
Engaged Member
Jun 15, 2017
The answers are quite simple. (they are probably not, which is evident once you see the size of them)

Naho is a hypocrite. I don't recall the exact choices you have to make, but you can learn that her shtick about "might make right" is complete bollocks. She does not believe in it, she just wants the alpha status, which she got, IIRC, by strategically sleeping with the right males then pitting them against one another. And she also got some form of help from Valzira, for reasons I do not remember.

Meaning she is not only a hypocrite, but a cheater through and through. As for why she takes so much effort... Well, she is simply that selfish. She will accept being beneath someone only through sheer force brought upon her betailed ass.

As for Valzira... Oh boy! Thats a simple, yet complicated knot to untangle. First, she does not truly care about power, else she would have stayed with the rest of elvish ruling council, part of which she was, and not chose to live in the swamp. Also, she already is one of the most powerful beings in the world who's impossible to take down one on one. What kind of bonus anyone could present to, probably, the most powerful witch in the world?

Second... She HATES you. I am talking this kind of hate:

Or maybe even this one:

There is no reconciliation. No negotiation. No reasoning. She wants pain of death upon you. And she helped deliver it many times already. You can't bribe her, talk her out - anything, really.

And why?

We don't know. Most likely, there was... SOMETHING in the past that gave her this unspeakable level of pure loathing that she even resists torture on spite alone. Yet, no sign of what exactly.

Such an enigma that one is.
I know valzira hates you, well not just you but all dragons really, but take this into account. She let you go the first time you meet her when absolute hate, and I'm talking let the world be destroyed if it means you die too levels of hate.

Which also begs the question of that was the case, why bother working with the last dragon like she did? He'll why even help the princess give you life now it's been a while but I do remember there being hinting showing that between the princess and valzira she played a part in avengers creation.

As for Naho, yes it's true she did a lot of manipulative shit which again makes me question why not use the dragon to her advantage. Who would dare challenge her if she positioned herself next to revenger as the head of the clan. Especially since the one male wolf is more than willing to do this and has no problem leading the pack in ravengers stead.
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Jun 15, 2022
I think we're kinda overstating the amount of hate Valzira has - at least at first. I feel like by the time the dragon meets her at first, her loathing had kinda simmered out, dulled after decades. Every last dragon had been hunted down to extinction, but suddenly a younglings shows up, alone, lost in her cabin. Did she let him go due to some sense of pity? I don't think so. I believe it was all due to her pride (we will touch more on this in a bit). She thought why bother? This newt doesn't deserve the amount of energy required to destroy him. Plus, it'd be far more amusing if his sure demise came by another utter stupidity, then it'll come as a surprise at least.

Lo and behold, the dragon lived.

I don't think Valzira's main trait is her hate, that sounds more like Maelys. No, I think her characteristic and eventual folly is her pride. She thinks she's better than her fellow elves, she thinks she's better than everyone in the realm. She probably chooses to live in a swamp just to not have to deal with her perceived lessers. Then the dragon bests her, not once, but multiple times.

First he beats her in mind by cunningly overcoming her oh so mighty power. By employing the help of some of the other people she thought beneath her.

Second he beats her in body by restraining her and using her as some common whore. A thing she so harshly criticized Heloise of doing, odds are she's never even had such a dirty thing like sex before.

And thirdly and most crushing defeat, he beats her only because she was too prideful to get her own hands dirty and deal with him when she first had the chance. Something she'll think about every second in her cold cell.

I don't even think she hated dragons back then, I can see her viewing them as more of a nuisance and little more. I mean, she even worked with the last dragon for a bit. She doesn't hate dragons, she hates you. But her hate isn't the point, it's the climax, the final stop. It's the comedy of stripping her of her powers, imprisoning her, ripping her limbs off, and using her as a pillow, all to the point where the only thing she can do is throw insults at her captor, all as a set-up to shut her up once more.

So, like I said, Valzira wasn't all hate until captured, then that's all she has left.

Thank you for watching my nugget waifu essay. Remember to hit the like button, subscribe, turn on notifications, play Raid Shadow-


Sep 18, 2020
I think we're kinda overstating the amount of hate Valzira has - at least at first. I feel like by the time the dragon meets her at first, her loathing had kinda simmered out, dulled after decades. Every last dragon had been hunted down to extinction, but suddenly a younglings shows up, alone, lost in her cabin. Did she let him go due to some sense of pity? I don't think so. I believe it was all due to her pride (we will touch more on this in a bit). She thought why bother? This newt doesn't deserve the amount of energy required to destroy him. Plus, it'd be far more amusing if his sure demise came by another utter stupidity, then it'll come as a surprise at least.

Lo and behold, the dragon lived.

