If I'm being completely honest. The only reason I even went for and knew about Malice. Is because I saw a comment somewhere. Talking about how adorable, cute, or sweet she was. Something along those lines. So I unfortunately thought that hey. That type of talk usually stems from something wholesome. We must get some tender moments with out little one!.... welp, we know how that went. I mean I get it. We a dragon, all razing, pillaging, raping, etc. We have quick moments with her here and there.
But really? We couldn't properly cuddle our world ending, mythical danger noodle? We did have the rather tender (completely unexpected) moments with Heloise. So that was nice at least and appreciated. But no proper family time??? I get the type of game it is but come on! I'm sure very few would've minded. Hell, I bet a lot would've liked it.