- Jun 15, 2017
- 2,034
- 2,037
I know valzira hates you, well not just you but all dragons really, but take this into account. She let you go the first time you meet her when absolute hate, and I'm talking let the world be destroyed if it means you die too levels of hate.The answers are quite simple. (they are probably not, which is evident once you see the size of them)
Naho is a hypocrite. I don't recall the exact choices you have to make, but you can learn that her shtick about "might make right" is complete bollocks. She does not believe in it, she just wants the alpha status, which she got, IIRC, by strategically sleeping with the right males then pitting them against one another. And she also got some form of help from Valzira, for reasons I do not remember.
Meaning she is not only a hypocrite, but a cheater through and through. As for why she takes so much effort... Well, she is simply that selfish. She will accept being beneath someone only through sheer force brought upon her betailed ass.
As for Valzira... Oh boy! Thats a simple, yet complicated knot to untangle. First, she does not truly care about power, else she would have stayed with the rest of elvish ruling council, part of which she was, and not chose to live in the swamp. Also, she already is one of the most powerful beings in the world who's impossible to take down one on one. What kind of bonus anyone could present to, probably, the most powerful witch in the world?
Second... She HATES you. I am talking this kind of hate:
Or maybe even this one:
There is no reconciliation. No negotiation. No reasoning. She wants pain of death upon you. And she helped deliver it many times already. You can't bribe her, talk her out - anything, really.
And why?
We don't know. Most likely, there was... SOMETHING in the past that gave her this unspeakable level of pure loathing that she even resists torture on spite alone. Yet, no sign of what exactly.
Such an enigma that one is.
Which also begs the question of that was the case, why bother working with the last dragon like she did? He'll why even help the princess give you life now it's been a while but I do remember there being hinting showing that between the princess and valzira she played a part in avengers creation.
As for Naho, yes it's true she did a lot of manipulative shit which again makes me question why not use the dragon to her advantage. Who would dare challenge her if she positioned herself next to revenger as the head of the clan. Especially since the one male wolf is more than willing to do this and has no problem leading the pack in ravengers stead.