I don't think Valzira's main trait is her hate, that sounds more like Maelys. No, I think her characteristic and eventual folly is her pride. She thinks she's better than her fellow elves, she thinks she's better than everyone in the realm. She probably chooses to live in a swamp just to not have to deal with her perceived lessers. Then the dragon bests her, not once, but multiple times.

First he beats her in mind by cunningly overcoming her oh so mighty power. By employing the help of some of the other people she thought beneath her.

Second he beats her in body by restraining her and using her as some common whore. A thing she so harshly criticized Heloise of doing, odds are she's never even had such a dirty thing like sex before.

And thirdly and most crushing defeat, he beats her only because she was too prideful to get her own hands dirty and deal with him when she first had the chance. Something she'll think about every second in her cold cell.

I don't even think she hated dragons back then, I can see her viewing them as more of a nuisance and little more. I mean, she even worked with the last dragon for a bit. She doesn't hate dragons, she hates you. But her hate isn't the point, it's the climax, the final stop. It's the comedy of stripping her of her powers, imprisoning her, ripping her limbs off, and using her as a pillow, all to the point where the only thing she can do is throw insults at her captor, all as a set-up to shut her up once more.

So, like I said, Valzira wasn't all hate until captured, then that's all she has left.

Thank you for watching my nugget waifu essay. Remember to hit the like button, subscribe, turn on notifications, play Raid Shadow-
bruh she lives in a swamp and sells cures to peasants
this all sounds like some mental gymnastics to me.
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New Member
Apr 30, 2023
While it makes sense that it has to be the way it is with Naho and Valriza, they're the characters I actually initially liked the most.

I really wish there was another option to get them to follow you without having to break them. I think it could make sense for Naho to follow you as the new pack leader if you beat her multiple times and didn't treat her like a cum dump afterwards as punishment for defying you.

I also think Valriza could at least come to terms with continuing working with the dragon for mutual benefit or for her amusement or at the very least out of her own self preservation.

Just my own personal hopes for different options for some of the characters, I know more options are being added for them as the games been updated so im hopeful.


Mar 18, 2020
I feel like consistent years worth of monthly updates should get the devs some credit, its not like they have just disappeared. And it isn't like its been years since the last update, just a few months. If the game was abandoned because it hadn't been updated for a few months, that'd be a standard that'd make most games on here abandoned.


Aug 1, 2019
Anyone can tell me what the updates are for now? I played the game till you got your throne back. They continuing the story or just add stuff to flesh things out?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2019
Anyone can tell me what the updates are for now? I played the game till you got your throne back. They continuing the story or just add stuff to flesh things out?
AIUI the next update will be continuing the main story. They couldn't really have ended the story here, with disaster threatening.
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Jul 15, 2022
Haven't played the game since end of chapter 1 was released. Kinda left when they switched it over to Steam purchases only and wanted it off F95.
Did they change this decision or are we still pulling it out from under their rug?

Just curious.


An exception has occured.
Jun 16, 2023
Interregnum: October

This is my last interregnum post, for the best possible reason: our major update will launch next month.

All of our court events are done. We are finishing up the last of the plot-essential new scenes, and beginning work on filling out the rest of them. Our latest playtest build, our nineteenth, brings us above 1,250,000 words. I am finaling about two thousand words every single day, so I expect that number to creep up significantly in the remaining time available. We have remastered our intro, improved our UI, mopped up dozens of bugs, and totally overhauled our graphics system. Our changelog is pages and pages and pages.

Version 5.2.0 will be a very big update, but it will not include the whole of Chapter Two. It will be our foundation, aiming to have something of everything for everyone, and we will build upon it exactly as we did with Chapter One. We have had to omit a few things: the war chamber, the reconquest mechanic, and the Chapter’s conclusion. These will follow, as soon as they are ready - as will a whole bunch of crossover and flavour events that are not vital to pushing our story over the next page, and towards its well-deserved conclusion.

Our target release date is 22nd November. If we hit critical problems immediately before release, that date may be delayed by up to a week. But you have waited long enough, and patiently enough, that I want to draw a line in the sand and give you what you deserve. And after that’s done, we’re gonna hibernate for a month. Our regular update cycle will return, with the advent of 2025.

But the work is not yet complete. I’ll be (even) more distant than usual while I get all these last pieces in, and I’ll stay that way until it’s done. It’s gonna be hype, and horrible, and hot as hell. Let’s go.



Mar 18, 2020
I feel like consistent years worth of monthly updates should get the devs some credit, its not like they have just disappeared. And it isn't like its been years since the last update, just a few months. If the game was abandoned because it hadn't been updated for a few months, that'd be a standard that'd make most games on here abandoned.
Seems I was correct about my evaluation with the latest announcement!
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