becoming it's main focus when one is trying to experiment the game as intended, or at least enjoying the concept
as a whole and not just
that part of it.
But I digress; even if I enjoy the game for its premise and how it's entailed, I'm aware that a large amount of people most likely just get the general idea of what's going on and try to get the scene of the girl they like as quick as possible. Hence, I agree with the
fact that this being an adult game makes it so the main focus in
development would naturally be to have as much of the girls' scenes and story made, however this is to satisfy as many users as possible, rather than the latter being the main focus of the game itself.
Or maybe I'm deceiving myself into believing this so I don't have in my conscious the fact that I've enjoyed so much a game that its main purpose is for me to jack off instead of genuinely experience it. But who cares anyways.