@4MW You have no idea how happy I am to
finally see a new game in the vein of Defiler Wings! Especially one with an actual plot, unique characters, and just general immersiveness (as opposed to DW's "mate with/eat generic captive, hunt cows, repeat" grind).
Few thoughts:
Agree with others on the huntress, that could be a great opportunity for a romantic subplot! Just as long as you don't rush it anyway - she should only grudgingly thank you for saving her (if that), and only fall for you based on decisions later on.
You've mentioned you want non-con to be a major theme, but keep in mind there are more ways to initiate such scenes than just straight-up violent force. The farmhand, for instance, is clearly scared out of her mind by you (hell, she doesn't even try to resist if you choose to eat her) - just ordering her to present herself should suffice there.
Speaking of said farmhand, trying to fuck her ass tells you she can't take you
yet... but you can't revisit her afterward. Any plans to change that?
Like others have said, the kobolds ain't exactly koboldy... I get that the design is a result of the face creator you're using, but unless you plan to commission art for Petruk (and any others) you should probably call them something else.
Your fangirl's approach to anal - both her commitment and calling her ass her "special dragon hole" is so cute that I both find it hard to resist but also feel really bad about lying to her about her being able to get pregnant that way

I hope if we take that route we'll still be able to fuck her pussy too to fulfill her dreams?
Also, why doesn't she give her name or ask for yours? You'd think she'd want an actual introduction with the lizard she fell for at first sight
I'll probably think of other things too, but that's it for now!
Nothing exists in a vacuum, the fact is that most programs follow a set system when it comes to numbering their versions (1.0 meaning a version with all the planned features complete), therefor there are certain expectations set for ALL programmers.
If your only exposure to WIP releases is amateur hgame devs, sure, since they're typically just basing their approach solely off what they've seen from, you guessed it,
other amateur hgame devs. In general it's perfectly acceptable - even common - to label the initial public release (especially within a certain category - alpha, beta, final, etc) as 1.0.
Or, hell, even just using whatever private version number you were at - I wouldn't bat an eye at seeing an initial release labeled 0.4.7.
My point was/is, if you have "certain expectations" of numbering, that's your problem, not the developer's.